Nerf Gravy Hole (Round 69)

2 minutes ago, g4borg said:

Maybe you should try to engage the enemy

Does it make Destro field do more dmg?

19 minutes ago, Shotan said:

So explain how a plasma web can destroy an interceptor from absolute maximum health, cut through shield and hull boosters, multiphase AND nanocomposite coating? ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

I am not exaggerating. This module is broken and even I’m making the point of posting that on the forums. Gravy Lens has almost nothing on other auto anti-capture modules xD

it wouldn’t taken down shields if I would have not disabled adaptives

How you die from 100% by a single destab with Nanocomposite and Multiphase is beyond me

1 hour ago, g4borg said:

ECMs are not inties in any of these contexts of course.

But they are inties so therefore the argument is still valid

1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Do that when you are going at 700.

You obviously have either too little rotation and strafe, too little hull, or too little cap on your inties.

12 minutes ago, Shotan said:

I am not exaggerating. This module is broken and even I’m making the point of posting that on the forums.

I do think you are exaggerating a tiny bit. It is hard to know, since until now, I only escaped once from a destab field. 

1 minute ago, xKostyan said:

Does it make Destro field do more dmg?

definitely more than being hiding behind LRFs in spawn, you naughty boy.

nah srsly, while I hardly believe it can cut through everything sho just said at once, or you must be really unlucky, it does kill many ceptors even from a full state, yep, especially if they are not noticing the damage coming. No Web can do that. Also, it basicly instapops you if you warp. Which I do find quite funny.

As I never have used it from the other side, I just say, you telling me this aint more than a plasma web is you exaggerating.


3 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

it wouldn’t taken down shields if I would have not disabled adaptives

You GTFO and bubbled pretty early there, so what does this showcase exactly? You are in an ECM, not in an interceptor, anyway. Hehehe.

One thing that would be cool to counter this would be to run into something like knocking a spy drone off your ship. Once you hit it then it deactivates instead of having to wait the entire affect away due to going less than the speed it needs to be activated. In ECM its easy enough to counter if you use the spec mod but a recon even strafing is just a sitting duck although being targeted at that precise moment is mostly rare so its not certain death.

6 minutes ago, g4borg said:

You GTFO and bubbled pretty early there, so what does this showcase exactly? You are in an ECM, not in an interceptor, anyway. Hehehe.


I am serious about the part where I do not know what to look for from that timeindex. I saw you a minute later engage a destro, get some damage assuming that is the module, but you turn back and bubble.

Also, the ECM bashing is partly of course fun and trolly, but there is some basic truth in it, its not the ideal “average interceptor”. Sometimes I have the feeling in those things, I can’t even die if I try to. Which actually even happened multiple times.

13 minutes ago, g4borg said:

I am serious about the part where I do not know what to look for from that timeindex. I saw you a minute later engage a destro, get some damage assuming that is the module, but you turn back and bubble.

i linked with a time stamp?

7.:27 ~7:40

I was disengaging a dessy got a field on me, which took down my shield (but I would’ve had some shield left if not disabling adaptive) I did not bubble, did not use booster during field dmg. It does more dmg than plasma web, I know that, but I dont see as much as people make it to be, coughShotancough


There was another moment where I went into bubble, but that was 1 -2 minutes earlier, there was nothing to see there.

18 minutes ago, xKostyan said:


It’s not like your example isn’t the most tanky interceptor in the game ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Actually, with the new bonuses i dunno, if thats correct, but u get my point. Caltrop is no easy fly to swat.

1 minute ago, Oregyen said:

It’s not like your example isn’t the most tanky interceptor in the game ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

This build is definitely not

30 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

It does more dmg than plasma web, I know that, but I dont see as much as people make it to be,

Too much ECM makes you soft.

I can understand it to be honest, but I hardly took it as an issue. But the plasma web comment did trigger me.

Almost every R14 Destro module feels like a rakza button to me atm. I can completely understand why people are not happy about this.

Of course, what doesn’t kill you (often enough) makes you tougher, so my complaint level is low until it gets truly OP.

Fortunately - and I think thats the biggest upside - most good players only play destros once or twice a day, and then switch it out. So many Destros are really really easy to kill, given time. But to be honest, I do think, all these modules are far from balanced, the mines havent even been talked about much. Now of course, I don’t emotionally overreact here, about them, but to be honest, either being offensively critical, nor being defensively ignorant is very different for me, both are just emotionally reinforced polarisations, and both tend to “screw the truth”.

Of course we gotta learn to live with it. All the whining is also ringing in my ears, I get the temptation here.

Oh yeah the thread, since its offtopic, needless to say, its still beacon denial being the problem, yeees?

50 minutes ago, g4borg said:

Too much ECM makes you soft.

