Necrobot Pulsar [Module]

Name: Necrobot Pulsar

Type: Active Engineer Module

Energy: 350p

Recharge: 60s

Tooltip: Passively regenerates hull of allies within 1000m by 250p/s. Upon activation, any ally that is destroyed within this radius for 2.5 seconds is instantly restored with 1/4 hull strength.


Yay more area healing! Hail to the unkillable ships!


No, seriously it has to stop. There is too much healing this game.

15 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

Yay more area healing! Hail to the unkillable ships!


No, seriously it has to stop. There is too much healing this game.

That’s why noone playing engi?

2 minutes ago, AKmatiAK said:

That’s why noone playing engi?

Ellidium ships can heal themselves, so there’s no need in engis.