My Suggestions - From a Fellow Space Dev

I see a few things in this game that need a change. Here is a list of a few and some reasons for them.

Weapon Changes

From what i see lasers are offering higher damage rates at father range, this seems a little unbalanced, Plasma seems to be well rounded, and the artil output seems a little slow here is my recommended changes for the weapon system.

Weapons should have three classes

Alpha Strike :

Cool down: High

Range: Moderate to Long

Dps : Low

Alpha Strike: High

Raw Dps :

Cool Down: None - Low

Range: Moderate to Long

Dps: High

Alpha strike: None to L** ow**

Constant Strike :

Cool down : Low

Range: Close Range to Moderate

Dps : Moderate

Alpha Strike: Moderate to Medium


Lower the amount of damage output by 10-15%, Damage output is just a tad high for the amount of range.

Plasma Weapon

Increase damage 10% damage boost on armor/hull. Amount of damage on them is to low.


Projects need to travel much faster then they are. damage needs to be raised 10-15%

Game Change

Add a Timer down on the bottom for game search, and enable the ability to make changes and play around in the interface while a search is going on .


Diversify the races more

Give each race a bonus with each respective damage type (Beam, Artillery, Plasma)

Add Race Specific category to Shop. Add here something for each race, and base it on research.

Federation : Combat Cloaking Device; after Decloaking all damage is increased 10-20% for 8 seconds.

Jer** ico:** Regenerative Shield generator; Regenerates 3% of shields per every 5 seconds (passive)

Empire: Combat Thrusters: when traveling at max speed, you gain 10% more damage.


As it stands now, I don’t see anything that will cause corps to be valid in a game like this, out side of Reputation, and building a strong community; Granted these are the FOUNDATION or successful games. Here is an idea for a button and how corps can work in this game.


Corporation operation will depend on adding:

A corporation based interface that tracks;


Last online

Related information like Level, Race etc.

Corporations will need

Invite, Remove and Quit Options

A System for operation Some idea’s may include

Clan related matches for a resources

( in this case, credits is likely what is needed, though you can add another resource that is required to upkeep the clans this will serve to encourage guild combat, and at the same time will remove things like guild spam).

How it will work

See Attacking a system.

Phase One: Big Bang, The creation of the universe

In this phase, the devs would create a universe consisting of x amount of systems, ideally for a game like this, it would be something like 25 systems. from there if needed as the population grows, more can be added, since is likely a server-side issue only it will be easy to add it.

This option will require a large patch, but it is something that should be considered for the long term development of the game.

Create a universal map, where systems can be accessed ( A map button on top on the nav Bar) ( A simple map will do for example something like)

Here is an example


Players can freely access these by clicking it, That will pop a menu


Travel to system Will load the player into the system, which will be a permanent system.

Manage System : Will give you options to manage the system. See Clan Defenses Below

Attack a system : This will give you an option to attack. Clans will be able to set up defenses for this to prevent 1-2 people conquering a system, forcing a group/guild activity. Only Clans can attack, or conquer a system (this will cause the clans to have value). Attacking a system can only be attempted once every 12 hours, and needs to be issued by the guild leader or a high-ranking officer. Each system would have a single capture point, a Space station. Space stations will/can be built by clans. They will cost a large amount of money (Likely something like 10,000,000 credits or more). Stations will be permanent and will have a selected location by the Developers when they create the maps (Ideally it would be cosmetically appealing to be over a planet, or on an astroid).

All systems will start out with a simple Beacon capture point. with 6 Heavy drones, protecting it.

Heavy drones will be strong enuff to hold off 5 players of moderate skill. After the system is captured players can build stations.

System Defenses, and Building

Each system would have a station, defended by Npc Defense Systems, and Fighters. By default Each system will have 2 weapons platforms, A sort of mega drone with moderate damage, heavy shielding, and hull.

