Nanomite Blast [Missile]

Name: Nanomite Blast (or heal blast or whatever)

Type: Engineer Dumbfire Missiles

Damage: 3,295 EM

Explosion radius: 150m

Explosion trigger radius: 100m

Max range: 6,000m

Projectile speed: 4,200m/s

Recharge: 10s

Charges in cartridge: 3

Cartridge reload time: 90s

Tooltip: Missile explosion generates a hyper-repair field that heals allies in a 600m radius for 2,200 shield and hull points per second for 3 seconds.

Tooltip: Missile explosion generates a hyper-repair field that heals allies in a 600m radius for 2,250 shield and hull points per second for 3 seconds.

Do you mean 6k total? Maybe that’s a little bit too much. 3.5k total is enough. But I like the idea. 



I’m against more missiles but this idea is good. Numbers should be tweaked a bit, though. With current numbers, they have much more benefit than a regular missile slot option. Maybe a bit more explosion radius for the heal at least.

This change will also make “the hull missile reload speed increasing module” very useful and could make entire builds revolve around it. (Sorry, can’t remember the module’s name)

Having more possibilities of builds is always a good thing on any ship.


“Let me hyper-repair you.”

“the hull missile reload speed increasing module”


Improved Missile Pylons :wink:

Maybe EM would be better. But not a bad Idea


-Recharge time increased by 2 seconds.

-Damage type change to EM

-Reduced healing capacity slightly


-Recharge time increased by 2 seconds.

-Damage type change to EM

-Reduced healing capacity slightly

That’s better. Devs should work on specific friget miss + spec main weps for gunships, LRF & covert ops.l

Many have been suggested but it seems that the devs are busy/have already decided on weapons.

This haven’t to be true fox. Maybe they use those ideas for future rewards and implementions.

+1 to this.

Good idea, indeed :012j:

On 02/05/2016 at 10:26 AM, CinnamonFake said:

Good idea, indeed ![:012j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012j.png “:012j:”)

Then why doesn’t it exist yet? It’s super simple to make. Xp