My Vigilant build

This is my first build when i got the vigilante, unchanged since. In command-tweaked crew slot. Made for a 3.5km range fortress. As you can also see the special module is the Beam Destructor. Waiting new ellydium ship costs, and then making crystal plate and put that on, instead of, extended hull. By the way, i usually load military cpu and not diamond coating for it.





you have no warp and you have zero speed, curved ammo on your laser make zero sense, especially considering how it stacks with base dmg you are much better off with critt craft ammo

Also, I use Compact Shield on my Vigilant. In my opinion must have for any destroyer if you really enjoy your modules. Much better than having a pulse discharger that actually decreases your energy regen for minimum damage increase.

Also, the implant that increases energy regen when you are slow (R12 middle) DEFINITIVELY the best option.
And obviously what Kosty said.

That module build is really low energy cost substainned damaged. using my tweaked command build allow be to get tons of energy really fast being always in the heat of battle. I dont need no speed either when you’re a walking fortress that stay alive forever even being focused by 6, actually they all died then they have to push again. Also Kostyan, you find my curved reflector stupid. But me i find speed stupid. you sart of with what 100 m/s?!, and then would lose slots to add a really small percentage to end up with what? 160 m/s. Of course i cannot chase anyone. but doesnt really need when over half the map have their spawn like 12 or less km from each other. As for crew, it is not my dd crew. Tried on it and worked well so. I stuck with it. I’ll do change the r12 tho. lol. Thanks for spotting it. Also yea, compact shield is the meta way to go. but eh… I’ll try on my second build. Still wont get any speed.

9 hours ago, xKostyan said:

you have no warp and you have zero speed, curved ammo on your laser make zero sense, especially considering how it stacks with base dmg you are much better off with critt craft ammo

Added 1.5k dmg which mean a crit will do 3k more damage on top of the base dmg, than without. And those “super” crits, i let you imagine. And all my modules can’t go over 4km so i decided to maximize my gun around it.

4 minutes ago, CptDoss said:

That module build is really low energy cost substainned damaged. using my tweaked command build allow be to get tons of energy really fast being always in the heat of battle. I dont need no speed either when you’re a walking fortress that stay alive forever even being focused by 6, actually they all died then they have to push again. Also Kostyan, you find my curved reflector stupid. But me i find speed stupid. you sart of with what 100 m/s?!, and then would lose slots to add a really small percentage to end up with what? 160 m/s. Of course i cannot chase anyone. but doesnt really need when over half the map have their spawn like 12 or less km from each other. As for crew, it is not my dd crew. Tried on it and worked well so. I stuck with it. I’ll do change the r12 tho. lol. Thanks for spotting it. Also yea, compact shield is the meta way to go. but eh… I’ll try on my second build. Still wont get any speed.

I am not saying you get speed, I am pointing out that your lasers have only reach of 3400, and that is not even your optimal range, that is maximum range with falloff damage. you have no means to do anything and can only rely on enemies being totally idiotic and fly into your range, all you can do is crawl to a beacon for half of the game.

Taking into account how base dmg stacks up, and your absolute lack of mobility you would do considerably more dmg and actually be a threat if you would use a Crit Ammo.

Dont count on me to fly it like an LRF like 90% of the vigi’s. But i like the suggestions. I’ll keep in mind the compact shield and see how crit ammo does over the curved.

7 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

I am not saying you get speed, I am pointing out that your lasers have only reach of 3400, and that is not even your optimal range, that is maximum range with falloff damage. you have no means to do anything and can only rely on enemies being totally idiotic and fly into your range, all you can do is crawl to a beacon for half of the game.

Taking into account how base dmg stacks up, and your absolute lack of mobility you would do considerably more dmg and actually be a threat if you would use a Crit Ammo.

Well nope, 3.4 is optimal without drop off, or why can i do damage on target out of range by a few hundred meters. But yea, i do am crawling. And there is a ton of idiotic people that come into my range. And many push their team to focus vigi’s.


actualy be a treath… lmao…Sound like you think there is only 1 way to things. I have nice memonries of sirius tyrant sirius trying to take me down. Those sirius not being too sirius runing away to heal and coming back over and over. Tyrant just dying to then switch ecm like 1 of the sirius and then come disable me then like Aces, shoot instead of run. their skill go down , i launch 1 drone misslle 2 mine boom pop the photon turret, no more ecm and fighter escort. I keep blowing up 3-4 at the same time, they all bunch up behind asteroid and such.

10 hours ago, xKostyan said:

you have no warp and you have zero speed, curved ammo on your laser make zero sense, especially considering how it stacks with base dmg you are much better off with critt craft ammo

By the way Kostyan, i appreciate you’re input. I may not agree but i also totally understand you’re point of view. If it doesn’t help me, it will help someone else i’m sure.

