Nerf Gravy Hole (Round 69)



When four or five gravy holes meet around one bacon, they form a MEGA GRAVY HOLE. Watch out guys, it’s deadly

22 minutes ago, g4borg said:

well, tell about them, from here it seems, your small problems you see are more relevant, than problems others experience, but nobody would understand them, just as you wont understand theirs. enlighten the peasantery.

no risk, no fun.

There is no point discussing it until mentality does not change, current view on Destroyers is “Remove them form PvP!” “They broke the game!” “ROLFOPNOSKILLZ!”

  1. People have to realise and finally accept that they are not going anywhere

  2. Destroyers did not brake the game, they changed the game (or meta, semantics)

  3. Not really, if this and that and if only we had that.


So instead of crying how everything is bonkers and sux (and I do not mean you), there has to be mentality on how to actualy fit those entities into the game, what is missing and what is extra from a whole game perspective and not like AdamWest on reddit - I fly CovOp with RFB, hence Destroyers are super OP and should be gone from the game. Or like Sponje -“My a5s got handed to me by best of the best, hence I am expert in black holes now”, I am pretty sure he was an expert in holes much prior to that.

9 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

There is no point discussing it until mentality does not change, current view on Destroyers is “Remove them form PvP!” “They broke the game!” “ROLFOPNOSKILLZ!”

  1. People have to realise and finally accept that they are not going anywhere

  2. Destroyers did not brake the game, they changed the game (or meta, semantics)

  3. Not really, if this and that and if only we had that.


So instead of crying how everything is bonkers and sux (and I do not mean you), there has to be mentality on how to actualy fit those entities into the game, what is missing and what is extra from a whole game perspective and not like AdamWest on reddit - I fly CovOp with RFB, hence Destroyers are super OP and should be gone from the game. Or like Sponje -“My a5s got handed to me by best of the best, hence I am expert in black holes now”, I am pretty sure he was an expert in holes much prior to that.

Talking about making holes in his wallet to spend on the premiums,DLCs and paintjobs,you sure got nothing against that,it’s just like with the ECMs,everyone hates them until they play as one.

To summarize everything,we all are a bunch of hypocrites,story end.


Come on. Covert ops and ECM are the absolute nightmare of destroyers.

As a destroyer player I can clearly tell you how a good interceptor player is HELL for destroyers. 


A single CO can permanently disable your radar with WNJ. No skill needed. Just press one button, and the destroyer have its radar disabled for 30 seconds every 45 seconds.

Add to this that plasma are can destroy all it’s mods.  And enjoy your useless brick. 


Obviously you can equip a proton wall against WNJ. But then can’t you equip system hack against BH ? 



Destroyers are strong. But they are not flawless. Don’t face them one VS one and then complain that they’re OP because you died. 

They’re tanks. They are meant to be something you can’t kill on a 1vs1 fight. 

12 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

Adapt to the delicious gravy and savour the flavour, or die in the process.  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”) ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”) ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)


Stop this insanity!



Hasil gambar untuk brussel sprouts and steak


19 minutes ago, Waiban said:

Stop this insanity!


  Reveal hidden contents

Hasil gambar untuk brussel sprouts and steak


That meat looks delicious, but… no gravy on the veg!!! You have to be kidding!

18 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

it’s just like with the ECMs,everyone hates them until they play as one.

i don’t think you judge the ecm hate right in this. I think it’s the other way around, if you have not flown the ECM, your hate is invalid.

But the other stuff, pretty much, yes. I accept being a hypocrite. It sounds awesome.

18 hours ago, xKostyan said:

  1. People have to realise and finally accept that they are not going anywhere

I agree. And I think, while some keep repeating that, I think they are a very small percentage. But tell me, why can you not endure their wrong ideas, but wrong ideas going into the opposite direction?

18 hours ago, xKostyan said:

  1. Destroyers did not brake the game, they changed the game (or meta, semantics)

something that changes a game, breaks the old, that is just a fact. If the new meta is stable, is the question…

they also definitely brake the game to a slower pace ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) that typo was just too tasty, sry.

18 hours ago, xKostyan said:

  1. Not really, if this and that and if only we had that.

thats the point I don’t totally agree upon, because thats the point where things change, and where people try to give ideas about what could be made better. If we (only) had…

 - no rank equipping rules in pvp anymore because it makes no sense, and makes squads unreasonably complicated to form

 - a solution for the beacon capture, that allows fast damage spells to exist without breaking objective play

 - faster adjustments of modules with patches

but of course, “if only” thoughts are always temporary, as we all know, once you get what you want, you will want other stuff.

anyway, i am thankful now you mentioned what bugs you about people, but it still isn’t really what bugs you about the game. what are the things you “only want to have” is i think the thing that interests me most. If we are at this point, why not create the discussions you miss, instead of drama about drama, which would only make one a queen of drama queenery, and i think you know we share the dissatisfaction about dramaturgy.

