Need a longest loss streak!

I know i had a 11 once, but i want to know if i could successfully overcome my limitations in losing.

If you need 11 win streak let me know 00555.png

Lies, I can see your loss streak and it’s not 11  :bomber:

Lies, I can see your loss streak and it’s not 11  :bomber:


Not lies, but scant information. 11 is only the longest i REMEMBER, this is exactly why i want this implemented!

Not lies, but scant information. 11 is only the longest i REMEMBER, this is exactly why i want this implemented!


I have special statistics available and your streak is lower than that :stuck_out_tongue:

I have special statistics available and your streak is lower than that :stuck_out_tongue:

So do I and 11 is correct:


Oh wait, that’s mine, wrong game. :wink:

So do I and 11 is correct:


Oh wait, that’s mine, wrong game. :wink:


hey, whereI can see my longest losing streak in doto?

Is it really That important that you know how many times you have lost in a row?


i think for me is max 5 matces

Is it really That important that you know how many times you have lost in a row?


i think for me is max 5 matces


No, it’s higher haauyhauaha

The developers won’t do that. They are afraid the Aces (they censored n00bz) in this game will see their longest losing streak and become discouraged and stop playing the game. 



The developers won’t do that. They are afraid the Aces in this game will see their longest losing streak and become discouraged and stop playing the game. 


False, n00bs see their awful win ratios and kill-assist ratios and they keep playing.

Is it really That important that you know how many times you have lost in a row?


Yeah, it’s more important than a meaningless win streak. At least for me. I don’t say make it available in the profile, but let me reach my detailed stat page.

N00bs can’t do math residente. Also i’m getting error that i can use image extensions…