My thoughts on Destroyers.

Okay, I want to try and be fair here, so let me say that I do like playing Destroyers. I confess to being one of those sad people who think positioning and build should be more important than twitch-play reflexes. The tweaks to their controls made them much more playable, and while they can be a little dull to use at times, I don’t resent flying them.


However, I do resent flying against them. Destroyers have sucked the fun out of T3 for me. I find them too damn frustrating to take on in anything other than another Destroyer.


These ships are a mistake. A terrible, game-breaking mistake. Get them out of PvP. Put them in a different mode entirely - maybe some kind of “corp battle” mode for T3 and up where squads have no restrictions and their ability to dominate matches can be countered by organised squads.


But in standard queue, where squads are banned and pugs are the norm? No. You can’t have them. They have put an end to T3 as we know it, and they’ll do the same to T4 and T5.

That could work if there was only a max of 2 per team, then they are not so much of a game breaker. Or even reduce their massive HP pool some.

That could work if there was only a max of 2 per team, then they are not so much of a game breaker. 

Agree and I’m lobbying similar solution right now.

And what happens when people only have Destroyers in their lineup?

I doubt that fix will work because it was never done for LRF spam, no matter how many games were ruined by having half the team afk in spawn

And what happens when people only have Destroyers in their lineup?


They can rage on the forum about it! Easy peasy :slight_smile:



I doubt that fix will work because it was never done for LRF spam, no matter how many games were ruined by having half the team afk in spawn


In the end Lrfs where here from the beginning and they find the way to let them “fit” in pvp.

Destros are a totally new class that don’t have his “right” place. I think a solution can be found by banning them from pvp or limiting their presence on the battlefield.

And what happens when people only have Destroyers in their lineup?

I doubt that fix will work because it was never done for LRF spam, no matter how many games were ruined by having half the team afk in spawn

Perhaps take ship lineup into consideration for the MM? Since I’ve seen plenty of players with only 1 destroyer in their lineup.

And what happens when people only have Destroyers in their lineup?

I doubt that fix will work because it was never done for LRF spam, no matter how many games were ruined by having half the team afk in spawn


Have a pop up box saying they need more ‘standard’ ships in their lineup before they can join the queue :wink:


Also, lets try it out first before we jump to conclusions :wink:

That could work if there was only a max of 2 per team, then they are not so much of a game breaker. Or even reduce their massive HP pool some.


Another thing to consider would be limiting the amount of destros in everyone’s lineup or having at least one other class in it.

Destroyers as a ship are not the problem, it is the fact that some battles have none and some have all of them. Take them in to battle mm consideration like said above and all is solved.


And if T3 is giving you troubles, fly in T4. Really. My Procyon still owns in T4, but not quite as much.

And if T3 is giving you troubles, fly in T4. Really. My Procyon still owns in T4, but not quite as much.


That is beside the point as they are coming to T4 and T5, they need fixing before that happens.

Destroyers as a ship are not the problem, it is the fact that some battles have none and some have all of them. Take them in to battle mm consideration like said above and all is solved.


And if T3 is giving you troubles, fly in T4. Really. My Procyon still owns in T4, but not quite as much.

Do you ever read what you type? ‘X is not imbalanced, it’s that the games where X is present are out of balance by default.’ lolwat

Do you ever read what you type? ‘X is not imbalanced, it’s that the games where X is present are out of balance by default.’ lolwat

And what is your argument? I agree with him. Stacking of a shiptype can destroy any balance. Or do you think, that a team of x ships + y ships vs. a mix of ships will have it easy?

And what is your argument? I agree with him. Stacking of a shiptype can destroy any balance.

Because destroyers are undeniably OP. His logic is to counterbalance destroyers with destroyers, and that’s no solution to anything. It’s just shooing symptoms away while leaving the root of the problem untouched.


Or do you think, that a team of x ships + y ships vs. a mix of ships will have it easy?

Sorry, what?

Because destroyers are undeniably OP. His logic is to counterbalance destroyers with destroyers, and that’s no solution to anything. It’s just shooing symptoms away while leaving the root of the problem untouched.

Sorry, what?


Destroyers are so OP, that ceptors can solo them. WOW.

If they would be so OP, why devs state the oposite???

Yes, and tacklers can solo inties, therefore it’s tacklers that are OP.


If they would be so OP, why devs state the oposite???

See, that’s the problem. Nobody knows, that’s why there are so many anti-destroyer threads and posts these days.

Yes, and tacklers can solo inties, therefore it’s tacklers that are OP.


See, that’s the problem. Nobody knows, that’s why there are so many anti-destroyer threads and posts these days.



Tacklers are countered within its shipclass. So how can they be OP?

Why can’t other fighters counter inties too?

Why inties can counter frigates?

Why are destroyers being so huge, that the entire enemy team can focus them?

Sorry. It’s blatant to don’t check, that they can’t be so OP as claimed.

looking at the balance of a game as complicated as StarConflict from a 1v1 angle is, mmm… how to say it politely, mmm… a wrong angle (help me out, i am bad at this polite thingy-nonsense)?

Agree and I’m lobbying similar solution right now.

Good! These destroyers are meant as a long range fire-suppression class. Ever tried playing TF2 with 8 Heavies? …It doesn’t work out  :005j:

Good! These destroyers are meant as a long range fire-suppression class. Ever tried playing TF2 with 8 Heavies? …It doesn’t work out  :005j:



(note: this was meant to be a silly game where each team only picked one class. defense picked engi, we picked heavy :D)