Simple question and suggestion at the same time.
When do you plan to fully release so called Mark 5 modules?
I know that all modules will be probably only available for Tier V, rank 13-15 and below.
[Suggestion](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28223-tier-v-mark-5-invasion-exclusive-blueprints-make-them-available-through-missions/) how to get them otherwise, than to be forced to search them in Open Space already exist.
Do you have any plans to give us the system to create [Mark 5 Kits](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27140-mark-5-items-in-the-workshop-unlock-each-one-permanently-with-one-time-investment-monocrystals-research-only/)? I already wrote some suggestions on such subject.
There is another [old suggestion](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27036-revised-economic-model-for-upgrades-mark-3-and-mark-5-only/) tied to Mark 5 Kits, but a slightly different one.