Net loss!!!!

we have been suffering this problem for about  2 months and the only response we have it is that they are looking into it. First it was only in russian servers but now also in eu servers. i would love to get back to playing star conflict every day but with this packet losses problems it is impossible.

I was looking on the steam forums as well and there is great discontent on the lack of quality and quantity of servers. Something must be done about this major problem. Getting 500 ping and 5% loss on US server (my preferred) is unacceptable.

We need to keep this topic alive in as many posts and categories as possible until the devs listen.  There’s a saying, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”



I’ve started a topic [HERE](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24515-wrong-server-designation/).


I’ve posted on this thread [HERE](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24297-questions-to-the-developers-of-star-conflict-september-2014/).



Please don’t let this topic die off.

i have many of the issues stated on this post. 


i have many of the issues stated on this post. 




Yes, you do.  You have amazing powers of observation.




I also have many of the same issues posted on my thread, and in other threads.  The idea s to keep this in the faces of the devs.  There have been many other posts that have either died, been locked, or deleted by the moderators.  So the more we put this one out there the better. 

Yes, you do.  You have amazing powers of observation.




I also have many of the same issues posted on my thread, and in other threads.  The idea s to keep this in the faces of the devs.  There have been many other posts that have either died, been locked, or deleted by the moderators.  So the more we put this one out there the better. 


Create a signature and convince everyone to use it.

Create a signature and convince everyone to use it.

Great idea! Just like how the A1MA module got super-hardcore nerfed!


I tried being sarcastic without sounding like a jerk and it failed. Sorry.

Great idea! Just like how the A1MA module got super-hardcore nerfed!


I tried being sarcastic without sounding like a jerk and it failed. Sorry.


That’s why it’s still in your signature, right?

And finally this stuff should get the attention it deserves…

A1MA was a module that were annoying in T4 (T5) but only for a couple of players.

Now this is another thing, this issue is for around 75% of the player population and it’s damn annoying to me.

Since the release my Pack Loss on RU Servers is going to 30%, that’s unplayable, even not with the guard.

Preferred - EU : 5x RU, 1x EU

Preferred - US : 4x RU, 2x EU, 1x US

Preferred - AS : 500x Something else, 1x AS

Preferred - RU : 10x RU

Any : Didn’t knew that Russian & Europe are the only options for Any.

While choosing any i get US maybe once all 20 fights.

AS all 1000 fights.

RU almost all the time.

EU (which is best for me) maybe 25% of the battles.

It’s not 100%

Fix it!

Even with 1 million nice features nobody wants to play a game that is almost all the time unplayable. Fix servers / server selection, then develope!

Stop guys. It’s not the dev team that is supposed to take care of servers. Having updates weekly don’t mean that they are not working on servers.

I agree with omega, they should give priority to fixing this problems and after the problems are fixed then they can add more content to the game.

Yes, i suffer damn p. loss up to 20% last two-three days as well, no matter which server ('cept ping ofc,) wtf?!

if game had more players…globaly. it wouldnt be a problem.


if game was capable of keeping new players (player influx huh? lol…), that would be great


its nice to dream :slight_smile:

Is there any chance we can get a connection meter on the preferred region selection?

Also, a dangerous suggestion; can we get the option, with a warning about longer wait times, to restrict matches to our prefered region?

Your company will be at risks of losing so many players due to this issues of packet lost. Seriously you guys should sack your head of network team or NOC or head network engineer(whatever you call them). these guys should be responsible to find the best efforts to preserve the playability of a game through providing best efforts of the network performance. there is no more excuse for this to happen again and again. 


i understood that your team might have a tight budget on the connectivity options, i strongly believe that your company should look at this issues as a top most priority focus now.


your game contents are great but it does not serves much purpose if your game cannot be play!!!


P.S: do you guys host this game server on the worst/cheapest ISP/DC in Russia?

That’s why it’s still in your signature, right?

Absolutely. But I don’t expect action because of it. The only change that A1MA has had was probably due to player complaints before the signature came to the English forums.


The only real thing I can hope for is that if we complain loud enough, that new and better servers will be rolled out. And it’s a long shot, at that. But whatever.

Hey guys.


I was pm’ing back and forth with our favorite admin Error.  He’s asked a request of us in order to better help the SC team evaluate this problem.  Here’s his request:


"Hello again,


I hope to come back to you during the next days with some more news. We might need to collect some logs from players.
Could you please get me a list of players that are affected by ping or packet loss issues and note which issue they have, from which region they are and on which servers they have the issue?

Best regards

sweet. As i always say, video games don’t make us violent, lag does. For me, i get very violent playing star conflict. TY Error and i will try 2 get a log. 

I just had the joy of a SQ game with 300-500ms ping and 16% packet loss on a Russian server. Completely unplayable. I hate to join the moaning but this really is spoiling the game.

Since the patch on russian servers. It’s NOT my internet!

