Net loss!!!!

i think i run out of patience now… what is it with this net loss?? last month or two there is a frikking net loss like almost every match. up to 15% where i dont even get a missile warning, guns fire with delay. i mean what the hell?? where did that come from now all the sudden?


so i did a bit of research. connection is fine on my side. i seem to have problems when im put on russian servers…or so i tought.  i still have some small up to 5% loss on eu servers…


anyway, since there is no point at all to even go to russian servers, i usualy have search set up for european… like that really matters much because I END UP ON RUSSIAN SERVERS ANYWAY!!! -.-

I don’t get packet loss but i don’t hear missiles coming at me. Esp EM Torps…

i think i run out of patience now… what is it with this net loss?? last month or two there is a frikking net loss like almost every match. up to 15% where i dont even get a missile warning, guns fire with delay. i mean what the hell?? where did that come from now all the sudden?


so i did a bit of research. connection is fine on my side. i seem to have problems when im put on russian servers…or so i tought.  i still have some small up to 5% loss on eu servers…


anyway, since there is no point at all to even go to russian servers, i usualy have search set up for european… like that really matters much because I END UP ON RUSSIAN SERVERS ANYWAY!!! -.-




Many of us FEEL your PAIN !   


I would put it under the list of Conspiracy Theories as to give RU players of this game UNFAIR advantage   


A non RU player starts winning alot of games… MM says okay enough and it makes it calculation adjustments to get you placed on a worst and laggest RU server.  :004j:

I don’t get packet loss but i don’t hear missiles coming at me. Esp EM Torps…

There’s a reason for the EM torp bit. But yeah, the missile and lock on noises don’t happen sometimes if you have lag or packet loss.


I’d love it if the MM took lag and packet loss into consideration when putting people into matches, but alas, I doubt that’s ever going to happen.

as an EU player i always get packet loss on US servers and ping is all over the place. weirdly on SA servers, even though the ping is double the US server ping there is no packet loss



For some reason I have a casual 100 ping with the us servers but With an almost constant (every now’n then) 5% loss (and sometimes even 100%)

I don’t think it’s a problem on my side. seeing as you get the losses as well.

This is happening on a lot of servers as of late. Someone on their side needs to check what’s wrong.

Just confirming, that I have the same issues.  


I am constantly being put on EU and RU servers and I live in the US, regardless of what region I select.  I’m getting packet loss constantly of 4% and up regardless of which server I’m on.  I can’t even play invasion any more because no matter what I do I am always on EU or RU servers and getting ping well over 200 - 800.


Every other online game I play works just fine. 

Packet loss is what made me stop playing, and I couldn’t find a solution. Only thing I can do right now is wait 'till the game get enough population to let me play on EU servers all the time.


It will keep me putting me on RU otherwise.

So Snib stopped because he wanted RT to be nerfed and said: “It’s nerf or nothing!” (reference wink wink) and you stopped playing because of the bad netcode or whatever you call it.

I too have stopped playing because of this problem, it is almost impossible to get games in us servers.

Indeed, i don’t stop playing but it’s also annoying here.

Europe - Ping 20 - Pack Loss 0

Russian - Ping 50 - Pack Loss 5-20%

US - Ping - Ping 150 - Pack Loss 0 - 2%

South Asia - Ping 480 - Pack Loss 0%

Sometimes i cannot hear myself shooting, cannot hear the nukes (that killed me often last time) cannot heat the missile warning often, or if i kill a player there is not signed that i killed someone but i hear “enemy ship destroyed” but those huge problems only on RU Servers…

I think the most annoying one is not being able to hear getting shot. Earlier today, I didn’t even notice that someone was locked on to me, until they had taken down all my shields and half my hull.

selection region of servers doesnt seem to have much effect, since eventually you end up on russian servers… dev, GMs discuss pls… or explain or ffs say SOMETHING

selection region of servers doesnt seem to have much effect, since eventually you end up on russian servers… dev, GMs discuss pls… or explain or ffs say SOMETHING

It has already been explained a couple of times, that server selection works as prefered region.

As for the packet loss, we are looking into this issue.

I think I’m going to set my preferred region to US instead of Any. Then I’m going to record the amount of times I actually get to Play on a US server.

It has already been explained a couple of times, that server selection works as prefered region.

As for the packet loss, we are looking into this issue.



So it works as “preferred” region.  Does this means it will still default to the server with the highest population no matter what I pick?  When I’m on EU/RU servers the game is not playable.  How is this better?

ok…update… i have 15% net loss regulary now for most of the games. there is barely any hope i even get a match that is normal. good thing that i got a licence -.- cant even wipe my arse with it…

Heh, no net losses even on russian servers, even though I have to connect through the UK / Germany VPN. Thats actually funny.

It has already been explained a couple of times, that server selection works as prefered region.

As for the packet loss, we are looking into this issue.

It’s been 2 weeks and nothing has been solved with the lag/spikes/packet loss problems

In a game where we get timed licenses.Now does that seem right?

It’s frustrating isn’t it folks?



No matter how many times we bring this up it just seems to get ignored.  Many of us aren’t playing this game any more because of the “preferred” server designation system.  


I simply cannot play this game half the time because I am STILL being put on servers half way around the world… high ping, packet loss, lag spikes=unplayable.