NASA exploited conquest match (Ranks 7-9)

On 6/23/2017 at 7:43 AM, Mauroghen said:

This “bug” happened again last sunday, we queued to attack a t5 sector and we got matched agaisnt some poor t3 team, it seems to me that the game matches whatever sectors players *arent* in together as it pleases, so lets not blame nasa here, we’re simply prepared to win at all times so dont get mad for losing ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

The other day I heard someone else complain about this specific issue. He was like “the devs are w@nkers for doing this. Dreads used to be cool” … Being really inappropriate with language and directly insulting the game company. I sure hope people will keep calm even when the new patch brings further cashgrab and imbalance :confused: idk. I’m just tired of everyone being so angry about how this game has gone south.