Neutron Torpedo (Destroyer Module)



Was wondering if there could be a possibility to introduce a new module for destroyers : Neutron Bomb (torpedo launcher). Basically, a gun with slow traverse, that launches a quite an unguided torpedo with a neutron warhead, strong enough to kill any ship in a certain radius with ease… but not noobish. Some ideas on the module:


  • Shot like the Mine Launcher, it thrusts itself at the direction it was launched at 1000m/s, unguided. 3 rounds, 1 torpedo is loaded each 30 seconds.

  • The torpedo detonates after soaring 15km, hitting something farther than 2.5km, or detonated manually by the player after soaring 5km. (avoids kamikaze moves)

  • Explosion radius could be 1.5km (base) to 2km(Mk4), with at least 15k damage (base) to 20k (Mk4). Damage type is THERMAL.

  • Explosion should be a white sphere (emits dense light) then turns yellowy-orage. Animations should cause fear, impact, an “OH S**T” reaction on players. Stunning blast!! ya know ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

  • Torpedo shall be seen when dropped or soaring: 2m longer than Covert Ops Nuke. 

  • Weapon should take a minute to reload (Mk4) … (avoids spamming the crap out of it)

  • If torpedo is destroyed midflight, or hits something before detonation range (2.5km) it leaves a 1km diameter cloud for 10 seconds. Damage can be 1000 THERMAL each second.

  • Turret traverse should be slow. 45º/s shall do it. 

  • Turret design: triple barreled, low profile, long and thick barrels. Let it sound nasty, scary and “dayum!” when it fires ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) (… there is no sound in space but … ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)  )

  • Torpedo can be shot down by Interceptor class ships (go catch!) or missile shield. 

  • Torpedo be fragile: 1500 HP 


P.S. don’t know if its the correct category for the… topic. I already forgot it. 

suggestion, make the torpedoes be a high damage object that can be shot down by anyone (and disabled by brokk and styx drones), and make it that it will do like 10k damage in a 1km area on impact with something

3 hours ago, evo888 said:

suggestion, make the torpedoes be a high damage object that can be shot down by anyone (and disabled by brokk and styx drones), and make it that it will do like 10k damage in a 1km area on impact with something

So basically a more useless covops nuke. Yeah no let’s not do that.


I say destructible, but only by interceptors. (interdictors etc like they are supposed to be) 2,500 health.


And the reload mechanics should be closer to an unloadable mine launcher.

Example: “Gains one torpedo every 30 seconds, and can fire one torpedo every 10 seconds. No manual detonation. On proximity with an enemy, (350m) or impact with an object, creates a 2km radius explosion. Ships caught within 750m of the warhead on detonation are instantly destroyed. If the warhead is destroyed before flying 2.5km, it will simply leave a cloud of radiation.”

I like the idea, but y’all are making a DESTROYER weapon sound more like a party popper.

sorry, i’m just obsessed with balance, i prefer things be weak and then buffed to usefulness rather than op and then nerfed. besides that, yeah i guess, your idea sounds like the ultimate bane of destroyers, now i want it on my invincible XD


plus i’m pretty sure that a neutron torpedo would have an EMP aspect, would it not?

I’d like a weapon which synergizes with LRFrigattes with a high refil time and stockpile.


But I don’t like “kill anything with ease”. Just make it like a warhead which is in the missile slot of recons.

evo: resistances being near 50% most of the time… low damage would mess it up too. Ok, Neutron warheads literally burns everything biological in the radius, (also destroys other warheads because of fission) … tho it can make metals radioactively poisonous. 


TDRF: I think proximity detonation favors more the player’s timing and aiming… and inties can intercept without the shooter detonating the thing (while keeping a distance tho) … I agree, forget manual detonation :V … also agree on the “death” radius, 750m is basically the real death ball on Neutron bombs (rest is burns). Mostly intended to be used as antipersonel, but with small blast radius (deadly tho)


This what I had in mind: I wait 30 seconds for each torp to load, can stack 3, and shot them “liiike” a semi-auto gun or one each X seconds… but since the proyectiles are slow and can be intercepted AND will accumulate load time, I can be disarmed for 30 seconds, or have an “idle module” for 1.5 minutes then BANG… BANG… BANG… and cross fingers. A gun that would be shot for FUN (I love explosions and boom and fancy named stuff xD) but require skill and timing to use in any mode. 



3 minutes ago, Scarecrow_1 said:

evo: resistances being near 50% most of the time… low damage would mess it up too. Ok, Neutron warheads literally burns everything biological in the radius, (also destroys other warheads because of fission) … tho it can make metals radioactively poisonous. 


TDRF: I think proximity detonation favors more the player’s timing and aiming… and inties can intercept without the shooter detonating the thing (while keeping a distance tho) … I agree, forget manual detonation :V … also agree on the “death” radius, 750m is basically the real death ball on Neutron bombs (rest is burns). Mostly intended to be used as antipersonel, but with small blast radius (deadly tho)


This what I had in mind: I wait 30 seconds for each torp to load, can stack 3, and shot them “liiike” a semi-auto gun or one each X seconds… but since the proyectiles are slow and can be intercepted AND will accumulate load time, I can be disarmed for 30 seconds, or have an “idle module” for 1.5 minutes then BANG… BANG… BANG… and cross fingers. A gun that would be shot for FUN (I love explosions and boom and fancy named stuff xD) but require skill and timing to use in any mode. 



Yeah basically this.


And I just now thought of it and it would be an AMAZING addition for dreads, if it had a long range like 15-20km.


And I think it should only be visible on HUD within like 2.5km or something. Visi from any range would make it useless bc everyone would go for them and own them.

8 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Yeah basically this.


And I just now thought of it and it would be an AMAZING addition for dreads, if it had a long range like 15-20km.


And I think it should only be visible on HUD within like 2.5km or something. Visi from any range would make it useless bc everyone would go for them and own them.