Nanite Pulse [Module]

Kato so graciously gave me this idea to better fix another suggestion I had, so

I’ll put it here.

Name: Nanite Pulse (Or Repair Drones or whatever)

Type: Destroyer missile-slot ammunition

Recharge: 30 seconds.

Energy Consuption: 1900 points.


Federation: “Unleashes a horde of advanced repair drones to regenerate your hull and shield for 30,000 points each over 20 seconds. Ship must be travelling at <25% of max speed.”

Empire: “Unleashes a horde of repair drones to regenerate your hull for 50,000 points over 20 seconds. Ship must be travelling at <25% of max speed.”

Jericho: “Unleashes a horde of advanced repair drones to regenerate your hull and shield by 20,000 points each over 15 seconds. Ship must be travelling at <25% of max speed.”

“After the initial rush for mercenaries to build their own Destroyers, the Federation realised that they could adapt their already superior drone technology to these massive ships to help repair damage in combat. The first tests went amazingly well and the drone technology was toned down and sold to the other factions. Jericho got a hold of a shipment of these drone containers and realised that they were being sold underpowered products. After severing trade routes with the Federation in regards to these drones, they started tinkering and managed to manufacture their very own line of advanced combat repair drones. They were so effective that even the Federation was amazed. Though the Empire never noticed any difference so the Federation’s income wasn’t effected too drastically.”

WE NEED MORE DESTROYER MISSILES!!! and balance to static shields

I would make the possibility to take out those drones (This means explosive weapons will rule again) like engineer drones can be taken out. Maybe it would be better to keep them the same through all factions. On a second thought it would be a nice idea to maintain faction missile bonuses: empire with 50% effectiveness, jericho with -50-70% energy drain, federation with an extra missile clip (this would require a reload clip time, like standart missiles. Otherwise fair thing would be to reduce cooldown)

Oh yes, because only thing that is missing from ship that has >100k hull, ~9k DPS and need 2-3 ships of focused fire to actually kill is ability to heal itself.


Plz fox, think twice before posting an idea. You got 3.5k posts and I predict that 60% of that is bullcrap.

“Posts” counter counts comments too. But thanks for the extra consideration.

Oh yes, because only thing that is missing from ship that has >100k hull, ~9k DPS and need 2-3 ships of focused fire to actually kill is ability to heal itself.


Plz fox, think twice before posting an idea. You got 3.5k posts and I predict that 60% of that is bullcrap.

You make a good point. If these healing numbers are maintained, 20 secs cooldown is too low. This asset should be inteded to be used only when not recieving fire.


BTW a standart halo crit build deals more or less 5,5k dps (including crits) during a broadside (not considering special module tunned to dmg). Take into account that dps/dmg displayed is the value for all 12 turrets and a destroyer cant fire with more than 8 at the same time.

You make a good point. If these healing numbers are maintained, 20 secs cooldown is too low. This asset should be inteded to be used only when not recieving fire.


BTW a standart halo crit build deals more or less 5,5k dps (including crits) during a broadside (not considering special module tunned to dmg). Take into account that dps/dmg displayed is the value for all 12 turrets and a destroyer cant fire with more than 8 at the same time.


Halo doesnt count. Nobody uses halo without photon torpedos, and with them damage increase a lot.

Halo doesnt count. Nobody uses halo without photon torpedos, and with them damage increase a lot.

If you also consider modules, yes, dmg escalates pretty quickly (because all but 2 modules deal dmg).


I still prefer easy to blow up drones than stand still healing; first one allows mobility and even engage in combat while still healing if done properly, second one favours steady/stalled games.

Or it just means that if a dessy wants to heal up, they have to remove themselves from combat temporarily. Or at least find a place where they can sit still-ish for a bit.

I don’t like this idea, it would increase a lot the survivability of Destroyers, and it is already really high. I would suggest something like:

Name: Energy pulse

Description: Pushes 1000m away all the ship close to the destroyer, stunning them for 1.5 seconds. 

Energy cost: 1200

Cooldown: 15 seconds


It would make you harder to kill for CovOps, but at the same time it makes you less effective against other destroyers and frigates/fighters. 

I don’t like this idea, it would increase a lot the survivability of Destroyers, and it is already really high. I would suggest something like:

Name: Energy pulse

Description: Pushes 1000m away all the ship close to the destroyer, stunning them for 1.5 seconds. 

Energy cost: 1200

Cooldown: 15 seconds


It would make you harder to kill for CovOps, but at the same time it makes you less effective against other destroyers and frigates/fighters.

Lol, like this is any less broken…

Lol, like this is any less broken…

Well, it would make you completely open to Meson Cannon/Coil gun and all the non-explosive weapons which were parried by the Static Shield. But hey, that’s just from my point of view… 

Well regardless of y’all a opinions, it’s in the latest update. Xp

If you bild a long range suppressor you dont need static shields kinda, but this stun with15 sec would negotiate any attempts of specialised ships built to deal with such long range builds

Disables are very important in any pvp game and you are just giving it away like a candy.

Disables are very important in any pvp game and you are just giving it away like a candy.

Well, you could just remove that feature and make it able to just push enemies away. I thought about a little stun because the module would be pretty useless without it, even a slow CovOp (450 m/s) could simply get back in range in one second and plasma knife the xxxx out of you. 


This suggestion can be closed or? The devs already implemented Fox’s genius-evil one. o.o

Well I did tell y’all. But hey. Why listen to Fox.