More cargo spaces

11 minutes ago, ntboble said:

For more spaces we have hull extender.Could we get instead something to send back items easily than drones? It could be infinite drones in every gate with a 15% fee in credit value of the cargo.
Or hull extender could increase more spaces the storage.

There’s duplicators for that. 


But TBH it’s by far too easy to send back our cargo via drones. Combined with the very limited storage, peoples send their cargo to dock really often. Especially when they have rare loots. 


Which is bad for the gameplay. Because it’s not worth hunting players at all. 

Best case scenario, you’ll get 4 loots worth 30k credit. That’s it. 

IDK if i should feel happy for this much interest on this topic or worried by multi-hijacking the thread lol

I think stacking would be perfect, the bigger your cargo the better and plus it stacks up to a certain number or no number (wishful thinking).

So then the hull extender would allow you to have more different also stacking slots which is very convenient if lets say you were flying your fav intie with hull extender you would be able to easily farm stuff and not worry about the cargo drone every 3 seconds.

I think it’s settled, stacking system is the best for this arcade kind of a space game.

Yes, duplicators are an option, but it wasn’t build for that and it cost resources.

Hunting players for resources is inefficient for the game. You make someone angry and then you can or not get something valuable. Even worst. Because you can kill someone with valuable items for him and trash for you. Hunting players and farming materials don’t mix properly.

Put missions in OS PVP sectors instead.

How did we end up on hunting players?

FROG, Deft, any other useless and annoying corps? What do I know…

But yeah, more spaces, more room for goodness, I approve, skyrocket this request to the Illuminates this instant!

I was answering Swifter43021

3 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

How did we end up on hunting players?

They are linked.

If you can easily send all your cargo back, or can only store barely 3-5 items that are worth nothing that you can get in 2 minutes, then it makes hunting not worth.


10 minutes ago, ntboble said:

Hunting players for resources is inefficient for the game. You make someone angry and then you can or not get something valuable. Even worst. Because you can kill someone with valuable items for him and trash for you. Hunting players and farming materials don’t mix properly.

Then don’t fly in OS in the first place. It’s supposed to be an open world of players with and against each others. Why do you think we have a cargo, areas without station protection, or negative karma if not for players to kill each others ?

It’s not just a big PvE. There should be pirate, tradings, and stuff. That’s what an open world is.


Currently it’s just a mining/PVE world.

23 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

They are linked.

If you can easily send all your cargo back, or can only store barely 3-5 items that are worth nothing that you can get in 2 minutes, then it makes hunting not worth.


Then don’t fly in OS in the first place. It’s supposed to be an open world of players with and against each others. Why do you think we have a cargo, areas without station protection, or negative karma if not for players to kill each others ?

It’s not just a big PvE. There should be pirate, tradings, and stuff. That’s what an open world is.


Currently it’s just a mining/PVE world.

Following your logic : then comes up the demand and need for special mining ships as well, tanky, auto-guns, hide-mining, call police or friends options etc…

Maybe we all rather wont an evolution and do not wont a revolution of how the game functions. Evolutions is step by step, revolution is a big messy caboooom…

I think everything is ok but drones should be every gate.

When I say, let’s increase the cargo space I mean > more items per run > more progress > more accomplishment > more stuff for the common player > no backlash just less trips to the drone for the same amount of playtime.

When you guys talk about killing in OS and how it should be a battle royale mode I see > no items per run > no progress for both sides, killer and victim > one to none accomplishment > nothing gained on both sides > such a backlash that the mode is dead in mere seconds.

The killers have the Frontier and alien sectors and the farmers and explorers share the rest. IMHO killing is reserved for PvP, OS should be the medium ground for everything this game has to offer, from PvE, PvP to Spec Ops and other stuff.

28 minutes ago, AKmatiAK said:

I think everything is ok but drones should be every gate.

… imho, make this a market, too. Let players offer the service of placing out send-cargo-home-drones. Player, who deliver this service would get the 10% (or maybe 5% must be tuned). Model is : Sentry Drone but with different specs and added sent home cargo function off cause.

Give us incentive and options to settle in space by creating our own corp stations or player’s own-private little hangars in systems of choice.-


Create a pr-redered standard hanger for this (in sizes of 1-4 ship slots) and only differ in point of dock and undock in open space, should be doable…

A pirate station in inner sector of map (Fort Muerto) without any station protection could be nice and a challenge for good players and come to be good ones as well.

Unfortunately the easy option to just increase cargo space is not working due to restrictions on server part of the game.

Well, seems like the best option there is to wait for new OS and fixes in the current system, which should be delivered with it. Most probably the item storage will be seriously reworked as well.

