Modules that need buffing or nerfing.

Honestly, Reverse Thruster

Totally unfair, although you have resistance reduction it’s still just a super backwards instajump which does create distance between you and the LRF, chasing an experienced LRF pilot after Reverse Thrust is almost suicide if you’re not a Recon, Tackler or a super Ceptor pilot. A bit more than 30 seconds reload time is just ridiculous, LRFs were meant for Long Range Assault and this module allows them to dive in, annihilate people with their super strong main weapons and then just jump out again and maybe add smth with their F modules to finish off the whole thing. If the LRF is under cloak, there are just 2 ways of counter which are moving behind (can easily be countered by turning) and the Ion Beam Warhead (which is rarely being used in the situation).


Balance could be: Triple the charge up time, Increase Cooldown time, change mechanics (make it something but not instant teleportation)

Even if I’m LRF pilot myself, I know how broken it is, it makes LRF to one of the favourite ship classes for veterans in high tiers, ask yourself why. Super Damage, decent tank capabilities and a cloak/vanish button. + Decent influence range with their F modules.

  • But as we know, there is probably no nerf going to happen, anyways, had to be mentioned.

Just make RT cancel the EM scattering field. Then you can see where the LRF has jumped, you can use the charging time to debuff it ( so ECM would be viable against RT) or other LRF in your team can focus fire the LRF after the jump


I agree that the LRF has been OP since the EM + RT wombo combo was introduced. I stopped playing them because that.

lol no, you have no idea how hard is to complete R10 vanguard contract. I use guard a lot but dont play much PVP, any way, im not sure if ive ever completed that contract…even after i fully finish all other contracts for both vanguard and armada.

Still for a no-aim AoE ‘weapon’, the damage is insane imo. So is the range.


I thought micro locators…locate ships, not cloack or work as a electronic “healer”. The solely purpose of microlocators is to spot enemy ships and reveal cloacked ones if theres any on range, and its pretty balanced on that functionality (i doo agree that they are way too resistant, but hitbox is ok…they are micro right? and also that CD is a little quick).

Maybe I should rephrase it. Not ‘cancel away’ as such, but when you have White Noise/IR pulsar on you, you should be able to target ships that are in range of a friendly Micro-locator.

Maybe I should rephrase it. Not ‘cancel away’ as such, but when you have White Noise/IR pulsar on you, you should be able to target ships that are in range of a friendly Micro-locator.

Still disagree with you (if we consider that white noise or IR pulsar is some sort of jammer with coms/radar, it doesnt matter to have a scanner near you, your connection to external things is obstructed (you would require to stick a microlocator in your ship imo), therefore you cant recieve signal from any other source). If you also meant to reveal cloacked ships (but without removing their cloack, so once they are out of range they remain cloacked), i totally agree with that last point…it would be some sort of captain recon radar,

Just make RT cancel the EM scattering field. Then you can see where the LRF has jumped, you can use the charging time to debuff it ( so ECM would be viable against RT) or other LRF in your team can focus fire the LRF after the jump


I agree that the LRF has been OP since the EM + RT wombo combo was introduced. I stopped playing them because that.

If the RT would also supply a total buff resistance for a short period would be great, yes.

Like 3 seconds before jump and 5 seconds after.

I like Recons.

I dont like enemies being able to shake of my spy drones while i am chasing them. Also this mechanic is totally undocumented (WTF??) and totally irritating for newer players. Every player unaware of this mechanic (I just learned of this mechanic just now btw, and i have >900 pvp battles) will immediatly assume that this game is totally buggy and spy drones just dont work reliably.


If you remove the ability to shake of the spy drones, it definetly needs a nerf regarding other parameters.

I would suggest nerfing the Duration by a large ammount (1/3 of the current duration maybe) and slightly reducing the Regen debuff (maybe set it to 30-35%).

When it comes to invisibility or anti radar stuff, it seems player gets confused anyway. Especially cov ops and lrf camo :slight_smile:

While the rt may need to be looked at, the lrf still needs some kind of mobility.

Reducing cooldown and active time for em scatter can cause its own problems too

The biggest difference between the EM Scattering Field and the Adaptive Camo is that one allows you to shoot but not move, while the other allows you to move but not shoot.


And to be serious :


  • Adaptive Camo = No module or Weapon because it’s breaking it / Last for 20 seconds / 126 seconds Cooldown (Mk1) (94 sec for Mk4)
  • EM Scattering field = No moving (but still not completly not moving) / Last for 40 seconds / 95 seconds Cooldown (Mk1) (71 sec for Mk4)


Am I the only one disturbed by this?

Am I the only one disturbed by this?

No, you aren’t.


Maybe make EM Scattering Field fail at short distances? Have them show up on HUD when within 2 or 3 km range and be lockable then. Locking could take about twice the normal time and there could be some flickering HUD effect.

