MkI modules should be free

They are crappy and really only serve as a stopgap until players can afford Mk2/grind Mk3/buy prem/farm overcharge/farm experimental. Why should they cost anything at all?


Let them be free so people can bring their newly purchased ships to a playable state immediately upon purchase, without having to buy a bunch of trash modules. I think this is particularly frustrating at higher tiers, where the cost of all those MkI modules really does add up.

Or… stay in lower tiers until you can properly equip your higher tier ship?

Games must be designed to have a money drain mechanic. It is up to the player to work as efficiently within this framework as possible.


By my second day of gaming I had a fully kitted T2 frigate. You just have to avoid going on a spending spree. Buy only what you need and don’t buy extra ships.

Many Mk1 are only like ~5-10% difference from Mk3 (there are exceptions, of course). At that point it comes down to piloting skill, the extra couple % isn’t as important as out-flying your opponent. So, they’re not terrible. Plus, some Mk1 are *better* in some cases. E.g. the stuff that reduces hull to increase speed, you might not want the Mk3 hull reduction…

Or… stay in lower tiers until you can properly equip your higher tier ship?

I already do this, as do many players. However, this makes Mk I modules entirely useless for those of us who opt to wait until Mk2/3 before even playing the ship. So why are they there?  Might as well make them free so we can try the ship faster.

Many Mk1 are only like ~5-10% difference from Mk3 (there are exceptions, of course). At that point it comes down to piloting skill, the extra couple % isn’t as important as out-flying your opponent. So, they’re not terrible. Plus, some Mk1 are *better* in some cases. E.g. the stuff that reduces hull to increase speed, you might not want the Mk3 hull reduction…


When you add up that 5-10% from every module then you got a big difference there.


But not that I’m complaining, the MK1 modules are pisscheap anyway.

Games must be designed to have a money drain mechanic. It is up to the player to work as efficiently within this framework as possible.


By my second day of gaming I had a fully kitted T2 frigate. You just have to avoid going on a spending spree. Buy only what you need and don’t buy extra ships.


Sure.  I think Mk2 as a money drain is sufficient. They eventually get replaced by Mk3, and have an appropriate cost. Mk I doesn’t work as a money drain for those of us who skip Mk I entirely, rather, it is completely useless.  My suggestion to make them free at least gives them a use–to be able to online the ship quicker than waiting for Mk2/Mk3/experimental/overcharged, while not having a second layer of money sink.

You are claiming that a module you never buy is useless? That’s a tautology. 


Other people, myself included, will fly a ship with Mk I equipment and slowly earn money to improve up through Mk II and MK III.


Works perfectly well. I have fun playing with all setups and since you make money every battle, it’s only a matter of time till you are flush with cash again.

useless whining if you ask me…  its not that hard to get the money needed to buy MK1 items…

No they shouldn’t.

You are claiming that a module you never buy is useless? That’s a tautology. 


Other people, myself included, will fly a ship with Mk I equipment and slowly earn money to improve up through Mk II and MK III.


Works perfectly well. I have fun playing with all setups and since you make money every battle, it’s only a matter of time till you are flush with cash again.


You use this word tautology, but it does not mean what you think it does.


Sure, some people are okay with buying Mk I (especially at lower tiers).  Some people are also okay with wasting money on things that are completely unnecessary. That does not make it any less wasteful.