Mono Crystals

+1  hiya good morning or good afternoon or whatever time it is… well this has to be talked about on the table some time weather its from players,players forums ,and from the company All alike!!  : ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”). Star Conflict  5 years old + and still going. is very good atm. but need to implement rewards and monos as time goes on to match with the times  and as new ships come like Ellydium Evolution fraction ships and Sprial,Endeavour,as well as manufacturing ships also…here F2P after system reset you can only get one mono per fraction which is only 4 monos in total add that with SCl you can only get 4 more so thats a total of 8 monos per day! oh yeah trophy search also  ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”) but you have to pray to the gods if it drops!!!    ok now with paid$ license after system reset each fraction gives 2 monos +with scl  gives you 6 min. thats 14 mono total this is only a problem because you have new fraction Ellyduim and Sprial,Endeavour here! example: the new tal kiin ship weapon lets say you want the ‘Tal’ al" ;launcher you will need 80 mono"s in total to make that wep. but not including other mats. required to make, for F2P it will take them over a month to make thats  30 days!!! and P2w it will take 20 days + to make you see the numbers and thats not including modules and active modules that require also monos to make, and not to mention the sprial and endeavour ships that are coming out and wait we have summer coming!! maybe destroyers as well and other Elly. alien ships as well coming as planned.  ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”). the net. rewards  not viable meaning that lets say the 3 ships i mention just as example Tal" kin,Sprial,Endeavour  with all the require mats. needed for manufacturing and making weps. and active mods at the current stat will take at well atlaest a year to make if not more with grinding weather or not its with a paid lincese or free to play big problem! this def. needs to be looked at and talked about with company i agree with company with new ships am all for it new ships with new story line its all good to keep us interested and playing , but the rewards are not as both free players and paid license players give up and quit ! it is a deturrent for us to play and grind to keep us enticed not viable by all means not a balance reward system for monos require to make new ships and new product as it being rolled out! ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”) here an example which can help with the growing times with ships ,players ,and company with the new product you came out with F2P bump it up to 2 monos per fraction  a total of 8 monos! + SCL  with another 8 Monos …And with a paid$ lincese 4 monos per fraction=16 and SCL with 8 monos just a light touch that is needed . to make it viable and to entice all players as they get close or near they will also buy bundles in store for monos, but this subject and  matter def. needs to be talk about as this is not the frist time this has been brought up countless times! many players are not asking for a drastic change but a light touch that is needed to keep up with new ships and times of evolution to entice new players and old players alike to keep the balance, myself i dont want my ships to being hanging around  waiting to be made(manufactured) and end up in the junk yard and saying what happen to SC? i think this will be a Win! Win! for everyone F2P, P2W, and the company! ![:002j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002j.png “:002j:”)  This is just one issue, my question is. will this ever be talked about and noted in near future about Daily monos and rewards?  thank you ,star conflict community ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)

He suggested that each faction OS missions give 2 instead of 1 base mono reward due to the increase of mono dependency as a building material for new contents.

btw added for review

I would rather enjoy my infinitesimally small chance of getting monocrystals in OS back.

And from PvP. Monos from PvP was my primary source. (because I already have most of the prem crafting ships)

Now I get ZERO monos per week from PvP/PvE because of this…

Can monos be farmed via prem ships parts still?

43 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Can monos be farmed via prem ships parts still?

That’s what I’m saying you can’t get them from PvP any more because of removed parts from loot.

OS rewards need to give at least 5 per reward, since the average part for anything now is a minimum of 18 monocrystals.  This way you can get 20 for OS as F2P per day, and make it like…24 for License players.  Makes it more logical, because it will still take time to farm for everything you need that requires mono’s, but wont take a lifetime, as it currently does.

Get gud and join NASA, 49 monos a day *insert NASA commercial ads here*.

1 hour ago, Milfeulle said:

*insert NASA commercial ads here*.


Boi ive been trying to get back in nasa so long that dsx recruited me.

They can remove the limit of members in a coorporation and everyone join NASA, so all the map becomes NASA and the name of the game becomes NASA aswel ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


If you ask me, it basically amounts to unfair advantage given to ‘certain members distinguished from the rest’, or what you call an Aristocracy.

Gaijin is literally granting one corp preferential treatment, and an ‘unfair advantage’ in this case. Although it should have been foreseen that the most powerful corp would inevitably monopolize all the mono sectors, as they tend to accrue the best players. Power tends to concentrate basically. It should be controlled, and kept in check by the people.

In fact, these rewards further reinforce that behaviour, leading to a pretty morbid community.

Overthrow the aristocracy! It’s a revolution, not evolution.


1 hour ago, betatrash said:

If you ask me, it basically amounts to unfair advantage given to ‘certain members distinguished from the rest’, or what you call an Aristocracy.

Gaijin is literally granting one corp preferential treatment, and an ‘unfair advantage’ in this case. Although it should have been foreseen that the most powerful corp would inevitably monopolize all the mono sectors, as they tend to accrue the best players. Power tends to concentrate basically. It should be controlled, and kept in check by the people.

In fact, these rewards further reinforce that behaviour, leading to a pretty morbid community.

Overthrow the aristocracy! It’s a revolution, not evolution.



I think it is time to add some conspiracy to the mix!



1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Boi ive been trying to get back in nasa so long that dsx recruited me.

I am still puzzled how you got into NASA in the 1st place



11 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

I am still puzzled how you got into NASA in the 1st place

I have friends everywhere. It surprises even me.

2 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I have friends everywhere. It surprises even me.

good thing we sorted that out ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

5 hours ago, xKostyan said:

I am still puzzled how you got into NASA in the 1st place

That’s simple… Mecron-tan invited him.

2 hours ago, MightyHoot said:

That’s simple… Mecron-tan invited him.

Actually I did… I got bribed with a sweat hug and smuggled DarkRedFox with return crystal.

9 hours ago, xKostyan said:

*Soviet NASA commercial*

It’s time to replace those empire ships with Tai’kins and Thar’gas on the ad…

On 04.05.2017 at 2:47 AM, TheDarkRedFox said:

That’s what I’m saying you can’t get them from PvP any more because of removed parts from loot.


Parts in loot are still existing in for of this weekly events 


Waaait, why are collectible premiums now a weekly thing?