New game mode

think about 2 large battle crusers 1 per team that the teams have to destroy and defend and the crusers have a defensive system to like turrets


sry if i had bad english



So something like Titan mode in Battlefield 2142?

That could be cool, especially if it was done right in this game.

I could imagine two huge battleships per team that had to be defended and slowly moved through the map but would they be computer controlled or user controlled?

So something like Titan mode in Battlefield 2142?

That could be cool, especially if it was done right in this game.

I could imagine two huge battleships per team that had to be defended and slowly moved through the map but would they be computer controlled or user controlled?

good idea for a mode, beacons would be like the silos in bf2142 and once the shield is down, ships could go in and try to destroy the core.

This has alreday been discussed:

Point 1 in Dislike

Error answers let us hope… finger crossed :wink:

As you can see in the news section there will be big clan ships, but at the moment there are other things which have a higher priority.

As you can see in the news section there will be big clan ships, but at the moment there are other things which have a higher priority.


This is a great new!!! And this means game is gonna be epic lol

But i can’t find the link to the new…