Modules that need buffing or nerfing.

I want everyone to post which modules they believe now need buffing or nerfing since the latest large patch. 


I’ll start by saying that the weapon system inhibitor and the signature masking need buffs.


The inhibitor should reach almost 50%

The signature masking, about 21%. 

T5, of course and while using the 10-3, 10c, J10 implant. 


As for nerfs… Well, my only real problem has been with the spy drones and micro-locator. 

The micro needs to either be easier to hit, or be FAR less tanky. 

The spy-drones need to be rid of the debuff to regeneration against enemy ships or it needs its cooldown to be far longer. 


Spy-drones could do with a duel buff and nerf, actually. 

Make the spy-drone an negative effect. - the spy drone infects the enemy ship’s on-board computer with a virus that makes the enemy ship broadcast its location to your allied fleet. 

And of course, get rid of the regeneration debuff. No one wants to keep hitting walls to be rid of them, it’s a stupid mechanic. I’d much rather be stuck with them and have the ability to reduce their duration.

Spy Drones are fine as they are, just bump into something to knock them off :wink:

I want everyone to post which modules they believe now need buffing or nerfing since the latest large patch. 


I’ll start by saying that the weapon system inhibitor and the signature masking need buffs.


The inhibitor should reach almost 50%

The signature masking, about 21%. 

T5, of course and while using the 10-3, 10c, J10 implant. 


As for nerfs… Well, my only real problem has been with the spy drones and micro-locator. 

The micro needs to either be easier to hit, or be FAR less tanky. 

The spy-drones need to be rid of the debuff to regeneration against enemy ships or it needs its cooldown to be far longer. 


Spy-drones could do with a duel buff and nerf, actually. 

Make the spy-drone an negative effect. - the spy drone infects the enemy ship’s on-board computer with a virus that makes the enemy ship broadcast its location to your allied fleet. 

And of course, get rid of the regeneration debuff. No one wants to keep hitting walls to be rid of them, it’s a stupid mechanic. I’d much rather be stuck with them and have the ability to reduce their duration.

Spy drones as a debuff almost denied the tackler class, with the invulnerable microlocator.


As it is now, it is perfect.

I agree with the micro locator part. Micro locators are impossible to hit.

Every deployable module in the game needs a larger hitbox, in my opinion. I see a microlocator, and I don’t even bother shooting it unless I have singularities. Even then, it sometimes takes two shots, if I don’t crit with a dogfighting build. I see a sentry drone, and if I have RF blasters, I can only shoot a few times a second, and generally miss if I aim at the circle unless staying perfectly still. Engineer heal stations don’t really get put in vulnerable positions very often, but when I see them, I generally don’t bother shooting them with anything but guided missiles because they’re too hard to consistently hit.


Microlocators should also have a shorter duration. The radius is fine, but the fact that these essentially invulnerable things that take two fighter missiles or some serious aiming skill to take down last for two whole minutes is just ridiculous. They can cover the entire midfield by the one minute mark of a game if there’s enough recons.


Spy drones should not have the fastest cooldown in the game. Bumping things off can deal 1k damage if a ping spike happens and your ship suddenly decides to bump into the wall face first, rather than just scrape a bit. Add to that the fact that it’s really not that hard to spy drone someone in the middle of a heal, whether engineer or shield booster, and spy drones suddenly have a respectable damage output. Personally, I think it ought to be impossible to remove by bumping off, have a shorter duration, and a longer cooldown. I highly dislike the regen debuff, but spy drones have to have some function left, after all.


Parasitic remodulator should not be able to take down the majority of a Jericho guard’s shields, even with an effect bonus recon.


Reactor overload is still totally useless. I say remove team and self damage and add an actual blast upon death, rather than just have a little spot with damage over time.


Combat reboot could use some readjusting. Considering that two seconds of invulnerability can turn the entire tide of battle, it’s a bit too strong. Coming from someone who always has a gunship loaded. Unfortunately, I really don’t know what could be done about it.


Two guards should not be able to cover the entire midfield with mass propulsion inhibitor indefinitely. Less duration, or less radius, or more cooldown. Or some combination of those. Just see the tournament meta for how ridiculous it is.


I find energy emitter a little lacking since the engineer overhaul. The old version would still be better for the team as a whole, while the new version only really helps with having better heals available more often.


Cruise engine should have a larger energy cost. Far too easy to outrun interceptors in fighters while maintaining tank and damage output. Probably the only module in the game that could be nerfed by adding more maneuverability, albeit that would be a terrible idea.


I have no idea why asynchronous shield projector was ever nerfed, but it’s such an incredibly bad module that I can’t help but feel sorry for it right now.


And finally, to end it all:


Shield havoc needs a buff

To note, even if you hit a wall, there is no guarantee that the spy-drone will actually be removed unless you hit that wall a certain way. 

For example, if I ram my Ronin at full speed while using the thrusters, straight ahead at a wall, the spydrones will not be removed more than half the time.

