New Game Mode: Assault

Hey! So, I’ve had this idea, I hope that nobody posted it here yet. I was just thinking about a game mode like in Star Wars Battlefront 2.


Basically, Every team has one big Cruiser/Space station (Whatever it is, just something big that cannot move) Which has about 6 crucial systems (Life support, engines, communications array, etc.) and the objective of this mode is that one team must destroy all of these systems in order to achieve victory. I just thought it would be great to have something like that in Star Conflict 

They’re called Dreadnoughts and are still unavailable.

When I hear the word ‘Assault,’ I think of one attacking team and one defending team. You could have one team with a set of beacons, or destructible subsystems, and the other team has to destroy/capture all of them, or lose the game.

Hey! So, I’ve had this idea, I hope that nobody posted it here yet. I was just thinking about a game mode like in Star Wars Battlefront 2.


Basically, Every team has one big Cruiser/Space station (Whatever it is, just something big that cannot move) Which has about 6 crucial systems (Life support, engines, communications array, etc.) and the objective of this mode is that one team must destroy all of these systems in order to achieve victory. I just thought it would be great to have something like that in Star Conflict 

You basically just said what I was thinking. Creepy.


But yeah, if dreadnaughts are introduced then this would be a fantastic gamemode.

This type of mode has actually been thought of and ran over and over and over again. Nothing except corp dreadnoughts are planned AFAIK.

nice idea.


maybe taking out certain systems reduces effectiveness in some areas.


or those systems could provide small buffs to the target and to their team until destroyed. system-wide environmental effects basically.