Need Chat Admins NOW

*Sighs* starting to think it was a mistake for you guys to put Star Conflict on STEAM (even though its how i found out about the game).  It opened up the door for all of the idiotic 3-year-old’s with daddy’s Credit Card to get into the game an show the world that yes… child trolls do still exist.


You need some in-game admins in Star Conflict now to start banning accounts of people who are now suddenly deciding to spam the chat with strings of “e” and “ads” and all sorts of other trash, making the chat scroll faster than light-speed.

Hello, I am currently working on this, Please be patient. Sorry for any inconvince. 

Hello, I am currently working on this, Please be patient. Sorry for any inconvince. 

Thanks! and im more than patient  :yes_yes:


Its just a bad facet of online play… its almost required to have  in-game chat admins to keep the children in line  :facepalm:

I just change to Russian, as TotalBiscuit recommended… I dont understand a thing, but the text scroll is normal and doesn’t bother me at all :slight_smile:


Problem is after combat it goes back to English and I need to change it again.


Chat system really needs some major upgrade.

I have a bigger problem with squad chat apparently still showing things that are happening in main chat to be honest.  Luckily for me, anyone on my squad is also on my steam friends list, but it’s a tad annoying to bring up the overlay every time I want to chat.

The chat should get some major improvements with one of the next patches and we will also get more Chat Moderators.