More cargo spaces

As the title goes, my suggestion is to double the current cargo spaces ships have, i don’t feel like they are enough compared to how much you need to gather and how much you can carry at once.


There are several options i would like to offer for feedback:

1-simply more cargo spaces nothing special

2-double the cargo spaces we have now for every class

3-same spaces but they stack like in inventory (for instance you have 6 slots and the capacity of 6 different items but every time you get an item that matches one of those you have in inventory, they just stack, example: [5x silicon] [3x graphite] [4x graphite plates] [7x osmium] [8x vanadium] [3x metal plates]) This way the hull extender get even more value than before.

4-hull extender doubles the cargo spaces

And make stuff stack

And make good stuff drop

And be worth even undocking.

And lemme smash

And Ben is a hoe

And it needs more sticks

And some blue

All i have to do is play the mod card ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Stack would be the only option. Doubling the space wouldn’t help much.

1 hour ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Stack would be the only option. Doubling the space wouldn’t help much.


Maybe not double it. But yes it would be nice to have an increased cargo space. Now that there is like 2x more loots in the drop-table.

Nice suggestion for the OS rework. Keep that suggestion in mind devs ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

5 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Stack would be the only option. Doubling the space wouldn’t help much.

In my mind, Stacks= no need of extended hull=no income from it= less money for them to give us Epicness

But w/e it wouldn’t be game breaking and there’s other ways to get an income.

Nevermind that. Maths could have a weight. So you dont go out and grab 999 of everything in one run…exaggerating but you get it.

My preference, a simple cargo slots increase as the OP Suggested.

Based on feedback i got, i revised the poll and topic as well, please vote and leave a comment/feedback. We are getting somewhere great ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

28 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Based on feedback i got, i revised the poll and topic as well, please vote and leave a comment/feedback. We are getting somewhere great ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

All i see is 1234 cases, no text.

11 minutes ago, CptDoss said:

All i see is 1234 cases, no text.

Read the topic.

What about inventory by cubic volume?

Items would stack for the sake of neatness, but otherwise you would keep getting inventory slots that appear as needed.

Different items could have different volume. Mostly useless credit junks could take next to no space, while ore and valuable components take up more. Whatever makes the most sense, I suppose.

It’s an arcade-ish game so cubic stuff is more for a real simulator.

>> Maybe not double it. But yes it would be nice to have an increased cargo space. Now that there is like 2x more loots in the drop-table.

Nice suggestion for the OS rework. Keep that suggestion in mind devs :slight_smile:

5 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Stack would be the only option. Doubling the space wouldn’t help much.

In my mind, Stacks= no need of extended hull=no income from it= less money for them to give us Epicness <<

Double of 3(5) is just 6(8-10). Or 5(7) is 10(12-14). (Don’t remember the slots for frigates).
Only for dessy ‘double’ would be okay(but didn’t cin said the engine/game is restricted to 15 slots max?). The () is for the +2 for being premium and I don’t know if this would be added AFTER your initial double or doubled as well.

If you farm 14 things aren’t sooooo much(if you not only farm for very few things like berry/neo). So you would be still buying the hull for more slots. But those slots become way more useful with a stacking system as with ‘double’. Both would be nice.

And for me it doesn’t matter if I already have 188576567 shards/silicon/whatever. It’s sad to throw them out for a chance shot for berry/neo/whatever else you wanted to farm. :confused:

In fact, they shouldn’t increase the number of slots. 

They should just make that resources stacks so 10 berry would take only one slot. 


And then, why not make that spacial scanner x2 or x3 the loots from minerals? 

For more spaces we have hull extender.Could we get instead something to send back items easily than drones? It could be infinite drones in every gate with a 15% fee in credit value of the cargo.
Or hull extender could increase more spaces the storage.