More Crefted Items!

I love having cool, unique modules and weapons that I can use on any ship! There’s just something about using them that is just so cool!!! But the current lack of unique crafted items is quite a letdown…

So just in case you guys down at programming were having trouble brainstorming new items, I’ve come up with a few for you! (Also hopefully the comments will fill up with cool ideas too!)

Name: Leecher Pulse

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: None, is purple.

Energy: 200pt

Cooldown: 24s

Tooltip: Damages nearby enemies in a 1,500m radius by 500 EM/Kin each second for 12s. 1/2 of damage dealt is transferred back to the user as shield/hull regen.

Example: If enemy has shields up, it damages shields for EM, but if only hull is left, it damages the hull for Kinetic.

Animation: Red pulses are sent out from any entity within range, to the user, like a pulsar in reverse.


Name: Magnetic Resonator Field

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: None, is purple.

Energy: 30pt/s

Tooltip: Creates a multiplicative phase resonance between nearby allies in a 1,000m radius, so that their shield power is shared.

What it does: 1/2 of the max natural shield regeneration capabilities, and 1/20 of shield resistances are added to every ship within range of the host.

Example: host ship has 100pt/s regen and 20pt resist on everything. One allied ship enters the AoE with 100pt/s regen and 20pt resist on everything. Both ships now have 150pt/s regen and 21pt resist. It rewards teams that stay together and help eachother.


Name: Secondary Pylons

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: Each increases range by 200m.

Energy: None while passive. 200 upon activation.

Cooldown: 60s

Tooltip: Fires a homing energy missile at your target, or the nearest enemy within 8,000m of your ship every 18 seconds. Upon activation, fires 3 in a burst. If no visible enemies are in range, the module will not work.

Damage: 3,500 EM

Animation: A glowing blue missile is released from the ship and follows the target. Cannot guide around objects.


Name: Fuel Scoop

Type: Multipurpose Passive Module(any slot)

Ranks: All

Upgrades: None, is purple.

Energy: None

Tooltip: Gathers hydrogen from the gas clouds around your ship to give it a slow fuel regeneration of 1 point every 2 seconds while not using fuel or energy.

Name: Cloaking Tower

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 5

Upgrades: Each increases range by 333.3m.

Energy: 230

Cooldown: 90s

Tooltip: Deploys a small autonomous tower to EM cloak all nearby ships in a 500m radius of it for 26 seconds. 1,000 hull points.


Name: Emergency-Jump

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: Mk4 has 35s cooldown.

Energy: All

Cooldown: 45s

Tooltip: Instantly jumps the user 1,500m in the direction of their crosshairs after a one second preparation. Preparation disables all modules and weapons systems.

Name: Energy Pylon

Type: Engineer Active Module

Ranks: Tier 3-5

Upgrades: Each increases range by 200m and regen by 25pt/s. Also reduces Cooldown by 10s at Mk4.

Energy: 350

Cooldown: 35s

Tooltip: Deploys an autonomous station that generates 175pt of energy each second for each ship in a 2,600m radius.


Name: Wormhole Generator

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: None, is purple.

Energy: 300

Cooldown: 120s

Tooltip: Generates a wormhole 500m in front of the user. When used, opens the map to jump to any non-factional location for 20 fuel points. Cannot be used without enough fuel. Maximum of 4 sectors for 80 fuel at a time.

Name: Engine Purge

Type: Frigate Active Module

Ranks: Tier 3-5

Upgrades: None, is purple.

Energy: All

Cooldown: 90s

Tooltip: Releases your energy reserves in to your engines to flush them out and make them run more efficiently. Disables engines during the 2 second process. Increases max speed, strafe speed and acceleration by 75%, rotation speed by 25% for 25s.

Name: Singularity Beam

Type: Secondary Weapon

Ranks: Tier 5

Upgrades: None.

Energy: None.

Cooldown: 18s per charge. 180s per cartridge. 2 charges in cartridge.

Tooltip: Fires a thin beam of tightly focussed energy at your crosshairs for 1 second, after a 2 second charge. Beam cannot change directions.

Damage: 12,000 EM (AoE in beam)

Range: 10,000m

Requirements: Monocrystal(1), Crystal Shard(1), Osmium Crystal(1)

Animation: A solid blue beam, about 50m diameter, that stays in position when fired, after a blue highlight laser like that of the disintegrator.


