Mk.3 vs Mk.4 for the Colourblind

I’m colourblind and for me, even when I see Mk.3 and Mk.4 side by side I can’t tell any difference.  Normally this isn’t a problem but when looting a Mk.4 kit I can’t tell if the corresponding item in my inventory is already Mk.4 or only Mk.3.  This is the only part of the game my colourblindness gives me trouble with but it’s starting to drive me crazy!  Please add the Mk. of the modules to the information given when you hover over them while looting.

As far as I know the loot you can select and buy with GS/credits is always Mk4 Upgrade kit. The loot you automatically get is always Mk2 upgrade kit.

There is no Mk3 loot as there are no Mk3 upgrade kits.


At the ship equipment you can see what level you have when you mouse-over on upgrade of the equipment.


In the warehouse yous should also see detailed information when you mouse-over an item.

You misunderstood him. He’s referring to this window and specifically the part where it lists what you have in your warehouse:


As you can see it’s all named the same and just identified via the colours. So the suggestion would be to add the Mk.1-Mk.4 designations after the item name instead of just colouring them.

Okay. Makes sense to put the Mk in the text (would probably an easy fix too). Wasn’t sure what exactly he referred to.

Yes exactly!  Thank you for the screenshot.  Normally if you put 2 colours I have trouble with side by side I can at least tell that they are different but in this case they honestly look completely identical.  I’ve wasted millions of credits moving kits into my hangar only to discover I don’t need them.  It’s a bit of a hassle but I’ve made a list and started keeping it open in another window while I loot but I figured I’d still post about it because I can’t be the only one with this issue.  Is it remotely difficult for you folks with normal colour vision or is this strictly a colourblind man’s problem?

Yes exactly!  Thank you for the screenshot.  Normally if you put 2 colours I have trouble with side by side I can at least tell that they are different but in this case they honestly look completely identical.  I’ve wasted millions of credits moving kits into my hangar only to discover I don’t need them.  It’s a bit of a hassle but I’ve made a list and started keeping it open in another window while I loot but I figured I’d still post about it because I can’t be the only one with this issue.  Is it remotely difficult for you folks with normal colour vision or is this strictly a colourblind man’s problem?

Well, the colour code in that window was introduced few weeks ago. Before that you had to guess, or just remember if you already had that purple module or not.


In many cases, yes, I wasted credits in kits that I salvaged as artifacts after checking that I already had that module upgraded.


I hope they include a colorblind option tick which will switch colours to others more friendly for color blind people.

Is it remotely difficult for you folks with normal colour vision or is this strictly a colourblind man’s problem?

No, it’s due to your colourblindness, it’s easy to differentiate for me. But as Eviscerador said, we probably all used to waste lots of credits until recently.

Devs should Fix this right away, add a text with mkI, mkII,mkIII etc…

shouldn’t take long to fix and will help anyone with any colorblindness :slight_smile: