More animations on ships?

Will there be animations for ships? i’ve been thinking that for the Katana i suggest that the orange engine on the back have spinning disks that change direction when you go forward or backward. just a suggestion. not allowed to post a pic.

I would love it! All the Federation ships have spoilers and fins that could move up and down, or sideways. 

Don’t forget that all of these require computers with a better perfomance:)

I would skip this

More animations = More requirements. So it’s a big “no”, because as far as we all know, the developers want to keep the game accesible for everyone.

What if: animations on/off. If you have a good computer you see them, if you don’t have a good computer you don’t see them

The game is very optimized and a few more animations wouldn’t be bad. And like residente said, an option to turn them on/off would be great


I like this idea

I use “good” integrated graphics.  If the idea’s implemented, I want the off option.


Also consider, some of these option could affect all of your targets.  It’s like stickers, if they turn it off, they won’t see it.

Technically speaking, it is ankward enough to have spaceships with wings and fins. Moving them in space will make them more useless…

Technically speaking, it is ankward enough to have spaceships with wings and fins. Moving them in space will make them more useless…

Lol, so true, since there’s no air in space for those fins, they’ll be moving for nothing xD

Presently the ships already have some thrust vectoring animations.

Honestly those are good enough

That’s just so people don’t go, “We’re in space, with no air, so why do I slow down?”

That’s just so people don’t go, “We’re in space, with no air, so why do I slow down?”

It is the same with the main engine and afterburners. Why do I have them always on if I’m in space?

It’s a game.

the game really needs to resolve the sluggishness of the ui, and the interaction between the actual game, and the ui. At current its really slow reacting and sluggish.

Adding graphics in the game at the moment will realy screw over that problem, If anything graphical we should look at doing some touch up work to the current textures (especially asteroids)

or more effects that are not always active, Like when you shoot ice asteroids, how you get the reverb from it.


one thing i always wanted in the game was an asteroid belt that when you should it, it poofed a cloud destroying the asteroid, and the person behind you dident see what way you went for a few seconds (like dirt on the windshield so to speak)

Don’t forget that all of these require computers with a better perfomance:)


I hope that comment wasn’t directed towards me, getting 150+ fps all the time haha.

The 660ti will handle all of this quite well :P.