More BOOM for the Thermoreactive Weapon

A quick suggestion:
I think that the thermoreactive weapon looks as cool as it is useless at the moment. Super slow projectiles and low range make it inferior to the meson in nearly every aspect. I think that this gun would be far more useful (and awesome) if its projectiles had a small explosion radius. Maybe about 100m. This would turn a useless gun into an alternative to the Halo as a anti Destroyer gun. The damage output probably has to be lowered a bit, so it isnt OP AF vs dessies. (Because MOAR explosion equals MOAR awesome.)

75m at best. Maybe reduce its damage by 4% if that’s the case though - but that’s my perspective.

I do support this idea though.

indeed +1


Because giving a weapon that is exclusive to a single ship (and a destroyer at that) a 100% damage boost against destroyers is a good idea, yes?


Or with other word I don’t give xxxx about this weapon

4 minutes ago, FilthHound said:

Because giving a weapon that is exclusive to a single ship (and a destroyer at that) a 100% damage boost against destroyers is a good idea, yes?


(Kidding, damage has to be lowered to compensate. Maybe 15% dps more than a Halo. Also, the Halo has the Photon to furthermore increase its anti dessy effectiveness, the Thermoreactive Weapon is kinetic.)

I’m all game for this, + from me

It seems that you are not recognizing the actual problem here. The Halo Launcher itself is a weak weapon. Its power comes from being able to ignore ridiculously overpowered Static Barriers.

Reduce Static Barrier durability to half, and make destroyers unable to shoot through theirs. Suddenly all other destroyer weapons would be much more useful, and destroyers themselves a little less overpowered.

9 minutes ago, Vohvelielain said:

It seems that you are not recognizing the actual problem here. The Halo Launcher itself is a weak weapon. Its power comes from being able to ignore ridiculously overpowered Static Barriers.

Reduce Static Barrier durability to half, and make destroyers unable to shoot through theirs. Suddenly all other destroyer weapons would be much more useful, and destroyers themselves a little less overpowered.

1.When the halo hit the static the dmg are reduce (25% less) 

2.the static is far from overpowered going by the fact that most of players use explosive weapon and interceptor go easily around it

3.what would be the point of being unable to shoot through? 

  1. Dessy are not overpowered but I don’t wanna spend my time about this again.


Dunno if reduce the dmg of the thermoactive is a good idea tho, it already have a low range, low fire rate and overheat quite fast so a buff for explosive will make this weapon more useful ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)



1 hour ago, Vohvelielain said:

It seems that you are not recognizing the actual problem here. The Halo Launcher itself is a weak weapon. Its power comes from being able to ignore ridiculously overpowered Static Barriers.

Reduce Static Barrier durability to half, and make destroyers unable to shoot through theirs. Suddenly all other destroyer weapons would be much more useful, and destroyers themselves a little less overpowered.

This topic isn’t about static barriers. Its about a weapon that is simply bad. I just want it to be less useless. Giving it a small explosion radius (say 75m) would make hitting things easier and make it viable to fight dessys. This gun looks way to cool to not be used! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

1 minute ago, Scar6 said:

This topic isn’t about static barriers. Its about a weapon that is simply bad. I just want it to be less useless. Giving it a small explosion radius (say 75m) would make hitting things easier and make it viable to fight dessys. This gun looks way to cool to not be used! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Yea i’m using it only because of this^^

15 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

This topic isn’t about static barriers. Its about a weapon that is simply bad.

You have a serious problem with reading comprehension.

What my reply meant to say is that you are blaming the wrong thing. Thermoactive Weapon itself is mostly fine, but Static Barriers make it useless. Nerfing the Static Barrier would be an indirect buff to Thermoactive Weapon, along every other weapon with no significant AoE.

5 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

1.When the halo hit the static the dmg are reduce (25% less) 

2.the static is far from overpowered going by the fact that most of players use explosive weapon and interceptor go easily around it

3.what would be the point of being unable to shoot through? 

  1. Dessy are not overpowered but I don’t wanna spend my time about this again.


Dunno if reduce the dmg of the thermoactive is a good idea tho, it already have a low range, low fire rate and overheat quite fast so a buff for explosive will make this weapon more useful ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)



with hull builds, static barriers can stop even halo shots…rendering that weapon pretty much useless against destroyers (its best use). Gthatdu cannon suffers the same fate and any other destroyer weapon gets a worse result against static shields. Doing 1vs1 destroyer gets really bored and stalled due to the high survability and low cooldown of static shields…where explosive mods like photon/tempest/BH will allow you to deal most of the dmg, much more than main weapons.

3 hours ago, Vohvelielain said:

What my reply meant to say is that you are blaming the wrong thing. Thermoactive Weapon itself is mostly fine, but Static Barriers make it useless. Nerfing the Static Barrier would be an indirect buff to Thermoactive Weapon, along every other weapon with no significant AoE.

Totally agree.

I think there has be a slight misunderstanding. I simply think, that the Thermoreactive Weapon is completely outperformed my the Meson. Making it explosive will turn a poopgun into an explosive shotgun, that will actually hit things, because of the trigger radius of explosive guns, just like the coil mortar. In other words: shooting (slightly) next to a target will still damage it because of the explosion. Yup, explosive guns deal more damage to dessies and are able to bypass the OP static barrier OF DOOM. You can still nerf the static barriers AND make an explosive shotgun. Because an explosive shotgun would be awesome AF. Like a FLAK shotgun. I want it. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)