To note, even if you hit a wall, there is no guarantee that the spy-drone will actually be removed unless you hit that wall a certain way. 

For example, if I ram my Ronin at full speed while using the thrusters, straight ahead at a wall, the spydrones will not be removed more than half the time.

No, what removes the wall is collision damage. If you don’t get collision damage, then you won’t remove the spydrones. It happens. It has nothing to do with the angle of hit or speed. Only damage, either 1 hp or 5000 hp.


What most people is requesting here will break the current balance of the game, which I think for the most part is ok.

Combat Reboot is a bit crazy. Invulnerability should be removed and replaced by +50 to all resistances or something like that.


Spy Drones are okay other than the range they can be deployed from. Maybe some 2 or 3 km maximum range for attaching them to target would be approriate?

Without Combat reboot fed gunships will be suicide vessels, they wont come out sudden bombing alive. Dunno about adjusting it, 1second? Its stackable with emergency barrier when timed correctly.

Regen modules need readjust. Asynchronous shield projector, regenerative coating are less useful than max volume ones. Also energy recuperation system could reduce incoming damage too.

Without Combat reboot fed gunships will be suicide vessels, they wont come out sudden bombing alive. Dunno about adjusting it, 1second? Its stackable with emergency barrier when timed correctly.

Regen modules need readjust. Asynchronous shield projector, regenerative coating are less useful than max volume ones. Also energy recuperation system could reduce incoming damage too.

Regenerative Coating has the same/more amount of healing like a hull kit of an interceptor or an fighter; when u use it with some adaptive shield on Fed Cov Ops or on some mpire recons it is quite good

Honestly, Reverse Thruster

Totally unfair, although you have resistance reduction it’s still just a super backwards instajump which does create distance between you and the LRF, chasing an experienced LRF pilot after Reverse Thrust is almost suicide if you’re not a Recon, Tackler or a super Ceptor pilot. A bit more than 30 seconds reload time is just ridiculous, LRFs were meant for Long Range Assault and this module allows them to dive in, annihilate people with their super strong main weapons and then just jump out again and maybe add smth with their F modules to finish off the whole thing. If the LRF is under cloak, there are just 2 ways of counter which are moving behind (can easily be countered by turning) and the Ion Beam Warhead (which is rarely being used in the situation).


Balance could be: Triple the charge up time, Increase Cooldown time, change mechanics (make it something but not instant teleportation)

Even if I’m LRF pilot myself, I know how broken it is, it makes LRF to one of the favourite ship classes for veterans in high tiers, ask yourself why. Super Damage, decent tank capabilities and a cloak/vanish button. + Decent influence range with their F modules.

  • But as we know, there is probably no nerf going to happen, anyways, had to be mentioned.

If RT is going to be an actual warp then we may as well just remove it all together. Having a backwards warp would make LRF “thud” medals occur every time one is used unless they are completely away from any ships or objects. The teleportation is fine.

What -should- be done, though, is make the prep time slightly longer. That would allow attackers enough time to wreck them before jump, but still allow a decent pilot to use it to change position and stuff like that. I personally loved it when it was Insta-jump right when you hit the button, but I know that was OP.

And to comment on reactor overload above; it has a blast after death AND a cloud. I use it to get a few extra kills in PvE after the section is finished all the time. It actually has a pretty decent radius too.

Also could you please elaborate on why shield havoc needs a buff?

Regenerative Coating has the same/more amount of healing like a hull kit of an interceptor or an fighter; when u use it with some adaptive shield on Fed Cov Ops or on some mpire recons it is quite good

You cant use it with adative shield efficiently, because it works above 50% of capacitor. For empire ships with 3 hulls you get better with reinforced beams than this. It has its niche in open space, but in pve/pvp its quite inefficent.

Honestly, Reverse Thruster

Totally unfair, although you have resistance reduction it’s still just a super backwards instajump which does create distance between you and the LRF, chasing an experienced LRF pilot after Reverse Thrust is almost suicide if you’re not a Recon, Tackler or a super Ceptor pilot. A bit more than 30 seconds reload time is just ridiculous, LRFs were meant for Long Range Assault and this module allows them to dive in, annihilate people with their super strong main weapons and then just jump out again and maybe add smth with their F modules to finish off the whole thing. If the LRF is under cloak, there are just 2 ways of counter which are moving behind (can easily be countered by turning) and the Ion Beam Warhead (which is rarely being used in the situation).

Yeah, Reverse Thruster needs nerfing, and so does EM Scattering Field. I wouldn’t want to have LRFs be balanced around the use of RT, so that everyone must have it to stay competitive. RT charge up time and reload time should be both increased.

What do you guys think about RT forcing the LRF pilot to uncloak? Something-something-using up all the energy to blink and unable to maintain EM field.

RT should work like Omega says PLUS it should make you unable to use cloak for a second after you jump.


I think Combat Reboot should use up all of your energy and decrease your energy regen by half while it’s in use.


