More Guns


I want MORE guns on my Frigate … 

3D models of Anaconda’s  Gryzli’s have the spots of additional guns so why there isn’t any option to mount more guns …  or two different type of guns 

This is not planned due to balancing reasons.

I want MORE stuns on my ECM!! It’s so overpowered that it NEEDS more power!


seriously, if you can’t play an engi or guard with 4 gun turrets and be happy with it, you’re not doing it right.


Quality. Not Quantity. The only reason LRF have 6 guns is because they’ve been nerfed until they’re cripple because people abuse the Fmodules, especially ELRF 12k spawn campers



Also, 2 different types of guns. Hm. That renders the guard class completely useless.


For example.


A LRF with 2 positron cannons, 2 heavy blasters and 2 coil mortars would be able to take out most ships with ease because it deals all 3 types of damage. You have options for dealing different damage. Guns for one type, missiles for another. If you haven’t noticed. It’s also a really stupid idea to concentrate on one singular type of damage.


The ONLY classes which can deal ALL 3 types of damage are guard and Cov Ops. This is short lived for BALANCING reasons. If a cov ops plasma arc lasted for a minute, it’d be about as OP as ECM is now.


Guards deal thermal (Pulsar) and has a choice of Four weapons usually and 5 at t4+. These are all either Thermal, Electroplasmomagnetic or Kinetic. Missile slots can either be Thermal, EM or kinetic as well.


Cov Ops can be fitted with EM guns, Thermal Arc and kinetic missiles. The damage buffs are short lived however to keep the BALANCE.


If all ships dealt all types of damage simultaneously, everyone would leave.


Typical n00b thread. “I want everything on my ship and i want it now and it’s not gonna be OP but everyone else’s ship is OP and i want ECM buffed because they’re weak and don’t do any damage”

This is not planned due to balancing reasons.

im not talking about balance … im talking just about the LOOKS ;p  

im not talking about balance … im talking just about the LOOKS ;p  

well, we all think they look just fine

Speak for yourself! Every frig used to have 6 guns! And it was awesome! It looked especially great on the engineers for the Feds~

Speak for yourself! Every frig used to have 6 guns! And it was awesome! It looked especially great on the engineers for the Feds~

6 guns could be adapted to, but having multiple gun damage types on one ship, nah

For the look 6 turrets would be great, but it would be confusing because 6 turrets on an Engi deal far less damage than 6 turrets on a LRF.

For the look 6 turrets would be great, but it would be confusing because 6 turrets on an Engi deal far less damage than 6 turrets on a LRF.

Perhaps the damage could be tweaked to make 6 guns work at the same DPS as 4 guns, as the fire rate is increased. Either that, or there are 6 guns at the 4 gun fire-rate witht eh same overheat time. A intie 2, fighter 4, frigate 6 would be nice, but would need balancing. Most ships have places for the extra 2 turrets anyway, especially jeri guards and empire engi’s. Unsure if fed can adapt or not, but as DPS is left unchanged, would it really matter?

There is a spot on my Sai that could have more engines on it.

Below the “wings”, above them. A pretty big spot on the top of my ship, and on the bottom.

Maybe a few spots where engines could be installed on the end of some arms.


To think of it, I’m not in love with this whole 700mps cap. Lets just not do that any more…

There is a spot on my Sai that could have more engines on it.

Below the “wings”, above them. A pretty big spot on the top of my ship, and on the bottom.

Maybe a few spots where engines could be installed on the end of some arms.


To think of it, I’m not in love with this whole 700mps cap. Lets just not do that any more…

raise it to 1200, then people won’t be wasting their cash because of the cap on ships designed to fly at 700

raise it to 1200, then people won’t be wasting their cash because of the cap on ships designed to fly at 700

Then we’ll have tacklers going faster than any recon with more than 1 hp can.

Then we’ll have tacklers going faster than any recon with more than 1 hp can.

removing cruise engine would solve that problem and make tacklers something that isn’t overused by noskill poopers. Cruise engine is a nice idea that’s spawned a annoying problem


Actually, this no speed limit thing gives me an idea