Module Tweaks (RT, A1MA, and misc.)

Existing Module Tweaks:


Iridium Heatsinks: +Make this module also reduce weapon charge accumulation time for Gauss Cannon and Positron Cannon


Improved Missile Pylons: +Make this module also reduce missile clip reloading time


Tetroxide Injector: +Make this module also affect strafe acceleration



Existing Module Reworks:


A1MA module: Rework- No longer functions as an aimbot. Instead, if activated, module maintains target lock and ignores target scrambling effects IR Pulsar and White Noise Generator. Duration: 15 Seconds.


Reverse Thruster: Rework- No longer functions as a reverse warp gate or as an active module. No longer restricted to LRF class. Changed to Frigate Passive Engine Module. Equipping a Reverse Thruster engine module allows the player’s ship to Afterburn backwards at 90% of its forward Afterburn speed.



New Module Suggestions:


Heavy Duty Pylons: New Universal Hull Module- Allows ship to launch two missiles at the same time. Ammo is consumed at double the normal rate.


Ammo Racks: New Universal Hull Module- Increases ship missile payload. Mk 1 = +1 Ammo, Mk 2 = +2 Ammo, Etc.


Forward Shields: New Frigate Shield Module- Increases front shield resistance to all damage by 10%. Decreases rear shield resistance to all damage by 20%.


Gun Servos: New Universal CPU Module- All main guns are able to fire to the side and rear of player ship without restriction.

Your new A1MA is still worse than the current one. Just saying.


And don’t get me started with a cov ops moving backwards at 400 m/s firing at his pursuer…

A1MA module: Rework- No longer functions as an aimbot. Instead, if activated, module maintains target lock and ignores target cancelling effects such as Chameleon, IR Pulsar, EM Scattering Field, Phase Modulator, Adaptive Camo, White Noise Generator, etc. Duration: 10 Seconds.


Not a fan of this. This will hit all cloak-dependent classes unnecessarily hard. Besides, we already have the recon. 



Reverse Thruster:  Rework- No longer functions as a reverse warp gate or as an active module. No longer restricted to LRF class. Changed to universal Passive Engine Module. Equipping a Reverse Thruster engine module allows the player’s ship to Afterburn backwards at 90% of its forward Afterburn speed.



Should this be limited to frigates? Eviscerador painted a pretty scary picture there.



Forward Shields:  New Frigate Shield Module- Increases front shield resistance to all damage by 10%. Decreases rear shield resistance to all damage by 20%.


Gun Servos:  New Universal CPU Module- All main guns are able to fire to the side and rear of player ship without restriction.


Forward shields makes things more dangerous for the frigate, but it’s a nice tradeoff, I suppose. Gun servos looks fun as well… singularities will now hurt a lot more, since dogfights usually involve shooting off to the side. Likewise for frigate weapons (coil mortars especially), and Jeri frigs will at least have some way of countering their massive blind spots.

Your new A1MA is still worse than the current one. Just saying.


And don’t get me started with a cov ops moving backwards at 400 m/s firing at his pursuer…


would much rather that a1ma to the current one. getting dropped in 0.8 seconds to orion+a1ma n00bs is getting tiresome

Your new A1MA is still worse than the current one. Just saying.


And don’t get me started with a cov ops moving backwards at 400 m/s firing at his pursuer…


Edited original suggestion.


  1. A1MA now only gives immunity to IR Pulsar and White Noise Generator. Duration increased to 15 seconds. Functions similar to Combat Reboot.


  1. Reverse Thruster limited to Frigate class.


  1. Ammo Rack payload boost changed to +1 additional ammo for each Mk level.


  1. Tetroxide Injector, Iridium Heatsinks, and Improved Missile Pylons descriptions re-worded for better clarity. Also, removed percentage suggestions.

How do heavy pylons work if you equip 2+ of them?

How do gun racks work if you equip 2+ of them?

How do ships with gun racks calculate damage inflicted, since it no-longer relies on actual barrel LoS?

Ammo Racks seem open to abuse. You could potentially have CovOps packing 5-6 Nukes for the sake of sacrificing a single Hull, or an LRF who can light up half the map with mines.

Also, how do Ammo Racks and Attack Drones interact?

Forward Shield requires too much work for too little payoff. It makes no sense for only certain ships to have directional shielding.

I don’t hate any of these ideas, but I think they all need improving, clarifying or redesigning.

  1. How do heavy pylons work if you equip 2+ of them?

2a. How do gun racks gun servos work if you equip 2+ of them?

2b. How do ships with gun racks gun servos calculate damage inflicted, since it no-longer relies on actual barrel LoS?

3a. Ammo Racks seem open to abuse. You could potentially have CovOps packing 5-6 Nukes for the sake of sacrificing a single Hull, or an LRF who can light up half the map with mines.

3b. Also, how do Ammo Racks and Attack Drones interact?

  1. Forward Shield requires too much work for too little payoff. It makes no sense for only certain ships to have directional shielding.

