missing in-hangar notifications issues

When you buy any item, you get a message in your hangar, provided that you got such notifications enabled in the game.

Problem is that some notifications are missing or were not included, due to unknown reasons.



Notification feedback in the hangar: (bottom-right corner of the screen)


Missing notification, when you upgrade with a Mark 2 Kit.

Missing notification, when you upgrade with a Mark 4 Kit.


Missing notification, when you use credits to upgrade to Mark 2 level.

Missing notification, when you use loyalty vouchers to upgrade to Mark 3 level.

Missing notification, when you use Iridium to upgrade to Mark 4 level.


Missing notification for completed errands (Open Space missions).

Missing notification for completed daily monocrystal missions.



Optional: (not necessary to be implemented, but desired to be)


Iridium transfer from personal account to corporate account should be listed in a notification (only visible by the user - private)

Here is the example:

“Specified User” transferred “Specified amount of Iridium” from personal account to corporate account.

Koromac transferred 2250 Iridium from personal account to corporate account.


If Officer, Vice President and CEO transfers, uses corporate account (not his own) Iridium in any way, all corporation members should see a notification. (seen by all - public)


Here is the example:

(“Specified User” used “Specified amount of Iridium” for “Specified function”)

Mowant used 25000 Iridium for T4 Turret.


Same applies if somebody used Speed Boost option, etc. You get the idea!



Missing notification in the looting screen: (suggestion was already provided by me, but I only want to suggest  a much better and faster solution)


Daily PvE (purple loot spot) always shows that it gives Iridium, when salvaged. This is incorrect. It also gives components as well. Components vary, based on the equipment from such loot spot.

Tier V Mark 4 Kits will give you an additional bonus to resources, at least two different types from a range of 3 to 6 items.


Instead of “interface guy” struggling with a new model design for such adaptations, when you salvage a module, I am suggesting the following.

You should only see the middle Iridium gained option 18-25-36 for Tier V and in-hangar notification, while in the looting screen instead.


Edit: Will add screenshots to present my case here a bit later.

Update: Editing now!