Modulate special modules

What I mean by this is instead of having players equip ship-specific weapons or modules directly in to a slot, there is a sort of secondary special module that is specific only to that class. Though as with all things that are changed like this, certain things would have to be changed. My main concern is the Brokk healing weapon. It could be activated and simply continuously fire at the crosshairs for a set amount of time before needing to “recharge”.

This would also allow for easier additions to other ships like a ramming module for the Sai/Reaper and a front-firing cannon for the Sawtooth.

Too much work,focus on developing T5 Balanced destroyers develop,develop,develop!(at least that’s what they would say)

It would take a single keybind and a bit of graphical manoeuvring to make this happen. It wouldn’t take but maybe 15 minutes. The part that would take longest is fitting the Brokk weapon in to module form.

What I mean by this is instead of having players equip ship-specific weapons or modules directly in to a slot, there is a sort of secondary special module that is specific only to that class. Though as with all things that are changed like this, certain things would have to be changed. My main concern is the Brokk healing weapon. It could be activated and simply continuously fire at the crosshairs for a set amount of time before needing to “recharge”.

This would also allow for easier additions to other ships like a ramming module for the Sai/Reaper and a front-firing cannon for the Sawtooth.

Then those premium ships will have 4 actives + 2 specials, and that’s actually pay to win, so, no. The only solution is making the other premiums available for free, but then who pays devs food?


I’m sorry, but no.