Missiles! ...again!

Anyone else like it better when we could carry two types of missiles on one ship? Me too. I loved having a nice Attack-Drone/Firestorm combo.

But instead of multiple tiers of ammo, just have things for specialty ammo like attack drones or mines or ion beam. So players won’t be stuck with one useless thing when their drones get torped or their minefield is placed wrongly. So like an engi with attack drones and torpedos. Or an LRF with a minefield and cruise missiles. Or a command fighter with ion beam warheads and thermal missiles. I want multiple types back!

Anyone else like it better when we could carry two types of missiles on one ship? Me too. I loved having a nice Attack-Drone/Firestorm combo.

But instead of multiple tiers of ammo, just have things for specialty ammo like attack drones or mines or ion beam. So players won’t be stuck with one useless thing when their drones get torped or their minefield is placed wrongly. So like an engi with attack drones and torpedos. Or an LRF with a minefield and cruise missiles. Or a command fighter with ion beam warheads and thermal missiles. I want multiple types back!

Keep dreaming. Missiles now are perfect. With the current metagame, dual ammo and dual missile slots would be overpowered. They were removed for a reason.

Well, more missiles = more spam.

I’m fine with singular misse types, but I really wish missile reload speed buffs applied to the cartridge reload as well.

I’m fine with singular misse types, but I really wish missile reload speed buffs applied to the cartridge reload as well.

Same deal. Two minutes for a cartridge is so looooong

Well, more missiles = more spam.


Yeah, I fully agree with it. And it also means more ship repair cost & ammo replenishment cost.


So, two missile slot is good for premium ship players, but bad for F2P players.