Benefits of holding a system

Above all else, it gives the guild recognition and adds fun / competition to the game. It can also open options like a trading system. Further, It be be added to the game that the amount of systems held, will give X amount of credits to the entire guild weekly or just to the guild leader. For example

1 system, 5,000 credits per week

2 systems, 15,000 credits per week

5 systems, 25,000 credits per a week

10 systems or more, 50,000 credits per a week


You can set up the systems to have pirates auto spawn there granting a reward or bounty for each one killed, say something like 500 credits each.


you can also add to the game the ability to target rocks, and mine them… This can lead to the creation of a system that will enable players to build items. further giving depth to the game.


further, You can add more benefits by Creating “constellations” for example lets say You have 10 systems, and 5 of them are in 1 constellation, 3 are part of another, and 2 another. by holding a constellation you can unlock access to new defenses, or upgraded ships.


regions will consist of larger amounts of the map. If a guild controls a region, they will have access to the top level of defense, and to building stations.

In this example, you will see two constallations (green and red) and the area of a region (white)


Possible future additions to the game from this system

Possible Trade system

Another idea may be for long term development is to add trading ships into the game for players to fly and use. They would work based on the Guild alliance ( see guild alliances ). You can create one of two systems.

Physical Trading system

In this system, players get trade ships, and move around the game/sectors to trade at the various stations. This will however, have to be coded into the game, which may take a lot of work. The major benefit to this is it will draw a lot of other players who love to buy low and sell high, which can lead to more cash-shop items like cargo extenders etc…

None-Physical Trading system

another possible system is to create a trade system that will allow people to sit in the basic UI (which you get in when you load into game where you change items, ships etc).

in this you can create a trade system where you trade with out the flying part. Though this will be strange, and will take the fun out of ambushing traders. one of the major benefits of this system of the universe, is to go into enemy systems, with out having to attack it, and simply just kill its members. a sort of raid attack.

you can set up the game for both systems to have things each planet produces, and wants (Planets are just simply in each system, no player interaction required).

For example

system a makes water, and wants food

sytem b makes oxygen, and wants food (high demand)

system c makes food, and wants water

buying at system c, and selling at system b, would give profit, but if you sold there to much, you would have to go else where.

Lets complicate it now

Lets say your system is system C, and and ally is system a, but an enemy is B.

then you wouldent be able to trade with that hostile group, but can with the ally.

you can set this up to work for both of the above systems, but again the physical system is highly desirable because of the value it will bring to systems, and to pvp.

Guild Levels

Guild levels will be based on an amount of points gained per a player faction increase. So if i gain 100,000 faction points, the guild will gain X percentage of that (lets say 10%-20% as a default; or 20,000 points) Levels will have requirements just like reputation/rank levels do. Lets do something like

Level 1: 200,000, Max of 25 players

Level 2: 500,000, Max of 50 Players

Level 3: 1,000,000, , Max of 75 players

Level 4 2,000,000, Max of 100 players

Level 5 5,000,000 Max of 250 Players.

Guild Benefits

Among holding the systems, you can also add a guild related bonus that the guild can choose and upgrade.

some examples are:

Upgraded Cloaking:

Level 1 Cloaking lasts x seconds longer. Requires level 2 (guild), 100,000 Credits

Level 2 Cloaking lasts x seconds longer. Requires level 3 (guild) 100,000 Credits

Level 3 Cloaking lasts x seconds longer. Requires level 4 (guild) 100,000 Credits

Level 4 Cloaking lasts x seconds longer. Requires level 5 (guild) 100,000 Credits

Level 5 Cloaking lasts x seconds longer. Requires level 5 (guild) 100,000 Credits

Upgraded Artillery

Shells travel x amount faster.

Upgraded Shielding

Shields regenerate x amount faster

Upgrade Speed

All ships in clan move x% faster

Guild Politics

Guilds will have relations, And when they view the universe map the systems colors will be based according to relation.







Setting Relations

There will be an interface, To add Guilds to standings

You click Add > Type in the name (The game will have auto-listed everything here) you type the exact name or near to, and all with similar names will pop up.

