MMO - False Advertising

I don’t care it’s not, but don’t call it what it isn’t.

Yup. Supposedly they have MMO-esque features in the works, but as it stands it is false advertisement.

Yup. Supposedly they have MMO-esque features in the works, but as it stands it is false advertisement.


^ This. Though its not a huge deal, they advertise stuff that they dont even have out yet, as though they do. They need to pull that back and say instead “we have this in the works for the future” instead of playing it out as if they have it now.

The game is receiving an open sandbox shortly, It will be an MMO.

Its in beta still, which means as of right now its not done., wait for that whole war thing the hinted at in the FAQs


_ 20. Can players acuire enemy territories? _

The backstory of the game sets limits to what humanity can do in the galaxy. In a word since the space is naturally unstable players will not be ably to capture enemy territories once and for all though it will be possible to obtain domination in certain zones. It also should be possible to secure captured territories with turrets or automated stations, but these are still to be designed.

Somewhere in these forums there’s a post, by an actual STAFF MEMBER… Who claims they are working on an OPEN WORLD…

 So, considering it’s still in BETA… Chill out.

Somewhere in these forums there’s a post, by an actual STAFF MEMBER… Who claims they are working on an OPEN WORLD…

 So, considering it’s still in BETA… Chill out.


The game is receiving an open sandbox shortly, It will be an MMO.


How soon would that be Uhmari?


when that comes out i’ll start paying so far it feels like there’s not much to sink my money into.


It kills me that so many people do everything thing they can to tear something down.


For one, it’s in open beta.  It’s not false advertising, because they aren’t asking you to pay for an MMO service.  It’s F2P.  Any purchases are 100% optional, and merely enhance / accelerate game play.


Secondly, an MMO is defined as follows:  A computer game in which a large number of players can simultaneously interact in a persistent world.  Technically, this is fulfilled, simply by the sheer number of individuals present on the server at any given time, although “large number” is open to interpretation.  FYI, general chat equals interaction.


And last but not least, if you’re sincerely interested in knowing what’s coming out and when, there are resources in these forums and on the game site itself that will give an idea of future developments and an estimated timeline, where available.

Almost all online games MMO or not advertise themselves as MMO since it’s what brings in the customers…Deal with it, it’s good for the game, also of course it’s not an MMO.

Secondly, an MMO is defined as follows:  A computer game in which a large number of players can simultaneously interact in a persistent world.  Technically, this is fulfilled, simply by the sheer number of individuals present on the server at any given time, although “large number” is open to interpretation.  FYI, general chat equals interaction.

This would make Starcraft an MMO. And any other lobby-based game with a chat system.

This game is a lobby-based arena shooter / dogfighting sim. In space. It is not an MMO in the traditional sense of the word.


Does this make it a worse game? Hell no. What it does, it does exceedingly well. I don’t know why people get so worked up about whether or not it’s an MMO. It isn’t. It doesn’t have to be, either.

Look at the top games in the world- counterstrike, starcraft, league of legends (you may disagree but look at player numbers, these are top played games, and this is where most esports money goes). All of these are competitive games with fairly small number of players in a match, but does this matter?

Do you need a system like guildwars2 or planetside2 where you have hundreds of players on a map? No. More people does not mean automatically better.


This game isn’t an MMO and that’s a damned good thing as far as I’m concerned.

I don’t care it’s not, but don’t call it what it isn’t.

MMO = massively multiplayer online 

so if this game is not an mmo, than the MOBAs (lol, dota…), MMOFPS games (blacklight ret., gotham impostors…) , the instanced mmorpg games (rusty hearts, vindictus…) are not mmo games.


I rather call these games MMO than multi-player game.