Not sure where this coming from, just because I have it equipped does not mean that is THE thing I play

50 minutes ago, g4borg said:

Almost every R14 Destro module feels like a rakza button to me atm. I can completely understand why people are not happy about this.

None of the destroyer actives are target-able (arguably thermal turret and Tempest) regardless of how easy or hard to utilise a module they pretty much all require a certain degree of involvement to make them work, in comparison majority of classic Star Conflict modules are “lock-on and win”. So you might as well call the rest of SC rakza style ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Regardless, easy or hard to use, the only modules that I personally think are in need of heavy tuning are Photon torp and Vigilant Mines, but since nobody talks about those, I don’t see a point bringing that up into unrelated discussion.

BH only denies a beacon in Beacon hunt, but even with 3x/4x destroyers on both sides (supposedly completely preventing beacon capture) I have not had a single Draw, even more I can not remember when was the last time I had a Beacon hunt be over by timer and not by points. D-Field, yeah it does dmg, but from my experience it kills-me if i get hit while being half dead already and out of everything, just like getting Engine Suppressed by a gauss tackler in the right time.

Turets/Pyro/Tempest/Jerichos bubble/ are just active modules, nothing great about them, I even find them cool, definitely cooler than simple Command Auras or Engineering heal auras

Warp is a bit to fast and to far, but meh.

50 minutes ago, g4borg said:

Of course, what doesn’t kill you (often enough) makes you tougher, so my complaint level is low until it gets truly OP.

Fortunately - and I think thats the biggest upside - most good players only play destros once or twice a day, and then switch it out. So many Destros are really really easy to kill, given time. But to be honest, I do think, all these modules are far from balanced, the mines havent even been talked about much. Now of course, I don’t emotionally overreact here, about them, but to be honest, either being offensively critical, nor being defensively ignorant is very different for me, both are just emotionally reinforced polarisations, and both tend to “screw the truth”.

Of course we gotta learn to live with it. All the whining is also ringing in my ears, I get the temptation here.

Oh yeah the thread, since its offtopic, needless to say, its still beacon denial being the problem, yeees?

I have r8/r11/r14 destroyers and I have played fair bit of those, and I do have my issues with them that I believe are more relevant to the game reality than what people in general complaining about, but hey how would I know, people are fixated on small and hand picked issues, that sometimes not even an issues at all.


Another Gravei Thread? Didnt u listen? Mods, close it immeediately!

32 minutes ago, theNoob said:

Another Gravei Thread? Didnt u listen? Mods, close it immeediately!

This is Off Topic section, can’t help trolls

31 minutes ago, theNoob said:

Another Gravei Thread? Didnt u listen? Mods, close it immeediately!

This one can’t be closed!


Just now, millanbel said:

This one can’t be closed!

Oh it can, btw I adjusted your title in order to suit it’s logic.

We wont stop til 420 then 

Yes I hate my life,hope that was reassuring to you.

8 minutes ago, OmegaFighter said:

Oh it can, btw I adjusted your title in order to suit it’s logic.

That’s…just rude… I’m offended now. Triggered even. Find me a safe space please.

![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

That moment when even mods do offending stuff 

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

None of the destroyer actives are target-able (arguably thermal turret and Tempest) regardless of how easy or hard to utilise a module they pretty much all require a certain degree of involvement to make them work, in comparison majority of classic Star Conflict modules are “lock-on and win”.

oh come on kosty, just because targeted los abilities require no aim, some of the abilities are still just aura based, and some like the giant space pibis need some general aim but offer you a hit-tube of gargantuan size; not saying there is no fun, skill potential or something behind that aswell, planning your movement, etc. - i even find it pretty hard and feel claustrophobic in those things - but turning it as if the involvement required is harder to master than correct timing on most of the standard modules, compared to 4 buttons that all do giant Michaeal Bay explosions if you look a certain way, is simply invalid because of the big numbers they all produce. Also, there are lots of modules, like recon-warp, static shield, etc. which are pretty similar in their mechanics to the destro abilities. It’s even okay, if it becomes part of strategy. I mean, as a recon in battlefield in front of a tank, you just know

I am also completely relaxed about that stuff, because, well, if it just sux, it will be changed eventually, at some point, anyway.

And I can actually agree, sometimes it just really sux.

u know i was just trollin bout the ecm, yo, i actually never saw you in one yet.


1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

I have r8/r11/r14 destroyers and I have played fair bit of those, and I do have my issues with them that I believe are more relevant to the game reality than what people in general complaining about, but hey how would I know, people are fixated on small and hand picked issues, that sometimes not even an issues at all.

well, tell about them, from here it seems, your small problems you see are more relevant, than problems others experience, but nobody would understand them, just as you wont understand theirs. enlighten the peasantery.

no risk, no fun.