Adding them on a scale -10 to 0 to +10

-9 To -4 will be hostile

-4 to -1 Unfriendly

0 Neutral

1-4 Friendly

4-9 Very Friendly

Declaring War

-10 Rating will be war, It will cost 1,000,000 Credits to declare war

War can also have an upkeep of say 100,000 credits a week, to help keep the guilds from spaming it, and to help keep the economy stable.

Declaring Allies

+10 Will be allies, Both parties will need to declare this for an alliance to take place.


Being in an alliance will grant access to an alliance channel.

Subjection Treaty

This will set the Two parties to alternate Colors

Purple for the Protector Corp

and Light Blue for the protected Corp.

This treat will give the stronger corp access to control over their systems, and 15% Of any income they make from them.

It can be an alternate option to destruction of an enemy a sort of way of saying “you support us and we will let you live”.

None interaction treaty

This will set both parties 0 and Give them a Golden color when seen in system. A way of saying “we leave each other alone”.

More to come soon.

Some things i would like to see soon is

Rework of the tree (already working on it guys, I am waiting eagerly)

More customization to ships

would like to see lots more passive mods, and even more active. See below for my recommended amount.

More Ship Sizes

So far was have

Interceptor 2 passive, 1 active

Fighter 2 passive, 1 active

Frigate 2 active, 3 passive

I would like to see

Destroy 3 active, 3 passive

Cruiser 3 active, 4 passive

Battle Cruiser 4 active, 4 passive

Battle Ship 4 active, 5 passive

Heavy Support Ship 5 active, 2 passive

Assault Ship (destroyer hull) (Damage between Cruiser, and Destroyer) 3 active, 3 passive

Heavy Assault Ship (Damage between cruiser and battle cruiser) 4 active, 4 passive

New Weapon Types

I would love to see Missile based primary weapons added to the game.

Extremely High rate of Fire, low dps weapons are always fun (Auto-Guns)

New Defensive Types of Ships

Players should be able to armor tank ships See if you can do something about this.

Mining Concepts

Ore can be used for income (selling it) (until a building system is added to the game)

nice mate, its is nice idea, but far far away from our point. anyway, some changes as you said i would se now. same as you a skill tree, im waiting for it.

some changes for weapons,

laser as you said,

plasma is too slow, even with proper ammo still its too slow, you wont hit fast interceptor anyway, so why use when you cant hit ?

rail, too fast and too high dmg

according to that it easy to die from lasaer and rails, nad most deadly is combination of this two. but try to kill someone with plasma… LOL


Weapons should be something like this.


Range: 2.0k-2.6k

Rate: 60 pm

Dmg High, Alpha strike

Projectile Travel Speed:

Accuracy: depends on player, Ideally 60-80%


Range: 3.2-3.6k

rate : 70pm

Projectile Travel Speed: Instant

dmg: Moderate, Damage over time


Range: 1.2-1.8k

Rate: 280

Projectile Travel Speed: 1750m/s-1950m/s

dmg: Moderate, Constant Strike

Laser damage should be instant., and damage over time

Rain should be instant hit, and have alpha strike

Plasma should be travel time based, and do moderate constant strike

Alpha strike : Large burst shots, with low reload rates

Constant Strike: Impacted ammo’s that deal moderate damage, but constantly.

Support ships also need a rework.

They need more mods / Active slots Or higher healing rates.

The problem with higher healing rates is that it breaks none support ships, so the best solution is to make support ships have lots of healing.

Another major downfall to this game is Lack of ship specific bonus’s.

If ships have individual bonus’s it will help encourage its role to be played.

examples of this are.


+10% Movement speed when using a damage increase mod


+25% Boost recovery, when a resistance mod is active


+100 resistance to all, when taking damage when your boost is on cool down.

Support (Should be classified different then frigate)

Reduce the cool down of Support, or Recovery modes by 15%

Support Ships should be classified different then other ships, should be easy to kill by anything other then a interceptor, and should be long-range healers. They should now target allies, not enemies.

Support Item rework.

