Multi Colored Markers

I’ve posted something simular previously I’m posting it again, I don’t understand why not to do this.


Can we get different colored markers for non ship items on the HUD. IE attack drones, spy drones… Can be yellow.


I am so tired of wheeling around just to see I am wasting time on finding a micro locator. Ya, another micro locator that I can hit unless I lock on to hit.


Also why can’t I know who has a lock on me? Can we have the marker for ships who have you locked white or some other color?


Now I’m totally going to go just nuts with my suggestion. What if attack drones that were moving on you also changed color. Could be white, the same as ships targeting you.

Maybe micro locators that were affecting your ship could show differently. It really does take time to look at the top of the screen for affects.


A HUD is really good when it actually provides the heads up portion along with that display part.

While I may or may not be on board with your suggestions (yellow/white implies to me a neutral, not a hostile target), all I have to say is to make sure you have the ‘Lock who’s locking you’ command bound to whatever key you think is comfortable. That’ll allow you to track foes locked on to you, and, to an extent, help you figure out if someone locked on to you is beyond sensor range or is in stealth.

I can only support this. The info is available, so the info should be clear.

While I may or may not be on board with your suggestions (yellow/white implies to me a neutral, not a hostile target), all I have to say is to make sure you have the ‘Lock who’s locking you’ command bound to whatever key you think is comfortable. That’ll allow you to track foes locked on to you, and, to an extent, help you figure out if someone locked on to you is beyond sensor range or is in stealth.

I don’t want to change my locked target. I want to know who is locking me.


I can only support this. The info is available, so the info should be clear.

I don’t understand what you mean.


Why would anyone want the hud to show all markers under the same color.

Have you never had a ship fly past you then drop a spy drone to confuse your tracking. I’m following the wrong object while my lock is still taking time to lock because they just uncloaked.


Were I in the future and designing a HUD for a space ship I would not give the opponent the advantage of everything showing the same on that HUD. It would just be a bad design.

+1. Critical information should be easily available in a single glance.

+1. Critical information should be easily available in a single glance.

Thanks, I was starting to think I was crazy.

I don’t understand what you mean.


Why would anyone want the hud to show all markers under the same color.

Have you never had a ship fly past you then drop a spy drone to confuse your tracking. I’m following the wrong object while my lock is still taking time to lock because they just uncloaked.


Were I in the future and designing a HUD for a space ship I would not give the opponent the advantage of everything showing the same on that HUD. It would just be a bad design.


I meant i support you. I thought that was clear from the sentence “I can only support this.”  :lol:


What i meant furthermore is that we already have access to all those information, we just don’t have a way to see it in a nice, clear way. That is what your suggestion would change, and i support it wholeheartedly.

I meant i support you. I thought that was clear from the sentence “I can only support this.”  lol.png


What i meant furthermore is that we already have access to all those information, we just don’t have a way to see it in a nice, clear way. That is what your suggestion would change, and i support it wholeheartedly.

O thanks, I don’t know why I didn’t understand that.

+1, Repair stations, micro locators, drones etc should not have the same markers as ships.