New Map

This is a new idea for a new map type “Solar Collector”






The map will take place in open space, with nebula gas, There will be no asteroids or objects

to hide behind, however there will be ways to hide.


The Map Will Have 3 Types of Gas (Nebula gas)

Each type of gas will give an effect.


Methane (Light Blue) - Shield regeneration increased by 25%, 

Chlorine (Blue) - Movement speed is increased by 15% for 3 seconds when exiting the cloud.

Argon (Violet) - Cannot be seen from out side of the cloud, but can can only see ships with out 1750 m out side of you.



Harvest energy from the stars, first to 1000 wins.


Large Star - 4 energy / s Per player. Deals 279 Shield damage a second.

Medium star - 2 Energy / s Per Player. Deals 236 Shield damage a second.

Small Star - 1 energy / s Per player. Deals 219 Shield damage a second.



Это новая идея для новой карты типа “солнечный коллектор”






Карта будет проходить в открытом космосе, с туманности газ, Там не будет астероидов или объектов

прикрыться, однако не будет способов скрыть.


Карта будет иметь 3 типов газа (туманность газа)

Каждый тип газа даст эффект.


Метан (Light Blue) - Щит регенерацию увеличился на 25%,

Хлор (Blue) - Скорость передвижения увеличена на 15% в течение 3 секунд при выходе из облаков.

Аргон (Violet) - не видно от стороны облака, но может видеть только суда из 1750 м в стороне от вас.



Урожай энергию от звезды, сначала до 1000 побед.


Большая звезда - 4 энергией / с на игрока. Недорогие 279 Щит повреждений в секунду.

Средняя звезда - 2 Energy / с на игрока. Недорогие 236 Щит повреждений в секунду.

Малая звезда - 1 энергия / с на игрока. Недорогие 219 Щит повреждений в секунду.

That’s a great idea !

Loving the map idea. The only thing is, couldnt you just fire masses of torpedoes into the cloud and get vision of anyone within that range of the missile? Favors torp frigates while hindering everyone else.

These abilities will eventually be removed, or reworked, there is a lot of negative feedback coming from them on both english and russian forums


so players depending on these, may be upset soon.


The problem is, you can only see 2-3k out side of the cloud, so sniping from in it is badly diminish

in essence they play the role of ambush tactics

What I mean is, doesnt the torpedo itself have a line of sight? Once it goes into the cloud couldn’t it see people?


Also, are you a staff member? I’ve been looking and the only one who seems obviously a staff member is Error.

He’s not a staff member, he’s a recruitbot for EVO :slight_smile:

Figured. Well, assuming you’re using recruitbot as a metaphor.

Unless they restrict this map from frigates, I cant see how how this wouldnt be sniper/torp heaven. My suggestion- Put a ship graveyard right inj the middle. Boom, cover.

na, lots of hiding spots because of gas, will actually be bad for snipers.

hmm maybe all the gas clouds reduce sensor range?


Id like to see that whole star trek 2 wrath of Khan final fight

Why are you trying to make complicated stuff out of what we already have; “Domination”?


Also, I’m sure they’ll add more stellar bodies to the game. We’re in the space anyway. 



And no, I don’t think Frigate abilities will change drastically. If you are flying in a straight line, your problem. If you are engaging an enemy, hear a torpedoe incoming but decide to stay, that’s your problem. If you see a red laser beam moving around you, that’s your problem.


Seriously, it is very easy to avoid Frigate abilities, and with a fast ship (fighter/interceptor) destroy them. Even if you fail, you’ll be doing your team a favor; keeping a frigate busy. People nowadays seem to forget that, there is a third option; “retreat”, to fight another day…


Not to mention that, I haven’t seen many people complaining about frigate sniping abilities. Instead, they think frigates are very weak. Both are wrong. In fact, you are the biggest hater of those abilities, you have created multiple topics about them. In my opinion, frigates are right where they should be.

Bad for snipers… This is his way of getting them nerfed because he got shot down bad in his post about snipers… HAHA. He’s still using the same range too.

  The map How’ever isn’t a total FLOP like his idea for snipers. 

Uhmari, You may be getting back on the right track. Instead of nerfing a class. Have more diverse maps… although. They already have that. I believe their newest one LAVA something is cluttered so horribly, if you’re getting shot by a sniper… You’re doing it wrong.

Why are you trying to make complicated stuff out of what we already have; “Domination”?


Also, I’m sure they’ll add more stellar bodies to the game. We’re in the space anyway. 



And no, I don’t think Frigate abilities will change drastically. If you are flying in a straight line, your problem. If you are engaging an enemy, hear a torpedoe incoming but decide to stay, that’s your problem. If you see a red laser beam moving around you, that’s your problem.


Seriously, it is very easy to avoid Frigate abilities, and with a fast ship (fighter/interceptor) destroy them. Even if you fail, you’ll be doing your team a favor; keeping a frigate busy. People nowadays seem to forget that, there is a third option; “retreat”, to fight another day…


Not to mention that, I haven’t seen many people complaining about frigate sniping abilities. Instead, they think frigates are very weak. Both are wrong. In fact, you are the biggest hater of those abilities, you have created multiple topics about them. In my opinion, frigates are right where they should be.

Stay on topic

theonedude, if only you knew…


  guess in time you will find out.