Mixed Ships

It would be really cool to see some special ships that have the abilities and modules of different classes, such as a LRF+Engineer or Gunship+Command mix. Such ships would immediately become the center of attention and be signs of power or prowess amongst the pilots. They should be near impossible to get in high tiers and should all have various special weapons and modules that combine the features of the classes.


Discuss the pros and cons please. I really want to see what people think about this, as I believe hybrid ships have been talked about in the past.

Pros are the pros of every role mixed together, cons are the pros lol but we are beginning to see hybrid ships of some sorts so we got that going for us. (stingray, karud and other special specials ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) )

We had that in 0.7 and it was terrible - acquisition time should never be a main balancing factor

5 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Pros are the pros of every role mixed together, cons are the pros lol but we are beginning to see hybrid ships of some sorts so we got that going for us. (stingray, karud and other special specials ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) )


4 hours ago, xKostyan said:

We had that in 0.7 and it was terrible - acquisition time should never be a main balancing factor

Okay so tell me, where did I say that “every role” would be mixed together? That’s right, I didn’t. This is a specific relationship between two roles and no more.

39 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:


Okay so tell me, where did I say that “every role” would be mixed together? That’s right, I didn’t. This is a specific relationship between two roles and no more.

And as you perfectly remember from 0.7 we did not haev every role mixed to everything, there were separation even back then.

7 hours ago, xKostyan said:

And as you perfectly remember from 0.7 we did not haev every role mixed to everything, there were separation even back then.

This is still irrelevant. I don’t understand what you are griping about.

Do you think I mean like combo of inty and frig? If so you are mistaken.

We understand what you mean, i can confirm that i do, although im just mostly joking around about it but as we speak about those ships rigth now, we are getting those mixture ships gradually in the game as premiums and similar.