>> But TBH it’s by far too easy to send back our cargo via drones. Combined with the very limited storage, peoples send their cargo to dock really often. Especially when they have rare loots.

Which is bad for the gameplay. Because it’s not worth hunting players at all. <<

I will say what killed ‘PvP’ in OS: Making every sector station safe. Yeah I have it on, but to avoid hitting police/transporters/ramming. For me it was okay in the old PvP r10 sectors to don’t know if the guy next to me will or won’t shoot me. But now it’s just yellow play with noone. All the blue avoid the purple/red.

But to get back to the topic: Some tend to gather all rather to send one/few valuable loot back.
And what is valuable depend. Some need the 828575 shards another just silicon and you as pirate may only want neo/berry. So with stacking, you would have a BETTER time as this mean your victim will likely stay longer unsafe and send less often the cargo back via drone.

And if someone think, that stacking would be ‘to much space’ have to present a list what you can gather in a sector and it will likely be more than 30 things.

Just as a note: I’m in the opinion: R1-4 sector should have weak pirates/next to none aliens with very basic/low lootchances. R5-7 stronger enemies and better loot. Those can have station protection. The r10+ sectors should have big/many threats AND not being safe. But at the same time give many/good rewards for trying to loot there.

For the last time, OS is not just another PvP mode, forget about it, you (not you, others so dont get triggered) guys abuse every nanometer of the game that nobody could keep up changing stuff every day for the rest of eternity. PvP is for honing skills, PvE is exercise mechanics and farming, OS is everything mixed together and not just one.

2 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Why do you think we have a cargo, areas without station protection, or negative karma if not for players to kill each others ?

Because it was designed with lots of different ideas in mind, like PvP areas, on-site-missions, loot pickups, hand crafted rooms for variety and exploration, different enemy spawns with their own agendas, but mostly, as a light weight open space emulation, to make the game more “in depth” - and it succeeds in that, as the stations now feel as if they are “somewhere”.

It’s not directly bad, but it is pretty boring and straight forward, and not everything makes sense (karma e.g. only helps you to identify potentially dangerous pilots), has no dedicated gui (even the cargo space panel is pretty “patchworked”). So where you see carefully designed interactions, I just see compromises, a few instanced maps, which can be visited, spawning some stuff.

The only problems I directly had with it, was trying to make daily missions only over open space, as it made the mode “unoptional”, while the beauty of sandbox games lies actually in the fact, that it stays optional to have emergent gameplay and influence on it. Hiding the Blueprints only in it was also a bit meh, but since both things now are independent of OS, and farmable in pve, I am happy with it as it is, and open to it becoming better.

Given it was mostly a gift by the devs to the popular demand of some open space, and the engine itself isn’t built for it directly, it is nice to try your ships, get a bit of extra income, but it seriously doesnt even compete with the cheapest available sandbox games, even the epicly failed no mans sky does this part a lot better. On the other hand, we got hot join through it, as that part of the engine required for running instances to be joined and left by players, and some of the extra designed levels for this mode look really awesome.

but really, that’s it.

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

When I say, let’s increase the cargo space I mean > more items per run > more progress > more accomplishment > more stuff for the common player > no backlash just less trips to the drone for the same amount of playtime.

i wouldnt say no to larger cargo spaces, but i find this is like patchworking an already broken mode, as if it would magicly make it fun. They could just as easily make the drops lucrative again, like it was at the start aswell - but I think, just let them revamp it a bit, maybe it gets more flesh through that.

29 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

Well, seems like the best option there is to wait for new OS and fixes in the current system, which should be delivered with it. Most probably the item storage will be seriously reworked as well.

Translation: In the coming update, you will need to pay for storage space, and existing storage space will me extremely limited. There will also be a requirement to only fly your highest rank ships or else you can’t leave the station, or can’t pick up any loot. Also did we mention that everything will be able to one-shot you after the update.

16 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Translation: In the coming update, you will need to pay for storage space, and existing storage space will me extremely limited. There will also be a requirement to only fly your highest rank ships or else you can’t leave the station, or can’t pick up any loot. Also did we mention that everything will be able to one-shot you after the update.

Yeah, sounds about legit, but consider download the free DLC to help you bypass all of that.

There is no free DLC.

DLCs are always to pay for!

4 minutes ago, avarshina said:

There is no free DLC.

DLCs are always to pay for!


On 16/03/2017 at 4:22 PM, CinnamonFake said:

Unfortunately the easy option to just increase cargo space is not working due to restrictions on server part of the game.

Well, seems like the best option there is to wait for new OS and fixes in the current system, which should be delivered with it. Most probably the item storage will be seriously reworked as well.


There may be a solution not exceeding the limits see adding in a class of cargo vessels