New Ammunitions Suggestion



The idea of ​​this topic is to provide new ammunition for the weapons to expand the current gameplay. Propose interesting but not overpowering variants.


Why a suggestion on ammunition?

Just because it may have less impact on the balance of proposing new weapons or new modules. And it is easier to implenter new ammunition as new weapons.


What is missing in our arsenal at present, it is the presence of weapons or ammunition based on Chemical / Bacteriological products and other phenomena not used in game).


I. Ammunition with Damage over time.


This is the main idea of this post. Each game mode in the form of “Malus / Bonus” or “Bonus”.

We could therefore create a type of ammunition, balanced, respecting this system:


Reduction of “basic damage” on a direct / Damage hit on the duration added.


-X% base dammages / + X%(+ (10%)) in dammages in Xseconds.


The (10%) is to counterbalance the natural regeneration shields and that resistance would apply to each “Tick” of the DoT. (This is just an example)

The dot of the same player does not stack!

But shoot a target already under the action of a dot Will the refresh timer.


Ways to counter these things are simple and already present in the game:

  • The health via engineers.
  • The Resistance.
  • The survival Modules




In order to ensure a constant pressure on single targets or groups.

“Having a more linear DPS” that the current burst.

Increase the number of potential target. Greater flexibility on the “HIT and RUN” and also be countered.


In Game :


It’s pretty simple, 3 types of weapons = 3 types of ammunition:


“The Corrosive Shell” (Railgun): The explosive charge of the shell is partly replaced by a mixture of ionized and corrosive agents can remain attached to the Shield or the hull of a ship. Replacing a portion of the load causes the loss of efficiency of the shell directly into Hit in favor of damage over time.


“The nanites Injector” (Plasma): Injects when shooting a “heart of nanites” in the shot. Upon impact, the nanites are dispersed on the surface of the target, and consumes the remaining plasma to send electromagnetic waves against their victim.

The nanites absorb some of the energy when fired, causing a slight decrease in efficiency impact, but releases the accumulated power on the target.


“The Overheat Lens”: Coupling of different models of lenses to increase the heat of the laser. Increasing the temperature of the laser is to the detriment of energy power. The beam loses power but is able to melt the shields and create terrible fires. 



These are only suggestions, but it surprised me that no faction is thought to use chemical weapons until now and there is no one or two small top secret laboratories working on this kind of thing.

+1. I’m going to sleep well with dreams of melting hulls with my stabilized rail guns now.

some suggestions




Energy Ammo

  • Ammunition that uses Energy to increase damage per shot

  • % increase is more than the damage type ammo

  • No bonus if fired when not having enough Energy

  • no suggestions on energy consumption rate


ship class: ALL

weapons: All Plasma + All Laser


intended purpose: make use of surplus energy as a combat factor



Auto-Charge Ammo

  • Charges rail guns up to 3 charges when left idle

  • works like the old Rapid Fire Rail mechanic

  • Idle charge does not increase weapon overheating


ship class: Fighter + Interceptor

weapons: ALL Rail weapons except Coil Mortar


intended purpose: increase or add alpha strike capability to weapons at the expense of other modifiers



Flak Ammo

  • Upon detonation Coil Mortar projectile burst into Anti-Air type shrapnel

  • Ammo grade increases explosion radius

  • damage is reduced in correlation to increase in explosion radius

  • eg. Radius increased by 3 times = Damage is reduced by 3 times


ship class: Frigate

weapon: Coil Mortar


intended purpose: expand anti-interceptor function to frigates now Guards and Engineers do not have mines



Energy Drain Ammo

  • Reduce energy pool when hit at the expense of lower damage per shot

  • Projectile size increased


ship class: Fighter

weapon: Singularity


intended purpose: add possibility of Singularity as a support weapon; counters Energy Ammo

The energy ammo Kine suggested would work much better with a switchable modifier system.


You know: the one we used to have that was awesome and perfect and didn’t need altering?

Energy Ammo

  • Ammunition that uses Energy to increase damage per shot

  • % increase is more than the damage type ammo

  • No bonus if fired when not having enough Energy

  • no suggestions on energy consumption rate


ship class: ALL

weapons: All Plasma + All Laser


intended purpose: make use of surplus energy as a combat factor

Pretty much the only time I worry about energy is energy asborbers and afterburners in my command.  It’d be nice to see a change like this, but considering energy isn’t a major issue, all the plasma weapons should get a slight nerf.


Auto-Charge Ammo

  • Charges rail guns up to 3 charges when left idle

  • works like the old Rapid Fire Rail mechanic

  • Idle charge does not increase weapon overheating


ship class: Fighter + Interceptor

weapons: ALL Rail weapons except Coil Mortar


intended purpose: increase or add alpha strike capability to weapons at the expense of other modifiers

I like it, I want it.  I hate having to charge gauss and then go into the “click, click, charge, double click” routine.  If I find a good opening shot, I want it primed before I fire but I don’t want to wait three seconds to do serious damage and wake them up.

I rather see ammo that slows projectile and drains energy than draining energy for more damage.