Would be cool if RT shifted the ship instead of teleport. Would be nice to see LRFs smash into walls they didn’t see behind them

Would be cool if RT shifted the ship instead of teleport. Would be nice to see LRFs smash into walls they didn’t see behind them

You, you want to see some LRF suffer.


I like this.

In general it is better to use one thread per issue. Having everything in one thread makes it difficult to pick out the important stuff.

In general it is better to use one thread per issue. Having everything in one thread makes it difficult to pick out the important stuff.

So I shall make a thread “Reverse Thruster is broken” and expect something to happen? :slight_smile:

I really don’t see the point of the Mass Shield Generator, surely it needs a buff. 


It’s much weaker than a Charging Station for team use and much weaker than a Shield Booster for personal use. 

So I shall make a thread “Reverse Thruster is broken” and expect something to happen? :slight_smile:

haha keep dreaming

I really don’t see the point of the Mass Shield Generator, surely it needs a buff. 


It’s much weaker than a Charging Station for team use and much weaker than a Shield Booster for personal use. 

a)it goes through walls

b)more range

c)Mass Shield Generato can’t get destroid

d)when i look at a time of 40sec(reload time of both Mass shield gen and station) then i get with an station 9180pts shields as long as it dont get destoid and with an Mass Shield generator 6588pts(when it is still true that i get 2pts per 1energy) active heal and 2360pts passive heal(=8948pts)(all values are from a styx with 2265pts energy)

In general it is better to use one thread per issue. Having everything in one thread makes it difficult to pick out the important stuff.

This was placed in Game Discussion, not Suggestions :smiley:


I really don’t see the point of the Mass Shield Generator, surely it needs a buff. 


It’s much weaker than a Charging Station for team use and much weaker than a Shield Booster for personal use. 


a)it goes through walls

b)more range

c)Mass Shield Generato can’t get destroid

d)when i look at a time of 40sec(reload time of both Mass shield gen and station) then i get with an station 9180pts shields as long as it dont get destoid and with an Mass Shield generator 6588pts(when it is still true that i get 2pts per 1energy) active heal and 2360pts passive heal(=8948pts)(all values are from a styx with 2265pts energy)

e) Mass Shield Generator heals all targets in range, while heal stations only heal one target at a time

f)  Mass Shield Generator can consistently heal around 800 pts per tick for seven ticks (six seconds), while heal stations heal for much less over a longer period.

g) Mass Shield Generator can use extra energy to increase healing, while heal stations only heal so much no matter what

h) Mass Shield Generator is always on, while heal stations tend to be 50/50 or less active time, ignoring the fact that the entire team has to share.

Combat Reboot is a bit crazy. Invulnerability should be removed and replaced by +50 to all resistances or something like that.

Without Combat reboot fed gunships will be suicide vessels, they wont come out sudden bombing alive. Dunno about adjusting it, 1second? Its stackable with emergency barrier when timed correctly.

Reboot is okay, but the damage invulnerability should probably be cancelled if the player activates another module or fires the gun/missiles within the 2 second duration. It _is _a little ridiculous that the Fed Gunships can just divebomb in and get out easy with a reboot+regen. At least force the regen to go first, then they can’t use the invulnerability time to recoup energy for the heal module. The Wolf-M can be infuriating to deal with in tournaments - in many cases you’re better off just ignoring them on defense and hoping your area-denial effects make them go away.


Every deployable module in the game needs a larger hitbox, in my opinion. I see a microlocator, and I don’t even bother shooting it unless I have singularities. Even then, it sometimes takes two shots, if I don’t crit with a dogfighting build. I see a sentry drone, and if I have RF blasters, I can only shoot a few times a second, and generally miss if I aim at the circle unless staying perfectly still. Engineer heal stations don’t really get put in vulnerable positions very often, but when I see them, I generally don’t bother shooting them with anything but guided missiles because they’re too hard to consistently hit.

10000%. Even Heavy Guard Drones can be obnoxious to hit at the same range it can hit you from.


I have no idea why asynchronous shield projector was ever nerfed, but it’s such an incredibly bad module that I can’t help but feel sorry for it right now.

It’s been bad as long as I’ve been around. Capacitor Power Relay is strong for the wrong reasons - you can pump up regen without sacrificing a shield slot. Fairly nonsensical that a shield slot (where you’re sacrificing valuable space for something else like volume or resistances) offers no regen bonus worth sneezing at.


Honestly, Reverse Thruster

Totally unfair, although you have resistance reduction it’s still just a super backwards instajump which does create distance between you and the LRF, chasing an experienced LRF pilot after Reverse Thrust is almost suicide if you’re not a Recon, Tackler or a super Ceptor pilot. A bit more than 30 seconds reload time is just ridiculous, LRFs were meant for Long Range Assault and this module allows them to dive in, annihilate people with their super strong main weapons and then just jump out again and maybe add smth with their F modules to finish off the whole thing. If the LRF is under cloak, there are just 2 ways of counter which are moving behind (can easily be countered by turning) and the Ion Beam Warhead (which is rarely being used in the situation).

