New Gunship Missile: Heat Mines

Missile Type: Timed/Proximity Mine

Ability: Siphons all heat from main weapon and deploys it in a timed proximity mine. Damage of mine (thermal) scales with amount of heat siphoned. Instantly cools down main weapons. Mines deal self damage, but no team damage.

Recharge: 15 seconds

Cartridge Reload:  120 seconds

Mines in cartridge: 3


Damage from 0% heat siphoned: 1000 thermal damage

Damage from 1-50% heat siphoned: 4000 thermal damage

Damage from 51-99% heat siphoned: 7000 thermal damage

Damage from maximum heat siphoned (weapon is overheated): 10000 thermal damage


Trigger radius: 150m

Explosion radius: 500m


Mine will automatically explode after a period of time (timer decreases with amount of heat siphoned).

Timer from 0% heat siphoned: 8 seconds

Timer from 1-50% heat siphoned: 6 seconds

Timer from 51-99% heat siphoned: 4 seconds

Timer from 100% heat siphoned: 2 seconds


I feel like this mine could work extremely well for gunships. Much like particle purge, it is an extremely close-range ability, but one that has the capability to do devastating amounts of damage if used correctly. If your weapon is completely overheated, this mine will do immense amounts of damage to an enemy, but be warned, you have very little time to run if no enemy triggers it. I added the timer to the mine as it would be a bit OP to drop mines that stick around forever and do this amount of damage on top of instantly cooling your weapons.



*fires until mains overheat*

*uses mine*

*continues to fire while mine deals insane damage*

I love it.

Though gunships already have a class special: Firestorm.

Though I don’t see why they can’t have two.

I’m not so sure if the possibilities would allow this, but it looks like a neat idea.

Still, currently there are other things which are being focused on.

I’m not so sure if the possibilities would allow this, but it looks like a neat idea.

Still, currently there are other things which are being focused on.


Without a doubt. More of a suggestion for the devs to keep in the backs of their minds for after they fix the pressing issues.


*fires until mains overheat*

*uses mine*

*continues to fire while mine deals insane damage*

I love it.

Though gunships already have a class special: Firestorm.

Though I don’t see why they can’t have two.


Mine would be very tricky to use is the catch. Since it only sticks around for a few seconds and has a fairly low trigger radius. My thoughts behind it were more of a dual-purpose mine. Either as a last-resort option in a dogfight (weapons are overheated, an interceptor or another fighter is on your tail, and you are almost dead), or as a source of additional DPS when diving into/out of a frigball. But since the mine does self-fire, in that last-resort dogfight, you better have combat reboot ready, or be ready to die with the enemy you are dogfighting.


I originally thought of making this an active module, where upon activation, it would do the same thing, but it felt more appropriate to use this as a missile slot instead, since mines are in the missile slot on recons and frigs.