If a thread about one module can be used to express ideas about destros being gone, why not express ideas about destros replacing all ships in the game.

15 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

A single CO can permanently disable your radar with WNJ. No skill needed.

I am speechless about that one. That just sounds the same amount of wrong, as destros needing to go. Like falling off the saddle into the other direction.

COs need lots of expertise to get effective. WNJ…? Really? Remember, most of the spells do not even need a target on a destro. Most COs today arent even capable of basic dogfight defense, because they do not survive long enough to learn it; if a 2-3 year old player can rampage with it, so can he with a gunship or anything else.

I am just glad, CO makes any contribution at all again, as in R15, they were for a long time almost extinct. Also, R14 destros are different, than R8, let’s not assume, every destro is just the same. I see lots of COs suiciding into them nowadays. Funny, tho, this idea was also publicized by Adam, as far as I remember.

It’s true however, one weakness introduced lately to destros is being more vulnerable to any kind of standard spell, for a reason. The reason is, because there is skill needed, and without the rule,  standard spells on a destro would have not enough effect.

2 DDs inside a gravi hole, nice catch!




I caught some cruise chicken tacklers in my gravy today ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


1 hour ago, g4borg said:

i don’t think you judge the ecm hate right in this. I think it’s the other way around, if you have not flown the ECM, your hate is invalid.

I had my fair share of ECMs for a lifetime,getting Ion Diffused as a destroyer by one is definitely not likeable,but when you do that to someone else it is,as it can grant you a few extra *minutes* to either run to the opposite corner of the map,get a hotdog and come back,or shoot their modules down with the little DPS and the harmless DDs you have,something like that.


1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

but when you do that to someone else it is,as it can grant you a few extra *minutes* to either run to the opposite corner of the map,get a hotdog and come back,or shoot their modules down with the little DPS and the harmless DDs you have,something like that.

Hehe, okay, that way I get it. I always feel like Ant-man beating up an Avenger. “Sorry! Sooo sorry! Sorry! I have the biggest respect for you, but sorry! Sorry, really sorry.”

if I fly an ECM, I am humble and dont think, it’s my survival skills. There is still also skill involved to be effective with it, but surviving isn’t very hard with most of em. I think, this was always the message behind ECM bashing.

Also, the infamous ECM has also a lot of variations, that are far from easy to play.

I don’t enjoy fighting that style however - i mean i have to do the job once I am in the ship, but I don’t particularly enjoy it. It just doesn’t feel very honorable. Especially the doomsday ambush, not that it actually works more than once anyway. Same way I think I am pretty often in Tacklers, but almost never do cloak ambushes or use it as a gunship replacement. You would hardly see me in a flux phaser range gunship, or similar. If you see me in a cruise tackler, it usually has no drones. I like killing ships of course, but it’s boring if it’s a one sided fight. I try all that stuff a while, but if the killing is too random or stupid, I kinda stop enjoying it.

The only thing I really really really enjoy is stunning at the perfect time to make someone zip into the nearest asteroid. That is hilarious. I mean c’mon, that is so funny, I even laugh if someone does it to me. For me, an ECM can only call it a dogfight, if he only used the stun once, and that only to crash his opposing interceptor.

Most of my ECM bashing is just teasing, specificly to get some players out of the comfort zone. Same as my LRF bashing. I think I am not alone with this behaviour ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

That’s why I meant, the hate is much more complicated ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Also, i like to fly ships which are less often present or even missing in the team. ECMs are never in that category. So ain’t LRF. Unfortunately.

I remember that once I used the Stasis on a Stingray,drove it into an asteroid and it died,with full hull,or that time when a Jeri LRF launched a torp after me but then I used the Stasis on it too, it had low health so stunning it detonated the missile under the ship and then it died,good times.(those didn’t happen in the same game tho) 

1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

I remember that once I used the Stasis on a Stingray,drove it into an asteroid and it died,with full hull,or that time when a Jeri LRF launched a torp after me but then I used the Stasis on it too, it had low health so stunning it detonated the missile under the ship and then it died,good times.(those didn’t happen in the same game tho) 

Wait until you do that in seccon. Most satisfying feeling ever

Forget the Black Hole and Gravy Sauce.

They are coming!

1.4.0 is almost here!



> Survival Mode
> Enemy team throws Gravy Hole
> Must Evade this (including this food)



Hasil gambar untuk surstromming


12 hours ago, Koromac said:

Forget the Black Hole and Gravy Sauce.

They are coming!

1.4.0 is almost here!



hell yea ^^!