The solution is to remove the LRF’s ability to gunboat like it does, it’s hardly a long-range playstyle and doesn’t make much sense. If you want to frig-gunboat, take a Guard. I still advocate for Guards having 6 guns instead of LRF - Guards are meant to be heavy hitting area denial, why is it that a spongier role meant to play at long range can deal more close range damage?? Just give the LRF a built-in range bonus on its main guns, like a free Horizon Module’s worth or so.


Reverse Thruster is fine when used more defensively. It’s also wonderfully useful in Dread battles.


That all said, Snipers really are bad for gameplay in action shooters. Always have been. They never work the way they’re supposed to.


Doomsday Missiles - go ahead and hate on me. Doesn’t matter if they’re easy to deal with or not, the sheer idea of having a one hit kill auto-guided weapon on any ship role is preposterous when you account for the many slowing debuffs and stuns in this game and for the fact that it follows you for a good minute. Make it a dumb missile (no guidance).

Doomsdays are 100% fine in T5. In any other tier I would agree with you. There are very real and very significant tradeoffs made when you put Doomsdays on a fighter or interceptor - and I reserve the right to laugh at anyone who puts them on Frigates - you’re seriously better off with Cruise Missiles there. XD

If you think guards need 6 guns then perhaps you should also give ECM Orion module and command ships need overdrive. You sacrifice tank for Fire-power in ships role generally. :slight_smile:

The Capacitor Power Relay, Asynchronous Shield Projector and Implant R3-2 lost all their utilities when Shield Tanking was linearized. The value of base Shield Regen were all reduced.


The main problem with this modifiers is the fact that “All ships of the same size have the same Shield Regeneration for the same Rank”.


Meaning that an Empire Gunship Rank 15 (Lightbringer) have the exact same Shield Regeneration than a Jericho Figher Rank 15 (Sword S) which is 128 pts per second. Nor, one is tanking on Hull, the other on Shield.


Technically, this kind of modifier should be working extremly good with modules like the “Particule Purge” but nope.





 I still advocate for Guards having 6 guns

Guards don’t need 6 Cannons.

We already have the Phase Shield bonus which is helping us to fullfil our job. We take damages, we deal more damage and that’s enough.


What Guards need are more sensitive “Ship’s Bonuses” corresponding to what they have to do. When you see that the “Shared bonus on Guards is a +20% to Capacitor Size” and see how it’s applied…

And Weapons in adequation with Guards’s positioning >< 




Long Range Frigate

The true problem with this role is the fact they should be a free “Happy Meal” for Interceptors.

With their postions in battle, they are always isolated and free to engage. BUT !


  • EM Scattering field = Preventing you to use your Monotarget Debuffing modules. It’s litterally allowing a Frigate with 6 Cannons, able to use it’s weapons and modules and being immune to any form of Debuff. A Covert Ops with the “White Noise Jammer” should have the Match-Up in its favor but no. A Recon with Proximity mine and Spy drone should also have the Match-Up as well as an ECM using Stasis, Ion Diffuser or Weapon Inhibitor (And I don’t even mention Target Painter from Tackler). And immune to Guided Missile.
  • IR-Pulsar = You managed to lock me? DENIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED
  • Reverse Thruster = Saying it’s OP is not enough, you have to explain why it’s broken… Seriously 5000m Blink Out with 2 Seconds charging should talk for itself on Ships with 6 cannons and Long Range Special modules.



Doomsdays are 100% fine in T5. In any other tier I would agree with you. There are very real and very significant tradeoffs made when you put Doomsdays on a fighter or interceptor - and I reserve the right to laugh at anyone who puts them on Frigates - you’re seriously better off with Cruise Missiles there. XD

Cruise Missiles, Doomsday, Octopus share the same main Target: Frigates, with differents Optimal Range and Mechanics.

Cruise and Doomsday are sharing the Same Speed of 621 m/s and Cruise/Doomsday/Octopus the same Maneuvering speed of 30°/sec. 


  • The Cruise Missile is equiped with a Specific Pathfinder allowing it to fly around object to reach its target. Technically, it’s a smart missile with a long range.
  • The Doomsday is a simple Heavy Missile.
  • The Octopus is the Surprise Burst Missile with 1461 m/s as base speed and with 20 Seconds CD.


The problem is that Interceptors and Fighters can use missiles based on Frigates Stats while Frigates don’t have acces to any of the Interceptors/Fighters missiles. 

If Frigates had access to a “Crafted Firestorm Pod” or a simple “Rocket Launcher Pod” the situation would be different.