[NB] Adaptive camo & Combat drones

Adaptive camo does not work on combat drones / bots. The description says it affects enemy locking and targeting systems which should technically include drones / bots.  The drones can fire as far as 2000 m so they surely use some kind of targeting system. You cannot visually fire at something that far away and hit most of the time.

It also fails vs the mk1 eyeball at close range- i see your engines…

Don’t forget beacon drones.  And pulsar!


Engine trails work for following, and depending on your weapon you can knock them out of camo.  I don’t believe mortars detonate on cloaked target.

You can’t knock CO out of camo

I agree the engi drones are annoying when you close in from behind (no eyesight mk.4) and they warn the engi that he is going to be fried.

Early warning or not, those drones won’t save an engie from a decent inty pilot. 

Don’t forget beacon drones.  And pulsar!


This should apply to the beacon drones as well. When camo is turned on they should not fire because technically they can’t “see” you, just like they don’t fire if you are cloaked… This won’t affect beacon capture since you can’t capture until you kill the drones… So it makes perfect sense for adaptive camo to work on drones as well.


Pulsar should still work because it’s just a wave of emitted energy.

This is not a bug.

Adaptive camo and EM scattering field (they apply the same effect) only hide you from enemy radar, they do not make you invisible.

They allow you to evade weapons that require a lock but since you remain fully visible all proximity fused weapons, and that includes all drones, will still open fire on you. That’s working as intended.

Invisibility in addition to radar block is only granted by a recon’s phase modulator and a tackler’s special module.

They allow you to evade weapons that require a lock but since you remain fully visible all proximity fused weapons, and that includes all drones, will still open fire on you. That’s working as intended.


Really!? Drones work like “proximily fused weapons”? Very interesting thinking… I guess you also think that attack drones which can pursue as far as 10 KM and then return back use the same “proximiy” technology without any radar assistance!?

Really!? Drones work like “proximily fused weapons”? Very interesting thinking… I guess you also think that attack drones which can pursue as far as 10 KM and then return back use the same “proximiy” technology without any radar assistance!?

They only “follow” if you have a lock on a target, but if they are right next to the engineer and you come under camo, they’ll shoot at you even without a Lock. just look at it as they have a visualisation Aim / Infrared or w.e., every one can see you after all, and not “Radar” Aim, same goes for all drones.

They only “follow” if you have a lock on a target, but if they are right next to the engineer and you come under camo, they’ll shoot at you even without a Lock. just look at it as they have a visualisation Aim / Infrared or w.e., every one can see you after all, and not “Radar” Aim, same goes for all drones.


If they would rely purely on optics how would they tell friend from foe without assistance from mother ship? Why wouldn’t they shoot at asteroids or other objects?

If they would rely purely on optics how would they tell friend from foe without assistance from mother ship? Why wouldn’t they shoot at asteroids or other objects?

As xKostyan said, combat drones do proximity auto-attack when you do not have a target locked in range. They distinguish friend from foe by colour, enemies are red. SCNR  ;)wt  - not sure about the official lore but let’s just say all ships come with IFF transponders.

If they would rely purely on optics how would they tell friend from foe without assistance from mother ship? Why wouldn’t they shoot at asteroids or other objects?

They have smelloscopes, in the future all electronics will determine Friend-or-Foe by smell, every ship will emit molecules of certain chemical that will determine the faction your ship is fighting for, and every molecule will be signed by a Elvis Presley personally.


As xKostyan said, combat drones do proximity auto-attack when you do not have a target locked in range. They distinguish friend from foe by colour, enemies are red. SCNR  ;)wt  - not sure about the official lore but let’s just say all ships come with IFF transponders.


“You keep using that word but I don’t think you know what it means”. Proximity relates to very short range while these drones start firing from something like 1-2 KM away… Realistically speaking optics and IFF scan alone won’t prevent firing at space debris from destroyed ships, rocks, structures… etc. Maybe “smelloscopes” technology would do the trick!

“You keep using that word but I don’t think you know what it means”. 


have it your way dude, nothing more to say to you

I can shoot you with every other weapon in the game because I can still see you. So drones should be able to shoot you if they can still see you. Seems right to me.

I can shoot you with every other weapon in the game because I can still see you. So drones should be able to shoot you if they can still see you. Seems right to me.


That’s true but drones don’t have eyes like humans… that’s the main argument from the beginning of the thread…

That’s true but drones don’t have eyes like humans… that’s the main argument from the beginning of the thread…

Did you personally build or designed those drones, do you have a blue prints? How do you personally know what do they have?

That’s true but drones don’t have eyes like humans… that’s the main argument from the beginning of the thread…


Jericho ships don’t have cockpit for example. Does that mean that pilots of Jericho ships can’t see?

Did you personally build or designed those drones, do you have a blue prints? How do you personally know what do they have?


Do you to argue otherwise? No. There is no need to shoot down someone else’s idea. This is a section on bugs and I reported what I think is a bug or at least something that was missed. It is up to the developers to decide if it true and even if it is whether it is worth doing something about it.