New Jericho Ship - New Frigate

There is a lot of problems in the game right now, So i suggest a massive Change (that will fit in the new coming change to ships).



The idea is as follows



  • Reduce the size of the current frigate to 500MT and increase speed to 200-250ms

  • Create a new class of ship, around  8-10,000 mt


Here is an idea i made for the jericho





You can see, its much larger then tier 3 or tier 4 frigate (near double size).


The idea is as follows


Heavy weapons now are purely vs other frigates

Long range weapons are now like other weapons, just longer range (Max 4k optimal).



New heavy weapons will ALL BE PROJECTILE BASED.

Projectiles will be LARGE and SLOW and ONLY for other frigate (new frigate).

These ships will provide powerful buffs, and support to the ships.


New frigate will have


(jericho) 45,000 shield 15,000 Armor - Max speed of 95 Ms



I’m not sure I see the need for this…


What you are proposing is not a new type of frigate but a capital ship type. As such I don’t think see the need for normal frigs to be removed. As for making all heavy weapons projectile based I don’t see a plausible reason (please elaborate on why you think this needs to be done). Slow projectiles in space with sufficient power to punch through a hull wouldn’t be effective and require a vast amount of explosives/waste of resources. It would be much better to use smaller, incredibly fast munitions with high penetration powers similarily to how the rail gun works. What I do think might work is a slow moving torpedo with a high yield (not guided) which can be shot down by interceptors and fighters, increasing their need to defend their ships.

Essentially Yes, Hammas you are correct.


The Frigate is the smallest of capital classes, as such it should be recognized as something powerful.


At current the frigate really has an identity crysis though this has been improved recently, it still out of place.


on one hand we have a ship providing buffs and healing support, but is doing vast amounts of damage.

on another hand we have snipers with some of the strongest tanks in the game. 


these sorts of problems are causing things like interceptors not to work correctly (in terms of objective/,survivability and the role they play on the battlefield).


As it stands now, interceptors are becoming water’d down in their concept. So what we see is that there is lots of confusion about who is who

and what does what. Al be-it the ships in general are fairly balanced, i am not purposing a major change to the ships themselves, with the exception

of the mobility of the current friend, and a renaming.


The frigate however, it will play a more major effect in the battlefield. I would like to see them play a major capital to capital battle spot. I would also like them to provide powerful benefits like Missile restocking, or Repair-fighters.


the major benefit of this design and lay out is as follows.


We remove the identity crysis of the frigate by turning it in a slow more heavy fighter, The ship will have a large stock of torpedo/cruise slots (10/10-20/20) but will have lower amounts of turrets (5) It will be more mobile (slightly slower then the fighter) and will provide a role in heavy assaults on the frigate class ship (The new frigate).


The interceptors will come out of the wood works because of not having the fear of being sniped or beaten in 2-3 hits anymore.

As a result the Electronic war-fare would play a more active role on the battle field.


Sniping however would be changed with this setup, to being more of just a longer range weapon, rather then a snipe-gun (like in counter strike)

in the end i think this is the solution to this came concept, it keeps the game play in dog fighting and out of camping. Limit All weapons fire to MAX of 6.5k with modules etc.


from here, things should be well played.


on this note, 

Heavy weapons will be projectile based, so we can slow down their rate of fire, and so that they cannot hit the slower ships.

Laser based weapons can provide the possibility of major abuse. There is a solution however, make the weapons shoot

only at players who its locked on and can only lock capitals (but this requires lots of changing).

I originally had a long answer to this but then my browser decided it was time to crash so here’s the short version:


  1. I agree that current frigate pilots seem often confused by what they should be doing.


  1. Tho I believe that current frigates properly fulfill their roles (which in my opinion is heavy fire and buff support for fighters and interceptors) I believe that especially on the subject of empire frigates (who sadly often choose to isolate themselves on a very high vantage point) interceptors (except for the empire ones) have no chance to approach them without being shot down or taking on a single frigate in squads of 2-4 (which would remove too many people from the battle just for one enemy).


  1. You might want to check out point 5. #1 on my compilation thread (might link you to yet another thread) as our ideas on the subject of capital ships seem to be similar albeit not entirely the same.
  1. Frigates really dont fill their role.

They were design to be “escorted” they arnt.

Then they were designed for sniping (its broken)

Then they were designed for support (it was nerfed. further, its effort less support roles, and should require more of an active role).

Frigates further have in the past (although improving now) have problems getting up close and personal.


3 Capital ships are a hard things to deal with because anything to “massive” is potentially a problem for the game. so this is an area that really

should only include Frigate (currently in game) and later dread or cruiser (thats it!)

i always thinkin we might need capital ship for guild leader in Guild Battle

  1. Frigates really dont fill their role.

They were design to be “escorted” they arnt.

Then they were designed for sniping (its broken)

Then they were designed for support (it was nerfed. further, its effort less support roles, and should require more of an active role).

Frigates further have in the past (although improving now) have problems getting up close and personal.


3 Capital ships are a hard things to deal with because anything to “massive” is potentially a problem for the game. so this is an area that really

should only include Frigate (currently in game) and later dread or cruiser (thats it!)


  1. If I play a frigate I make sure to stay near other people. As opposed to being escorted I think their role is to escort squadrons.

Sniping is only broken in it’s damage output being to low in comparison to the effort of aiming during mid-range sniping as well as having too much range.

The role of frigates is and always will be support as opposed to being in the middle of a fight. this holds true for real life and most games as well.


  1. Under Capital ships I understand dreadnought class and below.


i always thinkin we might need capital ship for guild leader in Guild Battle

The implementation of Clan dreadnoughts has already been confirmed in developers blog. Check the development forum for further info.

Sniping use to one shot.


This is a concept you can bet you will never see in this game, we have been there and tried that.

Sniping in this game will eventually turn into nothing more then longer range weapons.

I don’t propose one-shot sniping, I propose a) a range decrease to say 6000 max

                                                                      b) easier aiming mechanics


Also please don’t make definite statements about what will happen in the game without developer confirmation as it might confuse newer users.

  1. Frigates really dont fill their role.

They were design to be “escorted” they arnt.

Then they were designed for sniping (its broken)

Then they were designed for support (it was nerfed. further, its effort less support roles, and should require more of an active role).

Frigates further have in the past (although improving now) have problems getting up close and personal.


The biggest problem I see with frigates right now is that each race only really has one role. Empire snipes, Jericho uses torpedoes, and Fed is close-in and personal, with all of them providing limited-range buffs. Give pilots more choice as to what they want to do!