Recovery modes (Remote Rep) Should be reworked to:

Target an ally, and you use repair mods on him, But the mods now:

When activating, it will channel a beam that will heal them for something like.

60 sheilds/s

40 hull/s

No cool down. it should just cost energy.

Targeting rework.

It would be better if the game had a way to target people, rather then an auto-target system, this gives the player more control on who they are activating mods on.

Misc changes

Interceptors need an agility Nerf

Im also noticing a potential problem with the amount of mobility an interceptor has, they need a slight agility nerf.

the problem is they are to hard to hit, So nerf their agility, to balance them out. Their speed is fine, dont message with that.

Interceptors should “speed tank” which means, move around fast, in and out, hits and zooms away before it can be hit, relies on regen between attacks to keep them alive.

Add Resistance Chart

Another thing we can use on top of the module changes, Is to know what the resistance of the ship is.

Put a small list next to the Hull/shield/Speed when in ship selection.

interceptors are easy to hit, i dont have any problems with laser or rail, and imperial ships are slow compare to others.

As i read the Updates on the Guild Plan. I want to rework a small part of the Universe - Clan Plan, To include Faction Based combat.

If you launch the systems to 40-50 systems at start and grow it from there with say every 2500-5000 active players (roughly 10k people) the population density should be ideal (3-10 in a system, and up to 40-50 in trade hubs).

The rework idea is to include faction based control, In Player Controlled Systems.

Here is an idea.

The systems will be controlled by respective Faction/face, but also on the map it will show Corp / Alliance Territory.

The Red Dots Represent Jerico

The Green Dots are Empire

the Blue does are Federation

The red Aura is one Clan

the Blue another Clan

the Orange another clan

showing what clan has control over what area, it may be idea to add a clan logo by the planet/star icon, as a means to show it’s leader.


Ship and Weapons Breakdown and rework.

Roles of ships

Internceptor: Fast, Scout Ship, with the ability to harass larger ships, but can only really kill ceptors, and fighters.

Fighter: a more tank-ish version of the interceptor, but slower. Can deal some damage to frigates, and 2 fighters should kill a frigate

frigate: a small combat ship, foundation of any fleet starts here

Destroyer: the bread and butter of any fleet, most fleets should be comprised of them, a moderate ship, with moderate shield and weapons. Excells above all others are killing ships below its class.

cruiser: the backbone of a fleet, Medium shields, and weapons Ideal for all ships, but has a hard time killing the smallest ships (Ceptor/fighter)

Battlecruiser: the foundation of the heavy ship-fleet. Heavy shields and weapons, slightly less equaiped offense/defense then battleship, but slightly faster.

Battleship: heavy combat ship, very heavy weapons, sheild, and firepower, but very slow

Dreadnough: Capital ship. Extreme shields, and weapons, Low rate of fire and movement.

Support ship - Cruiser hull. (same stats)

Heavy Support ship - Battle cruiser hull. (same stats)

anything above cruiser shouldent be able to really hit smaller ships.

anything below cruiser shouldent be able to kill things above cruiser unless in a group of 3 or more (mid size) Or 5 or more (Bs/bc). No amount of ceptors/fighters should kill a dread.

Assault ship: An upgraded version of the destroyer, should excel at killing small ships, and t1 cruisers 2-3 of them should kill a Bc/bs.

Heavy Assault ship: rivals the battleship in tank, and firepower, is faster, but has vastly smaller amounts of energy.

Weapons and ships can be balaced by adding a simple mechanic to all weapons

“tracking speed”

This will work as follows

Lets say your tracking speed is 800 optimal, and 1500ms max

If you have a tracking speed of 1500ms, anything going faster then 1,500ms you are not likely to hit. If its going 900ms, you are likely to miss 10-15%.

Larger ships have slower tracking, and smaller have faster. This way smaller ships who do less damage are constant, but larger ships do more damage and are unconstant.

