Net loss!!!!

Pshaw, only 39? i get 80 on a regular basis.


on a serious note, perhaps changing the servers should be at the top of your priorities devs. there’s no point in changing implants if nobody can adequately play with them. 

Here you can find my logs. My problem is packet losses in EU and RU servers, US servers works perfectly. I play from argentina and my prefered server is US.

[conntesteu.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8182)

[conntestru.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8183)

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8184)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8185)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8186)

how do you get logs so i can contribute?

At least for me they are in Library: Documents: My games: Starconflict: Logs

Word has it that player logs have been submitted and they are working on the issue.  We should be hearing some news within the next week.

Any news?

Any news?


Nop, we keep suffering from this.

Hello guys,


we haven not forgotten about you, but it seems it may take some more time to find the source of this issue.

Thank’s for getting back to us Error.

I’m not sure if I’m late to the party, but for the last 4-5 days, I have not been able to have an enjoyable game. Before, my ping used to be around 40-100, now it’s always 300-500. It may be due to the fact that I always wind up in RU or EU server despite my region being Asia. Now that my license has just expired, I guess I can just sit back and wait for a fix.





Maybe it affect some of the ISPs, my US ping is still 7 ping as before.

7 ping…*drools*

my lowest ping is around 97, and my usual is over 200.

250-300+ for the russia servers.

Hello again,

how is the situation for you regarding packet loss since yesterdays patch?

Hello again,

how is the situation for you regarding packet loss since yesterdays patch?


Not better, same I think, perhaps worse…

Here is how playing is for me sometimes when its happening:

It is so  baaaaaaad , even with a 190 ping, that it is at times IMPOSSIBLE to fly in anything remotely resembling a straight path – I end up doing a cork screw roll / spins and swirls, fish-tailing wildly, do 180º flips/change course for a few moments, smashing into anything nearby, doing at times more harm to myself than enemies, and its even caused me to land the killing blow on myself by crashing into objects while attempting  to evade someone.  (Causing my flying to look like I am a old, partially blind, drunk, ex-pilot, passed out on the stick and throttle…with one foot on the steering pedal.)


\ *Note I do not always have issues flying with 300+ pings, and I do not always see a notification of packet loss around when it happens. (before/during/after)


I just had a few matches, ping went from 150’s to 500’s… few spikes to 1000’s along with packet loss of 30% or less. 



I am in southern Florida, it happens to me on both Comcast and AT&T DSL (home/work, so ISP is not the culprit) , anything except US servers seem to be impossible to play when servers get this way.


I see people talk/complain sometimes about it in the game, I have had friends experience it at the same time as me from different areas of USA and Canada.



The good news being LRF snipers have a difficult time hitting me as I try to fly around the map… hahaha

Yesterday, before the server went down for a restart, packet loss were almost not present. After server went up again, incredible lag in US server (even if the game show a ping of 50), uncontrollable ship and unreliable aiming marker. Feel like I need to predict what I wanna do 3 to 5 sec in advance to be able to do anything effectively. Had to repeatedly press ‘‘F’’ key and hold it 2 sec. to activate the module (or any other module). I might actually record a video of it just to show how bad the gameplay is when it happen and will report here once uploaded to youtube.


Could my log be of any help ?

It is the same. No improvements so far.

My connection is fixed. Don’t get irritated. i’ve flown with this lag for 4 months and still managed to get my SR to 1364. 


This’ll be nice playing against people who have a ridiculously high ping with pl while i have a good ping and no loss. Should boost my SR a lot. 


On a completely non sarcastic note, please don’t revert the changes because my internet is better now. ppl, u can live with 2 weeks of bad internet connection. if you change anything devs, make it an optional revert to the old way so i’m not stuck with packet loss again. 

So far tonight has been great… BUT I’ve been getting US servers with 50 to 130 pings and such.

50 ping is great. I have no idea how he got 7.

Server quality is the same. Every couple of matches i get netloss the entire round. Ping still spike randomly to 1500 and stays that way until the match is over.

Every couple of matches i get netloss the entire round. Ping still spike randomly to 1500 and stays that way until the match is over.

This. Although I think it is probably happening less frequently now, and when I have a high ping it is usually slightly more stable, which makes playing a little less impossible…