My destroyer suddenly exploded - committing suicide (possibly a bug or a hack issue from a particular player?)

Bug report:


My destroyer Sirius (Federation destroyer of Rank 14) suddenly exploded, it said that I committed a suicide! This is incorrect.

My destroyer had almost all health left, but the guy who killed me was in a Ronin - ACCYP [SCORP].

I am sorry that I didn’t record this match.

I did not press any commands to self-destruct my destroyer. I did not use any modules, especially Worm-hole projector to teleport me somewhere.

There are only two possible scenarios here. A strange and a very rare bug, or a hacker that somehow did this! I do not want to blame anyone, but it’s very suspicious.


Logs and screenshots are provided.






Logs: (Check what happened at 02:10:50+ PM or 14:10:50+)

[2017.05.23](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14323)

Btw, my destroyer has 105270 hull hitpoints, but the damage display on suicide is higher than that.


My specs for Sirius destroyer:


Also, during battle I did not press an ESC key and use my mouse over Self-Destruct option, no matter what the log says!

i don’t think accyp is responsible ^^’ he get the kill because he was the last pilot to hit you but about that bug or if it’s one… that realy wierd ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”) did you get any kind of lag before it happen ?

10 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

i don’t think accyp is responsible ^^’ he get the kill because he was the last pilot to hit you but about that bug or if it’s one… that realy wierd ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”) did you get any kind of lag before it happen ?

No. It’s a damn shame that I did not record that match. Would definitely trigger a scare!

Only other possibility is that I collided with some object. I am out of ideas.

Is it possible to plant an object inside of destroyer, so that you can get glitched or instantly destroyed, if you were moving?

I had a similar issue in coop r8 in a recon and another ai recon 1 shot me from 90% hull. I checked the log of what killed me and it was just the standard recon ai weapon, nothing else.


Game is getting more and more buggy everyday. People are getting dc’s, massive lag spikes and another guy in my corp on a mac is getting crazy graphics issues, black space and missing hud elements.

Same happened to me a while ago in a random Fire Suppourt game. Cruiser spawned and it said I self destructed.

I originally tought it was due to a Quantum Leap from a Tai Kin. 

But at the moment of your death, there were 3 possible Tai Kin using Quantum leap : Nayrin, NazariusPrime, Uni


And I checked into logs :

nayrin -> return crystal

nazariusprime -> return crystal

uni -> crystal jump


So I don’t see why you should be one shoted.




It happened to me as well. Flying Sirius ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

1 hour ago, niripas said:

It happened to me as well. Flying Sirius ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Are you trolling me? Where are your LOGS?!

4 hours ago, Koromac said:

Is it possible to plant an object inside of destroyer, so that you can get glitched or instantly destroyed, if you were moving?

I’m pretty sure its not possible. A way to test it is for example the animated robot thing in fire support or the arm that moves in fire support, put destroyer between it and a hard place and it will just go crazy but only moves you out of the way and wont kill you. also a pve mission where the cargo ships go into the final station area, put a destroyer between them and again it just moves you, does not kill you.


But the planting something inside of anything, I’m pretty sure that’s not possible but if it were then it would definitely be a bug.

1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

I’m pretty sure its not possible. A way to test it is for example the animated robot thing in fire support or the arm that moves in fire support, put destroyer between it and a hard place and it will just go crazy but only moves you out of the way and wont kill you. also a pve mission where the cargo ships go into the final station area, put a destroyer between them and again it just moves you, does not kill you.


But the planting something inside of anything, I’m pretty sure that’s not possible but if it were then it would definitely be a bug.

I know that my destroyer immediately exploded almost at full health in Spec Ops, when Destroyer raised its barrier, while I was inside of it.

I am just not sure, if I saw a “Self-Destruct” message.

10 minutes ago, Koromac said:

I know that my destroyer immediately exploded almost at full hull in Spec Ops, when Destroyer raised its barrier, while I was inside of it.

I am just not sure, if I saw a “Self-Destruct” message.

Lol, yeah I did that a few times and think that’s not a bug. I think its same thing as just touching it. I know that its insta-death if you just touch the Defiler. ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)


2 hours ago, Koromac said:

Are you trolling me? Where are your LOGS?!

He does not need logs. He is GM. You can TRUST him!


















He holds my family hostage, Help please!

43 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

He does not need logs. He is GM. You can TRUST him!lease!

Sure, I trust niri enough. I just wanted to take a peek in his logs.

3 hours ago, Koromac said:

Are you trolling me? Where are your LOGS?!

On the archive disk. I have to write a script to look for that entry, sorry.

8 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

i don’t think accyp is responsible ^^’ he get the kill because he was the last pilot to hit you but about that bug or if it’s one… that realy wierd ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”) did you get any kind of lag before it happen ?

Frankly speaking I also don’t think it was ACCYP, but rather some of those many random bugs. Not sure we can reproduce it reliably though.

You can self destruct when you have DC from a game and returned. Maybe this has somehow happened due to a bad connection somewhere and you got self destructed because of it. (Even if you didn’t actually get kicked)


Being in cruiser spawn area when it spawns results in boom last time I tried it. If you are inside the space that its hull takes.


Destroyer spec ops shield thing, normally I get pushed out, or if I get trapped inside, just the normal pulsar + lots of collisions.


Perhaps someone spawned inside you? There are a few ships at spawn

It’s known, very rare bug. We don’t know how to reproduce it.