New Customization option: Crew slots

The most important thing affecting a ships performance is a good crew which is convenient because it could give ships in star conflict greater customization options.


Like passive module slots you could have crew slots and buy randomly named crew who give a variety of ship bonuses. 


These crew would also have a synergy level, so the more you use them, the more bonuses they give your ship.

The most important thing affecting a ships performance is a good crew which is convenient because it could give ships in star conflict greater customization options.


Like passive module slots you could have crew slots and buy randomly named crew who give a variety of ship bonuses. 


These crew would also have a synergy level, so the more you use them, the more bonuses they give your ship.

feels awfully suspiciously like Star Trek Online


anyway, no thanks. Where would you fit a crew onto an interceptor. In comparison on a frigate 10-30 people could be hired making this whole thing unbalanced/illogical and it isn’t really needed. Remember this is a fighter pilot game not purely a space simulation

Can’t we just say that is what synergy level is doing the crew/pilot are getting better with the ship?

Meh, most of these ships have one to two seats on them. Frigates might have more but I’m unsure of that. Don’t think ‘crew leveling’ would work for this game. Maybe on World of tanks, Navy field, Star trek online, but not this one.