My Vigilant build

1 hour ago, CptDoss said:

You are overating your gravi lens. it has a 3.5km range. which mean i can unload my 5 second of what about 50k dps if i had the numbers i didn’t mentioned. I have gravi lens too. You’ll do what get out of it slowly with your thrusters and be brave try to take my 800 000 hull points + dual repair drones or whormhole 5km + the iniate range you were, lets say 3.5km from your gravi launch, and end up over 8km back while i can just keep on killing your team and regen…

You have gravi lens and I have gravi lens, hurrah. Let’s assume that we both use them on the the other person. You do not have a wormhole. Therefore you are stuck for 20-whatever seconds in the middle of my black hole getting dealt kinetic damage while I warp to safety using my wormhole while continuously applying my lasers at your static-shield-less hull. Your dual repair drones are terrible in repairing your hull and will be out-dpsed by my lasers, and your lasers do not have the range to return fire while I’m sitting back at 7k. You have no Photon either so you cannot return fire since your max range is around 3-4k with all your weapons and modules anyways.

And IIRC, I encountered your destro once and killed it fairly easily using this exact method. Your build is about as bad as WolfKhan’s.

5 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

And IIRC, I encountered your destro once and killed it fairly easily using this exact method. Your build is about as bad as WolfKhan’s.

Whoa, dont be cruel ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

There’s always a room for improvements just remember guys to keep it short and simple and don’t go into arguments of a negative type.

1 minute ago, ORCA1911 said:

Whoa, dont be cruel ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

There’s always a room for improvements just remember guys to keep it short and simple and don’t go into arguments of a negative type.

I’m giving him hints, and if he has half a brain he can pick em out.

1 minute ago, Mecronmancer said:

I’m giving him hints, and if he has half a brain he can pick em out.

I know but, did you have to compare it to khans lol ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) show some mercy man 

Destroyer vs destroyer is about as lame as ecm dogfighting ecm imo. When I use vigilant I NORMALLY go in and try and kill as many ships as I can. I do focus destroyer a lot of times but its, for me, more optimal to focus guards, lrf and engi or anything that’s not too difficult to hit. A destroyer, even when using vigilant maxed, all purple and stabilized with a death machine tanky build, can take a while in killing enemy destroyer. I don’t even use gravi hole on mine. The mines are far more useful to me. Plant a few here and there and normally I will get a few kills with it but gravi normally only keeps a destroyer from moving so you can kill it faster. I use the wormhole too though.

There are also those that are building vigilant like its a federation destroyer. Those are the ones that irritate me the most. Its kind of a waste of hard hitter power to me but to each his own. I do see why though as outmaneuvering can be the trick to the win.

7 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

I know but, did you have to compare it to khans lol ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) show some mercy man 

The exact reason why I have been trolly lately ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)



hahaha I do like a good joke tho, just keep it positive guys ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 hour ago, Mecronmancer said:

You have gravi lens and I have gravi lens, hurrah. Let’s assume that we both use them on the the other person. You do not have a wormhole. Therefore you are stuck for 20-whatever seconds in the middle of my black hole getting dealt kinetic damage while I warp to safety using my wormhole while continuously applying my lasers at your static-shield-less hull. Your dual repair drones are terrible in repairing your hull and will be out-dpsed by my lasers, and your lasers do not have the range to return fire while I’m sitting back at 7k. You have no Photon either so you cannot return fire since your max range is around 3-4k with all your weapons and modules anyways.

And IIRC, I encountered your destro once and killed it fairly easily using this exact method. Your build is about as bad as WolfKhan’s.

Sorry didn’t knew you were one of those lame 8km range vigi. I wont say more and be impolite. By the way, this build is battle tested and works well against anything and any mode beacon included. Interception path ennemie spawn and beacon to cap, bam its done, i take out half the team, Initial time on big maps can be long but after that im always close to the fight. Your gun must have lame damage by the way having that much range. Beside being an annoyance i doubt your gun does much else.

Also, gravi lence does like 3.5k dmg per sec on dd. i have 50% resist so your super gravi you so like will do about 1.5k dmg to me which my drones heal what, 700-750 each. Negate any dmg of your Lens. Also, if i happen to have my WH instead of turret, what then. By the way, i dont know your build but pretty sure photon eat half your energy for like 5k dmg cuz of my resist. Bad control of photon torps and you’ll wish you’d never used it while i can pop modules non stop. Let keep going, waiting your answer. Planning out a battle tactic for a movie xD




range is the most important weapon features. Great suppressing power, which is crucial.

25 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:




range is the most important weapon features. Great suppressing power, which is crucial.

Tell that to all those burst speed gunship closing in and then runing, they have no range. same for the jags doing the same. Many pro’s use close range. But i guess it’s a meta thing. Either you do like everyone else, enter the meta and go long range build, or close range, or lrf close-to prerma invisibility reverse jumping over team spawns and so on. Or be a Jack of all trade. Or do random builds that end up working pretty well and seen as cr@p because it does not comform. And i’m not saying you guys are wrong either, you make good points. But i do find your horizon pretty narrow, not much open minded.