Thing is any ship with 5km range will always stay out of your range of fire and you will have no chance of fighting back but to hide. The J7 implant wont do much since empire ships (including destroyers) lose their shields inmediately, so that energy excess dissapears really fast…and considering your AB cost is way superior than your energy regen, you cant AB and use modules, im not sure you can use your mods + repair drones freely without running short on energy, considering you have E10, so using plasma turret and gravity lens should deplete your energy. The J9 implant has the same issue: you have no shields, so adding resistance there is simply wasting points (instead of getting hull resist points)…J12 implant follows the same logic.

About the weapon (besides all previously stated by kost): that laser would do much better with a shared cooler in order to increase DPS. And your balance between crit dmg and crit chance is not good (too much crit dmg and too low crit chance): exchanging one TTC for a spat scanner T5 would increase your crit dmg bonus from 1515 (per sec) to 1936 (this means 25,5% crit chance and 80% crit dmg). You could also boost crit chance from other sources (like changing the curved ammo for focusing lenses and getting a similar dmg output but with much more range…and i would use E2 implant to avoid stacking bonuses).

EDIT: you may not care about the extra speed ABs grant (i do, cause moving into objectives is key. As a matter of fact i fly with emp router + wormhole), but AB are key to accelerate your ship at a decent rate.

Only times i run out of energy and cannot use the module i want to is when i pop all 4 Plus a drones if not being able to use more. Well of course this isn’t the only time, there are other factors but i do not have energy problems. And dd’s regen shield no matter what at 240 pts a sec. So it is a constant shield soaking dmg converted to energy. And i got energy drain of module reduced by 25%. Add natural energy regen of ships. As for my gun, i do know it’s not the best, as i said earlier i just made it to fit with my modules range. But 83 RoF means i get more than 15% chance to crit every secondes. If i get that right. More than enough i think. But again i know my gun seems meh until you get a taste of it xD.

Out of curisity, what’s your speed on vigilante.

I reach 188ms with speed mode.

>caring about speed on a Vig


Seriously though, the curved is a terrible choice for lasers. I can fly circles around you with my NY flux command until you die. At least use a focusing lens…

Also, if I gravilens you, you are as good as dead.

20 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

this dessie looks like fun:


too Fed’ish’ for me…mobility aint my forte xDD

On 1/2/2017 at 6:24 AM, xKostyan said:

you have no warp and you have zero speed, curved ammo on your laser make zero sense, especially considering how it stacks with base dmg you are much better off with critt craft ammo

what do you need a WH drive for? only covards retreat and only ばか will charge ahead of their teammates getting their team and themselves killed

1 hour ago, Yuki76702 said:

what do you need a WH drive for? only covards retreat and only ばか will charge ahead of their teammates getting their team and themselves killed

Go tell that to my gravilens. Then come back and talk.

2 hours ago, Yuki76702 said:

what do you need a WH drive for? only covards retreat and only ばか will charge ahead of their teammates getting their team and themselves killed

Mobility has many uses. WH is one of the ways of increasing mobility.
PD: you reminded me of the ingame tip: “they are not cowards, they are regrouping”.

I know WH is a game changer. I know how mobilty is useful . I ran Fed engi when i started and went Procyon and Antares. This is just a moving fortress. i have almost 800k effective hull point since i have 50% resist in all dmg types. Plus repair drones. That is long to take down dont you think. In a lapse of about 5sec i can dish out a potential of, 20 952 mines x2 launch, 9494 dps from gun=30k dmg + missile drone gravi lens and photon turret. Not counting the occasional 100% crit dmg which make it 19k on regular crits. I use it sometime the WH on my Vigi.

EDITED: Oups forgot that is with all 8 guns firing, which never happens. but still.

On 04/01/2017 at 9:05 PM, Mecronmancer said:

Go tell that to my gravilens. Then come back and talk.

You are overating your gravi lens. it has a 3.5km range. which mean i can unload my 5 second of what about 50k dps if i had the numbers i didn’t mentioned. I have gravi lens too. You’ll do what get out of it slowly with your thrusters and be brave try to take my 800 000 hull points + dual repair drones or whormhole 5km + the iniate range you were, lets say 3.5km from your gravi launch, and end up over 8km back while i can just keep on killing your team and regen…

On 04/01/2017 at 10:19 PM, Papitas said:

Mobility has many uses. WH is one of the ways of increasing mobility.
PD: you reminded me of the ingame tip: “they are not cowards, they are regrouping”.

You said that right.