Name: False ID

Type: Multipurpose Passive Module(Any slot)

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: None, is purple.

Energy: None.

Cooldown: None.

Tooltip: Makes pirates friendly, but all law enforcement ships will target you.

Name: Hemishield

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: None, is purple.

Energy: 250

Cooldown: 20s

Tooltip: Creates a single hemisphere of static blue shield in the direction the ship is facing. Max 2 operational at a time. 500m diameter. 30,000 durability. Lasts 60s.


Name: Beast Drone

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: Each increases durability by 1,000 for shield and hull. Also increases damage by 250 and speed by 20m/s.

Energy: 300

Cooldown: 90s

Tooltip: Unleashes a powerful drone to track down and annihilate all enemies it sees. Acts on its own AI so you can’t assign it a target. Fires a small minigun at its target dealing 1,450EM/s. Has 6,000 shield points and 6,000 hull points. Travels at 440m/s. Will roam the battlefield until it is destroyed, or another drone is deployed.


Name: Razor Plating

Type: Hull Passive Module

Ranks: All

Upgrades: Each increases ramming damage by 33.3%.

Energy: None.

Cooldown: None.

Tooltip: Increases ramming damage to enemy by 200%. Decreases hull resistance to explosion damage by 10%.


Name: Hull Magnetizer

Type: Guard Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: Each increases range by 100m and time by 4 seconds.

Energy: 350

Cooldown: 90s

Tooltip: Magnetizes your hull to draw in all enemy missiles and any kinetic projectile in a 1,700m radius of your ship. Lasts for 18 seconds. Increases shield resistance to all damage types by 20 points for the duration of the effect.

Name: Starlight Module

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 2-5

Upgrades: Each increases duration by 5 seconds.

Energy: 100

Cooldown: 75s

Tooltip: Energizes your hull to produce a blinding white light to distract and disorient foes that can see you for 5 seconds.

Animation: The ship becomes the epicenter of a huge ball of white light that whites out anything close to it. For allies, you just glow white for the duration.


Name: Missile Hacker

Type: ECM Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5


Energy: 150

Cooldown: 12s

Tooltip: Allows the user to lock on to missiles. Once activated, the targeted missile is reprogrammed to target the sender. If it is a Guided Missile, you take control of it to guide it safely away from your team.

Name: Radar Latch

Type: CPU Passive Module

Ranks: 3-5

Upgrades: None, is purple.

Energy: None.

Cooldown: None.

Tooltip: Allows the user to lock on to allies. Any helpful buffs from you are multiplied by 1.5 for the targeted ally. Targeted ally also gains a radar range boost of 20%.

Name: Parasitic Drone

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 3-5

Upgrades: Each increases damage by 100, and range by 25m.

Energy: 150

Cooldown: 60s

Tooltip: Latches a drone on to your target within 750m that deals 500 Kin damage per second to their allies, but not them. Range of attached drone is 750m. The drone will continue to damage the target’s allies until it takes 800 damage or the target dies.

Animation: A small drone is shown orbiting the ship affected, shooting at nearby allies.

Name: Singularity Bomb

Type: CovOps Secondary Weapon

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: None.

Energy: None.

Cooldown: 25s per charge, 180s per cartridge. Cartridge has 2 Charges.

Tooltip: Deploys a massive bomb that sits in place for 10 seconds before detonating. Is a direct upgrade of the Tactical Nuke.

Damage: 20,000EM at epicenter. Leaves a green cloud that deals 1,000EM/s. Radius: 2,000m.

Requirements: Metal Blank(3), Crystal Shard(2), Silicon Plate(2)

Name: Modified Coil Mortar

Type: Upgraded Frigate Main Weapon

Ranks: Tier 5

Upgrades: None, is orange.

Energy: None.

Tooltip: Equipped with alien weapon loading technology, this modification of the Coil Mortar can charge up all barrels to fire at once.

Charges: 2 for Engineer and Guard, 3 for LRF.

Name: Buster Turret

Type: Frigate Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: Each increases range by 250m and damage by 300.

Energy: 350

Cooldown: 45s

Tooltip: Deploys a static drone that fires missiles at targets within 1,500m of the drone, each dealing 2,500 Thermal damage. Has 9,000 hull points.