By the way, yes i find lame, players that run 8-10km gun range builds.Flux, Positrons, gargoyles guns shooting at 9km or so vigi’s, halo launcher triple horizon build Sitting at their spawn and point and click. There are real point and click games you know…Those who do so might have fun but i see it as lazy and skilless. 4-6km should be the meta, So many map are small too, like feels smaller than a freaking CoD map. Another thing about this increasing range builds that i pretty much never saw a year ago. Make lrf special ability redundant. The guns shoot 2km less than a desintegrator… and have much higher dpm.

1 hour ago, Spongejohn said:

The exact reason why I have been trolly lately ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)



Isn’t that guy who madea jaguar with 3 shield recharge capacitor 3 hull regen plating and 3 shield…That looked like a troll build, i’ll have to try that. Talking about khans

-Little hint: gravity lens can be activated from 5km of your target.
-Tip: place the mods you use more often (or that require high accuracy while being fired along with main weapons) in the top side of your destroyer in order to keep all 8 turrets firing. It will also tell you when you are not using all 8 turrets.
-Correction: you heal 306 per repair drone, meaning its a total of 612 per sec. This means you take 5 minutes and 16 seconds to fully regenerate your hull from 0. I doubt you can outdps any kind of weapon/module that way (excluding plasma web and similar mods). If you want to avoid dmg better use static shields. Fed goes great with drones since they heal 918 per sec (1 minute and 54 secs to heal 105k hull: average volume for T5 fed destro), but the real power comes from the ability to get away from the battle (which doesnt mean you stop hitting ships) and regen to come back. With fed you will mostly be getting in and out without the need to have full hulls to come back; drones should be healing all the time. Emp instead is more like a 1 way trip where you kill and die, then respawn and repeat.

You sayed it yourself, your destroyer is helpless against ranged attacks. Reason why range and speed must go together in a balanced way: too low range? compensate with high speed. Too low speed? compensate with range. Its simple. Also, in terms of survability, your vigilant aint that different in terms of survability to other vigilants, so you are in great disadvantage since you cant fire back. Silly players will run into you and close distance. Smart players will avoid you and go for objectives: you wont do any good to your team.

On 1/2/2017 at 7:39 AM, OmegaFighter said:

 on my Vigilant.

You have  a vigilant. . . why are you not posting in best scores ?

8 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

There are also those that are building vigilant like its a federation destroyer.

Who the hell does this LOL. They’re just a potato with jets at that point, but still a potato. If they want speed they siriusly should have built Sirius.

7 hours ago, CptDoss said:

Beside being an annoyance i doubt your gun does much else.

Yep, it doesn’t do much.



Leagues match:




7 hours ago, CptDoss said:

Also, if i happen to have my WH instead of turret, what then.

Then big whoop, I warp away from you. Not that hard.

7 hours ago, CptDoss said:

Bad control of photon torps

Maybe you have this problem - I don’t because there’s this magical thing called aiming.

5 hours ago, AdamWest said:

You have  a vigilant. . . why are you not posting in best scores ?

It doesn’t take much effort to rack up a really high score in a Vig lol. See above screenies.

1 hour ago, Mecronmancer said:

Who the hell does this LOL. They’re just a potato with jets at that point, but still a potato. If they want speed they siriusly should have built Sirius.

Yep, it doesn’t do much.

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Leagues match:




Then big whoop, I warp away from you. Not that hard.

Maybe you have this problem - I don’t because there’s this magical thing called aiming.

It doesn’t take much effort to rack up a really high score in a Vig lol. See above screenies.

This doesn’t tell anything about your gun being of any use in those fights. Your skill and modules i dont doubt it.

First screenshot, They have no DD in sight, which mean if they had one, he was of no counter to you. Look like an easy win. Plus you second top is another DD.

Screen.2 i give it to you, nice battle.

Screen.3 Again 2 DD top for you, their best is fifth.

Screen.4 Engies seems to have carried the game for you guys. Also no matter our specualtion on how a fight would end if we encounter each otehr in pvp is useless. There are pretty much always teammates with dd’s and there are many factors.

But anyway. I was just sharing my build and as i wanted, it provided discussion and helpful hints and tips from many players. This will never be my main build either. But it’s fun while it does it’s job.

Excuse me papitas, but i lok at every vigi stats in the team roster page. And i rarely see anyone with that much hp and resist combined, they either have one or the other, or none/irrelevant and went energy speed cpu. Also i like pretty numbers but now at lvl 9 its now 900k efffective hp xD i have a lil over 440k-444k hp.

6 hours ago, Papitas said:

your vigilant aint that different in terms of survability to other vigilants, so you are in great disadvantage since you cant fire back. 

And, a late Happy new Year to all of you. I wish you luck, health, wealth and hapinness!

Happy new year too ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) have great battles and dont forget how amazing RL can be ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) (personally im in vacations taking advantage of the later :D)

Thank you!

Happy start into the New Year of SC !