New Guard Module: Shield Scatter

Active Module: Shield Scatter

Role: Guard (EDIT: possible destroyer module *wink wink*)

Ability: Drain the hosts shields, but projects a damaging cloud around the host ship dealing damage corresponding the the phase shield upon activation (cannot change damage mid-use, toggleable, Ion diffuser disables the effect, cloud follows host ship, does not damage allies or host)

Energy Use: 140/second


Mark 1

Duration: 4 seconds

Recharge: 120 seconds

Radius: 500 meters

Shield drained from host: 10% per second

DPS of cloud: 800


Mark 2

Duration: 5 seconds

Recharge: 110 seconds

Radius: 600 meters

Shield drained: 10% per second

DPS of cloud: 900


Mark 3

Duration: 6 seconds

Recharge: 100 seconds

Radius: 700 meters

Shield drained: 10% per second

DPS of cloud: 1000


Mark 4

Duration: 6.5 seconds

Recharge: 95 seconds

Radius: 750 meters

Shield drained: 10% per second

DPS of cloud: 1050


Mark 5

Duration: 7 seconds

Recharge: 90 seconds

Radius: 800 meters

Shield drained: 10% per second

DPS of cloud: 1100


The optimal use of this module is area denial, ideally, defending a beacon or protecting your team from an enemy rush. 


Before you cry overpowered or underpowered, hear my rationale for the stats:


I picked these damage levels because I felt that they would be balanced for all enemy ships. The cloud does a fair amount of damage in it’s duration, so it will be very threatening to interceptors and weaker fighters, but they would be able to escape easiest, but frigates and slow fighters would take less percentage of their health, but would have a harder time moving away from the effect. I limited the range compared to pulsar because you don’t need line of sight and because you can pick the damage type. I made the energy cost high so that it is hard for a guard to move around with AB while using it, this isn’t designed to be a mobile damage strike, it is designed to be area denial. Since this module combines good damage, decent range, and a decent duration, I added a fairly lengthy recharge, as well as a major drawback. You have to sacrifice a fairly large amount of your shield to use this module. No enemy may want to come near you while this module is active, but be prepared to be rushed after it goes down. The drawback also comes as a blessing. It will make ECM’s think twice before disabling you. If you get disabled, the damage cloud disappears, but your shields stop draining, but if they don’t disable you, the cloud persists but your shield continue to drain.


EDIT: Also note, the shield drain percent per second applies to whatever your shield is at any given moment during the use. If you activate with half shields, it will take 10% of whatever is left, but if you are healed while using it, the 10% is taken from your total volume after/during the healing.


EDIT: Also note, the shield drain percent per second applies to whatever your shield is at any given moment during the use. If you activate with half shields, it will take 10% of whatever is left, but if you are healed while using it, the 10% is taken from your total volume after/during the healing.

That means that the drain % is based on current amount of shields and not maximum shields, right? (you will always have some shields after using it).

Or you could simply replace the pulsar with this to make people pay more attention to phase shield…although it would be more situational as you may be getting attacked by Empire with EM but want to deal kinetic to his hull XD

Yes Papi. This way healing while using the module isn’t the best idea, but it can still be done (you’ll gain overall, but you would heal at a slower rate overall).


But yes, you will always have shields left after using the module. Leaving a guard with no shields is a bit of a suicide run, so I made sure you would always have shields left (assuming you take no damage during use).

Or you could simply replace the pulsar with this to make people pay more attention to phase shield…although it would be more situational as you may be getting attacked by Empire with EM but want to deal kinetic to his hull XD


The point is for this to be situational. If your beacon is being rushed by half-health ceptors, or your team is being rush by full-health gunships, you’ll use different settings. The damage type won’t always work for everything, but it makes it so the enemy can’t know what damage type you will output. I don’t think we should replace pulsar with this though. Pulsar has it’s own uses (longer range, more damage, faster cooldown), whereas this has a much different use, one more for area denial than all-around use like pulsar.