More Ship Slots!!! A ship slot dlc

Hey I think that the developers should add a dlc that gives you 2 extra ship slots, for you can have a total of six, but it wont be cheap for people can just buy it and use it easily.

I want them to add this for I can have all of my pirate ships together in one battle for I can have each ships special ability/equips. I just find this a neat idea.


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It would 100% turn into a P2W.

Having your mini ‘fleet’ together is a cool feeling, but unfortunately wouldn’t really work balance wise. People should have to make some choices about what they bring and already 3-4 slots provide alot of variety.

Definitely NO!

The advantage of paying PPL would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay to great, especially in Capture the Beacons!

pay 2 win

Hey I think that the developers should add a dlc that gives you 2 extra ship slots, for you can have a total of six, but it wont be cheap for people can just buy it and use it easily.

I want them to add this for I can have all of my pirate ships together in one battle for I can have each ships special ability/equips. I just find this a neat idea.


Agree or Disagree in the poll


Please remember that in realistic mode, the number of ships you have equipped gives you a very big advantage.


This suggestion would therefore be too ‘pay to win’ to work effectively in the current meta.

Only thing I could think of would be introducing a 5th ship slot upon reaching R18 :D(Tier 6 whenever that releases) but even then, a terrible idea

aint gonna be T6 …

aint gonna be T6 …

Even if it does it will be swarmed by people who already have full hangar full synergy R15 ships already now. 

I hate Capture the Beacons enough as is. Please don’t make it outright pay to win.

Now, if those same slots could be unlocked with credits, or just reaching a certain rank… Eh, maybe. Then again, CtB matches would just drag on even longer.

Now, if those same slots could be unlocked with credits, or just reaching a certain rank… Eh, maybe. Then again, CtB matches would just drag on even longer.

Imagine the amounts of higher tier trolls dropping down to early tiers…

Imagine the amounts of higher tier trolls dropping down to early tiers…

You could make the R12 slot only available for T4+ and a possible R15 slot only for T5 to solve that.

I’m against it though, some tactical choices should be made before the battle, it’s part of what makes realistic mode more interesting.

You could make the R12 slot only available for T4+ and a possible R15 slot only for T5 to solve that.

I’m against it though, some tactical choices should be made before the battle, it’s part of what makes realistic mode more interesting.

I see what you mean, but unlocking 4th slot at rank 12 for all games isn’t bad. Oh, well, when you get a troll like me, it can get annoying for both teams, but hey…!

Hey I think that the developers should add a dlc that gives you 2 extra ship slots, for you can have a total of six