I don’t hate any of these ideas, but I think they all need improving, clarifying or redesigning.


  1. They wouldn’t. The number of missiles a ship would be able to launch simultaneously would need to be capped at 2, thus making multiple Heavy Pylons ineffective. Otherwise there would be fighters with 3x of those things dumping their entire payload of 6 missiles in one shot.




2a. I’m assuming you meant gun servos, and not gun racks. Multiple Gun Servos would not have any additional effect. If that is an issue, it could always be broken down into a percentage so that to get a full 180 degree firing arc would require 3x Mk 4 Gun Servos.


2b. Damage would be calculated as if the ship were always facing the target, as it is designed to remove blind-spots.




3a. Yes, this could be a problem. It could always be re-worked to be a crafted Pirate module that only grants 1 additional ammo and isn’t upgradable.


3b. Ammo Racks combined with Attack Drones would not increase the maximum number of drones a given ship would be able to deploy, it would only allow the pilot to have a replacement drone immediately available if one was destroyed in combat.




  1. If the issue is too-little payoff, it’s simple enough to boost the stats to 25%+ resistance at the front. This was more of a fun idea based on the intro movie where the Jeri pilot says the line “All power to the front shield!”.

All power to the front shield!

+1 for the rework of Aimbot and Reverse Thruster.

2b. Damage would be calculated as if the ship were always facing the target, as it is designed to remove blind-spots.

So does this mean they also get a damage boost firing forward?


Let’s just break this down into simple terms: let’s assume I have a railgun that deals 500 kinetic per barrel.


Current ship:

Firing in any direction - damage is 500 per barrel hit.


Your proposal:

Firing forward - damage is … what?


Firing sideways - damage is … what?


The way you described it sounds like it would either be 1000 per barrel, or 2000 regardless or barrel contact. That leads to obvious questions as to what happens when I have all four barrels with LoS and make contact with all four shots. How exactly are you factoring in the fact that each projectile inflicts damage individually, which is the reason side-shots are weaker?

Let’s just break this down into simple terms: let’s assume I have a railgun that deals 500 kinetic per barrel.


Current ship:

Firing in any direction - damage is 500 per barrel hit.


Your proposal:

How exactly are you factoring in the fact that each projectile inflicts damage individually, which is the reason side-shots are weaker?


That is exactly my proposal with that module. Gun Servos would allow all of the ships main guns to rotate 180 degrees, which means if you have 4 Kinetic railguns, all 4 of them will be able to shoot to the side and to the rear. So it’s not that the guns get an additional damage boost when firing forward, it’s that the guns will not lose any damage potential from shooting sideways or backwards.


Using your stats:


Ship without Gun Servos:

Forward- 2000 damage potential

Sideways- 1000 damage potential

Backwards- 1000 or 500 damage potential


Ship with Gun Servos:

Forward- 2000 damage potential

Sideways- 2000 damage potential

Backwards- 2000 damage potential


If this seems overpowered for a single CPU module, it can always be reduced to a 60 degree increment. That way it would take 3x CPU slots filled with Gun Servos to achieve a full 180 degree firing arc with no damage penalty.


Does it make more sense now? 

So it’s simply an increase in gun rotation, which isn’t what you said originally.


Weapon damage is based on how many projectiles hit. The reason weapons are weaker to the side is you usually only get 1-2 projectile hits as opposed to 3-4 head-on. One has to assume singularities and coil mortars are balanced to do less damage if some barrels have their line of sight blocked by the hull.


I’m fine with a module that increases rotation range of the gun barrels, but unless it’s done carefully then it could well cause unwanted issues and potential exploits, like artificially increasing forward firepower.

There is something regarding Reverse Thrusters coming in tomorrow’s patch, looks like a nerf, but rather see the numbers in the patch notes. 

There is something regarding Reverse Thrusters coming in tomorrow’s patch, looks like a nerf, but rather see the numbers in the patch notes. 

INN news? 


I look forward to reading the English translation about the upcoming update two days after the update has been released.

Basically (according to Google’s in-browser translation) two things stood out.


  1. Reverse Thruster will now have a warmup time similar to micro-warping, where the ship is vulnerable. Almost sound like the ship becomes immobile and can’t fire.


  1. There is a new engine module coming out which boosts Afterburner speed at the cost of normal thruster speed and energy.


Everything else was pretty blah, except for the mention of the 3 craftable “Tier 6” ships. Referred to as Bio-shredders. And yes, they used the term Tier 6.

to add to this:

  • Buff to tackler drone (most likely no energy consumption after deployment)

  • That engine is specific for GunShips, so either something about Engine overcharge or indeed specific engine module for GunShips

  • Something about reducing amount of AI controlled pirate ships (who knows maybe reduction of pirates in Invasion)

  • Something about reducing amount of AI controlled pirate ships (who knows maybe reduction of pirates in Invasion)


I thought it might have been in regards to the large number of complaints surrounding the PvE mission Pirate Base. A couple players have complained about the difficulty curve.