New LRF: Heavy Gunship

New LRF: Heavy Gunship:

Jericho: Instead of Guided Torpedo, it fires a slow volley of 5 homing missiles that fly around objects and leave a small radi-cloud. I say slow so that IR flares will only be effective for the first few missiles unless used at very long range. Max range, maneuvering speed, and damage dependend on tier.

Empire: Hip-fire Ion-cannon that deals huge damage to a target in line-of-sight. Like sniper but without scope. Essentially a Disint that can be used while fighting. Slightly slower cooldown. Max range and damage depend on tier.

Dimensional Thruster: Works just like Reverse Thruster but in the direction you are pointing with your crosshairs. 40s cooldown at Mk4.

IR Pulsar: works the same.

EM Scattering Field: instead of cloaking you completely, it just increases resistances to all dmg and makes you un-lockable. Time, recharge and resistances vary by Mk#. And you can still move. But using afterburners cancels effect.

Weapon Overcharge: all damage-dealing weapons/modules fired from ship do additional damage for a short time.

Tachyon Charge: makes all damage-dealing projectiles fired from ship move faster for a short time.

Has 6 turret mounts and increased energy well/regen. Also has increased radar range for using main modules.

Russian game, so why not use russian to convey ideas?

That would be what the Russian forum is for, not the English one…

That would be what the Russian forum is for, not the English one…

I’ll post translation… And this was more of an experiment but ok.

you call this “Russian”?




The official language of this forum is English. The use of foreign languages, transliteration, and the deliberate distortion of the English language is not welcome.




The official language of this forum is English. The use of foreign languages, transliteration, and the deliberate distortion of the English language is not welcome.





Yo soy elegante. You already know. Yo soy en el fast lane. De L.A. to Tokyo.

I knew Spanish class would come in handy.


Lol. Oh well. Let’s call this little experiment “failed”. Fixing post…

Yo soy elegante. You already know. Yo soy en el fast lane. De L.A. to Tokyo.

I knew Spanish class would come in handy.



Volve cuando sepas escribir una frase completa coherente en español. 

Volve cuando sepas escribir una frase completa coherente en español.

Mya spanishia isn’to thata good so whateverista taco banana fajita mojito potato.


> Heavy Gunship


Good times during last year’s christmas event on a Sigurdr. That was freaking hilarious.


Even now, with the proper support, those ships are just murderface.


Besides, you’re not the first one to come up with Gunship-esque modules for LRFs…

Volve cuando sepas escribir una frase completa coherente en español.

What does volve mean? I picked up about 3 fourths of that sentence. "when think write a completely coherent sentence in Spanish.

What does volve mean? I picked up about 3 fourths of that sentence. "when think write a completely coherent sentence in Spanish.

That is how they say “Vuelve” in Argentina. Vuelve => Volvé


Yo soy elegante. You already know. Yo soy en el fast lane. De L.A. to Tokyo.

I knew Spanish class would come in handy.


I don’t know what they taught you, but it wasn’t spanish.

That is how they say “Vuelve” in Argentina. Vuelve => Volvé

I don’t know what they taught you, but it wasn’t spanish.

It’s Spanglish. I was taught that elegante could be smart or fancy. “I’m so fancy. You already know. I’m in the fast lane. From LA to Tokyo.” - Iguana Azalea

It’s Spanglish. I was taught that elegante could be smart or fancy. “I’m so fancy. You already know. I’m in the fast lane. From LA to Tokyo.” - Iguana Azalea


No, at least in argentina “Elegante” doesnt mean that someone is smart or fancy. It means that someone is well dressed usually in a formal way.

In reference to the actual post. Due to odvious balance issue with (now this next word is important) literally everything you suggested, none of this is useable in game.


I can not actually tell if you are joking, or if you really think these things should be put into the game.

Wow, guys. Post nbr 3 is already way off-topic. That’s a new record.

In reference to the actual post. Due to odvious balance issue with (now this next word is important) literally everything you suggested, none of this is useable in game.

I can not actually tell if you are joking, or if you really think these things should be put into the game.

Well it puts the previously (OP in good hands/utterly useless used by newb) ship in the heat of combat, while giving it useful modules that aren’t *too* OP and could be used semi-effectively by everyone. The only really OP thing I can think of is the Dimensional Thruster. But then again, the only thing that changed with it is the direction. It is already in the game and accessible to anyone. And it’s never going away.