Name: Portable Station

Type: Engineer Active Module

Ranks: Tier 5

Upgrades: None, is purple.

Energy: All

Cooldown: 180s

Tooltip: Deploys a large beacon structure that has its own shield with a radius of 1,000m and 75,000 points of strength. Allied ships within the shield are repaired at a rapid rate. If the shield is broken, the station fades.


Name: Radiation Distorter

Type: Fighter Main Weapon

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: Each increases damage and range.

Energy: None.

RoF: 120sps

Tooltip: Rapidly fires small piercing orbs of radiation at your crosshairs.

Damage: 900 Thermal per shot.

Range: ~2,000m

Spread: Increases from 0-1.3° as you fire.

Projectile speed: ~900m/s

Reserved for additions and notes.

Also, specs on everything can be changed according to what is best. These numbers are simply placeholders. ^^


  1. Edited Wormhole Generator tooltip. (#8)

  2. Added 21, 22, 23.

  3. Updated some modules to make them a bit less OP.

  4. Re-worked Copycat Drone in to a new module. (#13)

  5. Added new weapon “Radiation Distorter” (#24) Possibly new Gunship weapon?

  6. Added projectile speed for (#24).

Thanks, we will consider your suggestions for future modules.

Name: Emergency-Jump

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: Tier 4-5

Upgrades: Mk4 has 35s cooldown.

Energy: All

Cooldown: 45s

Tooltip: Instantly jumps the user 1,500m in the direction of their crosshairs after a one second preparation. Preparation disables all modules and weapons systems.

I like this, would make gameplay way more exciting on several ships. :slight_smile: And might leave more space for tactical strikes.

Yeah, I really want this one to happen as well.

Also the Magnetic Resonator Field module looks like it would be an interesting module too~

And with a yes or a no, I REALLY want the “Secondary Pillions” module!!! It would make battle so much more interesting, and would give IR Flares a much higher priority over other survivability modules.

To which sectors could the wormhole generator be used to warp to?

To which sectors could the wormhole generator be used to warp to?

All of them, except for stations.

Well, the Wormhole generator should be balanced and should use 25 fuel for each distance, with a max of 4 sectors with 100 fuel.

Well, the Wormhole generator should be balanced and should use 25 fuel for each distance, with a max of 4 sectors with 100 fuel.

What I was thinking.

What I was thinking.

Tooltip: Generates a wormhole 500m in front of the user. When used, opens the map to jump to any non-factional location for 25 fuel points. Cannot be used without enough fuel.


Isn’t shown here!

It was shown in the original writing in the module. I simplified it for a shorter tooltip in the writings for this list.


Well, the Wormhole generator should be balanced and should use 25 fuel for each distance, with a max of 4 sectors with 100 fuel.

Define sector.

As in, shortest route between sectors? Longest? Entire systems? Within systems?

Define sector.

As in, shortest route between sectors? Longest? Entire systems? Within systems?

Distance = 1 line between the sectors, so if you can access a warp gate to your neighbour sector, it’s one distance.

Distance = 1 line between the sectors, so if you can access a warp gate to your neighbour sector, it’s one distance.

There are some sectors connected by two other sectors which can provide two possible paths. So will it assume the shortest possible route, or will it use the longer route?

There are some sectors connected by two other sectors which can provide two possible paths. So will it assume the shortest possible route, or will it use the longer route?

I just used this example for the wormhole generator, since it would teleport you directly into the wished sector it doesnt matter if the total route would be 40 or 50km.

I just used this example for the wormhole generator, since it would teleport you directly into the wished sector it doesnt matter if the total route would be 40 or 50km.

Can you directly answer my question, please?

There are some sectors connected by two other sectors which can provide two possible paths. So will it assume the shortest possible route, or will it use the longer route?

Can you directly answer my question, please?

It would assume the rout that you would have taken, ie; shortest rout. If there is an option to use 4 gates or 3, it will use fuel equivalent to 3

It would assume the rout that you would have taken, ie; shortest rout. If there is an option to use 4 gates or 3, it will use fuel equivalent to 3

Thanks for the direct answer…

It seems reasonable for shorter routes to be taken

No content

Oh my lord, half of these ideas are totally broken >.>;;


But nifty ideas nonetheless. I’ll probably throw some on the pile later.