Race Advantages, and technological focus


Primaries: Cloaking, Shield Regeneration

S** econdaries: **** Electronic Warfare (Disrupt)**

Weapon focus: ** Railgun**

Tank: Shield


Primaries: Speed, Tracking

Secondaries: Electronic Warfare (Slow)

Weapon Focus: Laser

Tank: Even Sheild/armor


Primaries:** Armor/Shield Amount (Heavy)**

Electronic Warfare (Target Painting)

Weapon Focus: Plasma

Tank: Armor

Ship and Weapons Breakdown and rework.

Roles of ships

Internceptor: Fast, Scout Ship, with the ability to harass larger ships, but can only really kill ceptors, and fighters.

Fighter: a more tank-ish version of the interceptor, but slower. Can deal some damage to frigates, and 2 fighters should kill a frigate

frigate: a small combat ship, foundation of any fleet starts here

Destroyer: the bread and butter of any fleet, most fleets should be comprised of them, a moderate ship, with moderate shield and weapons. Excells above all others are killing ships below its class.

cruiser: the backbone of a fleet, Medium shields, and weapons Ideal for all ships, but has a hard time killing the smallest ships (Ceptor/fighter)

Battlecruiser: the foundation of the heavy ship-fleet. Heavy shields and weapons, slightly less equaiped offense/defense then battleship, but slightly faster.

Battleship: heavy combat ship, very heavy weapons, sheild, and firepower, but very slow

Dreadnough: Capital ship. Extreme shields, and weapons, Low rate of fire and movement.

Support ship - Cruiser hull. (same stats)

Heavy Support ship - Battle cruiser hull. (same stats)

anything above cruiser shouldent be able to really hit smaller ships.

anything below cruiser shouldent be able to kill things above cruiser unless in a group of 3 or more (mid size) Or 5 or more (Bs/bc). No amount of ceptors/fighters should kill a dread.

Assault ship: An upgraded version of the destroyer, should excel at killing small ships, and t1 cruisers 2-3 of them should kill a Bc/bs.

Heavy Assault ship: rivals the battleship in tank, and firepower, is faster, but has vastly smaller amounts of energy.

Weapons and ships can be balaced by adding a simple mechanic to all weapons

“tracking speed”

This will work as follows

Lets say your tracking speed is 800 optimal, and 1500ms max

If you have a tracking speed of 1500ms, anything going faster then 1,500ms you are not likely to hit. If its going 900ms, you are likely to miss 10-15%.

Larger ships have slower tracking, and smaller have faster. This way smaller ships who do less damage are constant, but larger ships do more damage and are unconstant.

That is a good idea… for another game.

Remember that Star Conflict is a Spaceships Third Person Shooter (currently), it may upgrade to an MMO with a persistent universe but what makes it special is this fast combat engagements.

Your list of ships is interesting, makes me think a bit, only a bit in Eve Online where large ones fit perfectly, but here its impossible to put a dreadnought or a titan 10km long, this will break all the game mechanics.

So all in all, to play massive battles between thousands of players and massive ships, go back to Eve, Star conflict should never be like Eve Online just on a third person view.

The size of the ships Are prespective (or can be) for example in even, there is a coding that when you get a frigate by a dread, it makes it appear smaller, But in actuality the ships are the same size. You dont need a uber mega ship thats uber long, Just something that can take alittle more beating then a Bs.

The truth is, if the game wants to flourish it will need to move beyond just battles, because this is repetitive, Why would eve players for example come here, when they can go to eve, and get various walks of life in the game, rather then just battle.

not everyone is a pvper, But i feel everyone should pvp (that is ti say, be subject to it, or in other words, be like in world of warcraft’s contested area, where you can be freely attacked).

From what i read on the game developement plan, its already heading in that direction. So just upgrade the mades, and give a way to travel between them and you have a universe, Its not really that difficult at this point all the mechanics and stuff are in the game, the only thing that needs to be coded in is maps, and stations. This game, if it had a system similar to eve, would take all of eve’s gamers away possibly even the 4-5 million waiting on infinity universe.

this changes would make this one of the biggest mmorpgs.

Wow what a topic…

Loooot of great stuff here lol