Sentry Drone needs a damn nerf, it should be a toggle. If you cloak, you lose your drone. edit: Or better yet, have it also consume your energy while it’s active. Woah, look at the possibilities now that it’s a toggle - you could also make it work only when it’s in your line of sight. Make the CD shorter to compensate, and it’s now perfectly balanced with all these tweaks.


Considering most ships only have one CPU slot, a new module that would reduce the duration of debuffs should be introduced. Probably a capacitor slot would make most sense. The sheer presence of so many ECM’s around heavily influences either the survivability or the damage output of all one-CPU ships there are. Or you can do it the easy way and just nerf Stasis Generator, but I’m not sure if it’s fair.


Pulsar needs a nerf. I’m willing to bet that most kills on average done by guards are made with this auto-damage debuff with a range of 1.1-1.5 km that doesn’t even require you to face the general direction of your target. Paired with MPI (and now the F8 nerf), it’s just OP.


Nuke was OP because it could one hit inties and because it made beacon games look like Japan in 1945, not because it was a good anti-frigball tool. It would be best if its damage scaled up with total survivability of the target (the higher the survivability, the higher the damage).


Scatter Gun should be either reworked or removed entirely and a Recon sniper weapon should be introduced in its place.


Micro-locators should cancel out the effects of IR and White Noise within their range. Also they shouldn’t cancel Tackler’s cloak, but rather work as on CovOps in Camo (you’re seen once you’re in Micro-locator’s range, you automatically go back to being cloaked if you leave the area of effect).


Instead of playing around with stacking modules nerfs and whatnot, having 3 same modules equipped shouldn’t be allowed. 3x Vernier/strafe inties seriously need to go.


Phase Suppressor’s damage debuff needs to last 2s at the very most, though it can deal the same total amount of damage, I don’t mind. As both a Tackler pilot and a Phase Suppressor user, I have to say it’s just ridiculous what this weapon does to Tacklers.


Doomsday Missiles - go ahead and hate on me. Doesn’t matter if they’re easy to deal with or not, the sheer idea of having a one hit kill auto-guided weapon on any ship role is preposterous when you account for the many slowing debuffs and stuns in this game and for the fact that it follows you for a good minute. Make it a dumb missile (no guidance).


Also, not that it matters at all, but Emergency Barrier - it’s okay as it is, though I would like an option to have it stackable, just because I like making up new builds. E.g. if you have 2 EB’s equipped, the recharge time is halved or it lasts a second longer.

Doomsdays would be fine if just limited to frigates only; they’re pretty much just modified cruise missiles with less range and more damage anyway. I don’t know why would anyone think it to be a good idea to let interceptors equip them, let alone at lower tiers as it used to be.

Actually, EM Scattering Field should be going off when your energy hits 0, and it should make you have negative energy regen for the duration. If a Long Range wants to be invisible and kill stuff at the same time, have it waste its hull/capacitor slots on energy regeneration modules. There, I said it.

Also could you please elaborate on why shield havoc needs a buff?

It gets a little hard to hit even bosses at PVE. Perhaps choosing where to place it would make things a lot better (charging time is reeeally long).

I dont know whats the big deal with EM scatter field, i find it so easy to spot cloacked LRFs even with positrons. My belief is that people is used to have “ship status” always on and forget about anything that doesnt show on the hud, kinda like bots…well that makes things pretty OP for the LRF. But we are not bots!! I cant understand why im usually the only guy that notices a cloacked LRF near the battle, even when he is shooting and im shooting at it. I would really love having a super pc to be able to record every game and show how many times ive spotted cloacked LRFs and took them out (i even recall once where a fresh spawned LRF came cloacked and i shot it down…he couldnt fire back (not gonna say who he was, but recently he had near 9k pilot rating :D). About RT, ok, he jumps out, now if you get a little closer and use a guided torp or desintegrator to finish him off, he is out.

BTW i dont use EM scatter. IR pulsar FTW! (why make yourself invisible without movement capabilities? better make the entire enemy team unable to see your team and their team while you can move all you want :D)

Pulsar needs a nerf. I’m willing to bet that most kills on average done by guards are made with this auto-damage debuff with a range of 1.1-1.5 km that doesn’t even require you to face the general direction of your target. Paired with MPI (and now the F8 nerf), it’s just OP.

Micro-locators should cancel out the effects of IR and White Noise within their range. Also they shouldn’t cancel Tackler’s cloak, but rather work as on CovOps in Camo (you’re seen once you’re in Micro-locator’s range, you automatically go back to being cloaked if you leave the area of effect).

lol no, you have no idea how hard is to complete R10 vanguard contract. I use guard a lot but dont play much PVP, any way, im not sure if ive ever completed that contract…even after i fully finish all other contracts for both vanguard and armada.

I thought micro locators…locate ships, not cloack or work as a electronic “healer”. The solely purpose of microlocators is to spot enemy ships and reveal cloacked ones if theres any on range, and its pretty balanced on that functionality (i doo agree that they are way too resistant, but hitbox is ok…they are micro right? and also that CD is a little quick).