Multiphase shield idea

I suggest making the multiphase shield a default feature of destroyers, but decreased effectiveness and reacts to incoming damage instead of manual activation. The module is rarely used (so far) and if it is, it is seldom used properly. This would make it a key target structure for any attackers. It could be made larger and placed in the middle of every destroyer and act as a sort of “shield generator” like on dreads. It’s tactical use is minimal given the current player base and combat style of the game, so this would give it a bit of use without using up an active module slot.

A) the module is awesome and brings variety and uniqueness to different types of destroyers

B) stop with the ideas of modules that requer a zero input from a player.

I suggest making the multiphase shield a default feature of destroyers, but decreased effectiveness and reacts to incoming damage instead of manual activation. The module is rarely used (so far) and if it is, it is seldom used properly. This would make it a key target structure for any attackers. It could be made larger and placed in the middle of every destroyer and act as a sort of “shield generator” like on dreads. It’s tactical use is minimal given the current player base and combat style of the game, so this would give it a bit of use without using up an active module slot.

Rarely used? I see 90% of the destroyers i face in my own use the module, it has a great role and great stats, why change it when it works perfectly? Where are you getting your information from???

Just from what I see. I used to use it as a manditory mod as well, but I exchanged it for a different mod and the heightened DPS was way more useful than a 6 second insta-resist. Destroyer combat has no place for such thing. I’d say the only real use it has against other destroyers is to help ward off hellfire missile damage. Anything else is already negligible so the extra 41 points is relatively pointless. (Lol)

Just from what I see. I used to use it as a manditory mod as well, but I exchanged it for a different mod and the heightened DPS was way more useful than a 6 second insta-resist. Destroyer combat has no place for such thing. I’d say the only real use it has against other destroyers is to help ward off hellfire missile damage. Anything else is already negligible so the extra 41 points is relatively pointless. (Lol)

I highly suggest you study the guide i made awhile ago

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24645-a-guide-to-resistances/)

But if you kill them before they kill you that makes the argument invalid.

My three passive shield resists supply all the res I need to survive.

And I know how frickin resists work damnit. I didn’t join yesterday.

But if you kill them before they kill you that makes the argument invalid.

And I know how frickin resists work damnit. I didn’t join yesterday.

Lol you’re still hurting your argument with that statement, why kill them faster when i can tank their damage way more then just punish them in return for not doing the same, and proceeding to have around half shields and continue on my way?

And I know how frickin resists work damnit. I didn’t join yesterday.

… Anything else is already negligible so the extra 41 points is relatively pointless…

These 2 contradict each other, which one you want us to pick?

It’s a matter how each factor affect the fight. Saying one is useless and the other is only good is foolish.

If I increase my damage by 20% instead of reducing the damage from 80% to 70%, do I win the fight easier?

Base damage: 120% → 140%

Enemy damage: 80% → 70%

Base damage is equal to enemy damage at 100%.

140/120 → 16.67%

80/70 → 14.29%

So the higher damage win the fight easier as it would help to boost the resistance to hold out longer.

(just example-numbers no real numbers)

But the problem aren’t so easy. Multiple enemies - splitted damage, can’t focus the whole time and more factors can decide what is more useful.

So please stop with the ‘I’m right!!!’ posts. I like the module for it’s passive and active and I will use it just for the love of boosting the defense.

Do what ye will. I’ve just not found any real use for it yet. Passive resist is just like a single adaptive and the active mode just makes you a guard for 6 seconds. Nothing that I need to waste a slot for.

Do what ye will. I’ve just not found any real use for it yet. Passive resist is just like a single adaptive and the active mode just makes you a guard for 6 seconds. Nothing that I need to waste a slot for.

Welp. This game is not based on just your opinion though and making a suggestion to change a module entirely just because you don’t like it is not really smart.

I use the Multiphase Shield and find it quite useful, it gives me the resistance I need to compensate the lack of resistances I have due to my increased shield regeneration speed, it’s an excellent additional module for Jericho Destroyers or Federation Destroyers, although it isn’t that useful for Empire ones, maybe get something similar for hull.


There are other modules with issues like A1MA or Reactor Overload.

(And the worst part is actually that people use Reactor Overload even though it sucks.)

There are other modules with issues like A1MA or Reactor Overload.

(And the worst part is actually that people use Reactor Overload even though it sucks.)

And I have made topics for both, yet nothing has happened. So I guess the devs don’t even care about the English forums. (Though I’m 95% sure that the majority of destroyer idea came from the eng forums.

Do what ye will. I’ve just not found any real use for it yet. Passive resist is just like a single adaptive and the active mode just makes you a guard for 6 seconds. Nothing that I need to waste a slot for.

Lets take Archon and run some math

Here is a base build



feeding these stats to EHP(how much dmg ship can actually take) calculator I made years ago (and accessible via the Resistances guide)



(number represents how much dmg have to be done to send it to the god of respawn, using REGULAR dmg, to find out Explosive dmg results, use calculator)



HP points / Kinetic HP / EM HP / Thermal HP


Hull : 111300 / 240408 / 183645 / 222600

Shield: 62000 /  80600 /   75330 / 128960

Total:  --------  / 227516 / 258975 / 351560


MULTIPHASE in passive mode, mk4 (+41 resistances)


HP points / Kinetic HP / EM HP / Thermal HP


Hull : 111300  / 240408 / 183645 / 222600

Shield: 62000 / 106020 / 100750 / 154380

Total:  --------  / 252936 / 284395 / 376980



MULTIPHASE in active mode (+145 resistances for 6 seconds)

HP points / Kinetic HP / EM HP / Thermal HP


Hull : 111300  / 240408 / 183645 / 222600

Shield: 62000 / 170500 / 165230 / 218860

Total:  --------  / 317416 / 348875 / 441460


Now lets see how your shield regeneration affected

280 pts/sec (base) + 400 pts/sec (Jericho Router) = 680 pts/sec (AND THAT IS IGNORING Engineer healing which next to double this number)


Assume you live for 1 minute under enemy fire, which is common occurring, sometimes you live full game under enemy fire (whole 5-6 minutes).

60 sec x 680 pts regen -> 40800 shield hp points regenerated, apply resistances on that:

Kinetic / EM / Thermal

  1. No MP ---------------> 53040 / 49572 / 84864

  2. MP passive (+41) -> 69768 / 66300 / 101592 


  1. How much dmg can be regened under MP Active (+145) in 6 seconds (on a 34 sec CD). 4080 hp points regen in 6 seconds

Kinetic / EM / Thermal

11220 / 10873 / 14402 



Multiphase shield boosts Archon survivability through the course of battle ~30% if used to its strengths and timed well with active phases. 

Considering how Worm + Tempest pretty much mandatory modules in PvP (and Tempest in PvE) you only left with 3 modules to fit into 2 slots

2x Turrets 

1x Pyro


Pyro > both turrets hands down, so you are stuck with a choice of Multiphase or Blaster Turret or Plasma Turret

Nighter Blaster nor Plasma turrets provide enough Dmg to off set amount of tank lost by not having multiphase, and the general rule applies too - the tankier you are, the longer you live and stay under fire, and more dmg you can do