[NB] Adaptive camo & Combat drones

Do you to argue otherwise? No. There is no need to shoot down someone else’s idea. This is a section on bugs and I reported what I think is a bug or at least something that was missed. It is up to the developers to decide if it true and even if it is whether it is worth doing something about it.

If you would back up your idea with ingame mechanics/situations and why would change like this be a step towards better balance instead of “it would be fai” or “drones dont have human eyes”, than you might’ve gotten a fonstructive discussion on a matter instead of made up logics.

Never try to balance(not game design) a non sim game from real life logic stand point, we are not here to fly in newtons space or think why do we need wing, how do i respawn and such bullshit.

If you would back up your idea with ingame mechanics/situations and why would change like this be a step towards better balance instead of “it would be fai” or “drones dont have human eyes”, than you might’ve gotten a fonstructive discussion on a matter instead of made up logics.

Never try to balance(not game design) a non sim game from real life logic stand point, we are not here to fly in newtons space or think why do we need wing, how do i respawn and such bullshit.


You are confusing the bug section with the suggestion section. I suggest you re-read the description on the adaptive camo module. No matter how you can spin your arguments a drone has a ‘targeting’ system. And this is to say the least that Eng frigates are already quite OP as it is. A drone does 600 dmg / sec with range 2000 m. That’s 5 secs of travel by the avg interceptor during which time you can very well just lose your shield without even intervention from the player. And drones are not even affected by covert ops modules? What kind of non-bug do you think this is? Do you think I open a ticket and pull something out of a hat? Seriously read the description before you even comment.

Adaptive Camo  prevent you to be locked by an ennemy, detected by radar and be affected negative effects that need a “locked target” (Tackler’s Target painted, ECM’s Energy drain ectect).


Engineer’s drones and Beacon’s drones don’t need to “Lock” to fire on an ennemy.

You are confusing the bug section with the suggestion section. I suggest you re-read the description on the adaptive camo module. No matter how you can spin your arguments a drone has a ‘targeting’ system. And this is to say the least that Eng frigates are already quite OP as it is. A drone does 600 dmg / sec with range 2000 m. That’s 5 secs of travel by the avg interceptor during which time you can very well just lose your shield without even intervention from the player. And drones are not even affected by covert ops modules? What kind of non-bug do you think this is? Do you think I open a ticket and pull something out of a hat? Seriously read the description before you even comment.


Drones have the same targeting system as the bots. They do not target you they still have almost perfect aiming.


What I don’t know if it bots also attack you when using adaptative camo.

What I don’t know if it bots also attack you when using adaptative camo.

They do.

What I don’t know if it bots also attack you when using adaptative camo.


They don’t cause they choose their targets according to the Radar.

They don’t cause they choose their targets according to the Radar.

I’ve been shot by bots while camo’d up. Maybe only if you camo out of a target lock within a certain range or something, dunno.

Yes, the description is misleading like so many. The module is still working as intended. Deal with it.


Oh, so now the description is wrong too? How do you know!? Are you a developer to say so? How do you know the description is not correct and the developers didn’t forget something!? You don’t! You keep saying it’s working as intended but you have nothing to base it on. I’m wasting my time with you folks.

It’s working as intented. It’s not a bug.


If you think “Engineer’s Drones and Defense Drones” should not be able to fire on a player using the “Adaptive Camo”, feel free to make a post in the Suggestion section about it.