My thoughts on Destroyers.

This is it im done im really angry atm REALLY !!!


Took my half syned r10 ships modded them while listening my favorite music and went to the Pvp…


  1. lost in a team battle  where i was had 6 one of DESU guy had 5 kills (we simple farm the only 2 non destro guys)


  1. lost again it was a team battle that we were winning in the beginning then with a magic stick all enemies turned in to a destro ball we were spawn camped… (we had 2 destro enemy had 7)


  1. win (because it was a beacon capture and enemies were bussy with spawn camping us with another destro ball)


  1. lost combat reacon we were managed to kill their cap because all of his teammate’s were in our spawn point with their destro’s so yes we lost our cap and we lost the game…


  1. lost another team battle in that new small map (one that have a drednought wreck) they simply took their destro’s and rushed to our spawn point … no cover no maneuver nothing just straight go and spray meson, all of them. I tried to farm 2 non destro guy again and managed to get 8 kills but no im not good enough to compare against “skillfull (!)” enemies like that



   I DONT have to do that to me i wont play pvp again till they fix that destro ball. I didnt deserved it okey… im not that bad player to lost 4 of the 5 game this is not what i get for playing it months.


There is a game called Dreadnought which is basically similar with SC but all ship classes there are Huge battleships (imagine different roles of destroyers in SC) but thanks to DEV’s this game is exactly same with it now …


so Good Luck with that …

With teamwork even destroyerballs arent too much problem. Random T3 people doesnt know to how to build a Destroyer properly yet(talking generally, i know some great built ones). Today in a match with my squadmate TIT4n we were able to hold 6 destroyer in our 2. I have a pure tank archon and he has an Invincible. Every destroyer focused on my Archon and he killed them from my behind. Match ended as victory (and i died 3 times)

With teamwork even destroyerballs arent too much problem. Random T3 people doesnt know to how to build a Destroyer properly yet(talking generally, i know some great built ones). Today in a match with my squadmate TIT4n we were able to hold 6 destroyer in our 2. I have a pure tank archon and he has an Invincible. Every destroyer focused on my Archon and he killed them from my behind. Match ended as victory (and i died 3 times)

Have fun getting a game with a friend on the same side.

Why don’t destroyers have thrusters for braking? They are big enough to have some space for them. It would look great.

Maybe the guns, and the way they work need re-thinking.


At the moment, destroyer weapons are basically just more powerful versions of the heavy blaster and the (I forget what it’s called - the frigate railgun).


Although both weapons have their advantages and disadvantages, they are both generally useful.


If destroyer weapons were more specialized, it would mean that destroyer-balls would be over-specialized, with lots of weaknesses to exploit. 



* “Battle Cannon”.  Like a more extreme version of the coil mortar.  Can only fire one shot every 2 or 3 seconds.

* “Hyper Laser”.  Powerful, rapid-fire thermal weapon that overheats very rapidly too (1 or 2 seconds).  (Either a projectile weapon like heavy blaster/meson, or hitscan-with-spread, like the pulse laser).  So you can do some nice damage, but only in very short bursts.



I’m not sure what would be an interesting and specialised plasm weapon.  I did think of the weapon used by the butchers in pve, but a destroyer-ball all armed with those would be stupid OP.




Alternatively - massively nerf the “main” guns on destroyers, so they function as the last line of defence against enemies that get past your team.  Make the destroyer’s true “main weapons” the active modules.  That way you can balance them with cooldown times, energy consumption, etc.  A destroyer wing all firing their tempests and pyros at once could do a lot of damage (if they hit), but would then be vulnerable for a long time.

*clicks LAUNCH*

*gets a match*

*sees XXXX load of destroyers*

*walks away*


Amazing how can someone crap in the face of its own game. Lets give them very fat ships. Reduce resource reward probability so they might spent money for it…because they are OP and erryboody wants a OP xxxx. Reason i try to stay away from SC is destroyers.


Ok sorry for non constructive comment, this one was long time coming. And not everything is out…still…

I like destroyers, they are pretty… but for the love of the game, limit them. Everyone already said stuff, so no point repeating. Listen to your minions

I made a video about destroyer, I got my first destroyer Procyon a couple of days ago.

After flying a couple of time i hated those things even more.

In my opinion, the developers could have been way more original, the designs are great as always,

but the gameplay of destroyers is more terrible then anyone could have thought

there are still people enjoying the destroyers, but for the most part of the people i know in the game, dislike the update.

even some people have left the game for good because of the destroyers.



I hope you get my point,


Coll Waterman

player: CYBREATH4